Yakuza 3 Remastered - How to Get Through Blocking Enemies

yakuza 3 revelations drunk

yakuza 3 revelations drunk - win

Yakuza 0 reminded me what craving for a chance to play a game feels like

You guys remember that feeling when we were kids and we couldn't wait to get back home from school to play that game on our SNES/Gameboy? How excited we used to be just to get home to play those games? Until recently, it felt like a lifetime has passed since I've had those same butterflies in my stomach to play a game. Now I'm a responsible adult with a fulltime job, a more than capable rig and unlimited money to buy whatever games I want (and yet I still choose to be a patientgamer- go figure!) So you'll understand when I say, I don't daydream about what I'd do in X game when I get to play today like I used to back when I was a kid. Yakuza 0 changed that. What is Yakuza 0 you ask? I'm glad you asked.
Yakuza 0 is like the Japanese Grand Theft Auto (GTA has got nothing on Yakuza though as Yakuza is wayyy more story-rich and oozing with substance than GTA has ever managed to, and that's coming from someone who has played all of 3D GTAs but never a Yakuza game before). Yakuza 0 is ALSO a game that can throw you off real good if you go into it blind - yet the trick IS actually to go in blind, especially if you haven't played any of the other games in the series. The reason behind it is two-pronged. First up, that the "0" in the game's name is not there to make for a stylish title (that's merely a welcome side-effect I believe) but it's because this game is a prequel to the entire Yakuza series. Two, because it is claimed as one of THE best stories in the entire series, if not of all time among other non-Yakuza games as well. As someone who had never played a single Yakuza game before, I was advised by many to go in blind. And I'm glad I did.
So the story starts off real slow and you get a really strong, silent type yet boring protagonist whose story you couldn't give two shits about. But then, around chapter 3, a secondary protagonist is introduced (!!) and it completely turns things around. I started having fun because this new guy was written extremely well and his life was much more interesting, his missions were much more interesting, his personality was much more interesting, his fighting style was much more interesting and even his side-stories were much more interesting. So we spent two missions together when something big happens and I'm back to using the first protagonist. That's not to say that the first protagonist stays boring forever; as his story progresses, he starts to grow on you too but he's essentially a very different personality than the other one. After a while of this back and forth, I started seeing the pattern. You get each protagonist for two missions in a row and you play the missions with them. They're completely unaware of each-other's existence, just like Grand Theft Auto 4 and it's DLCs, but they have their stories panning out parallel to each-other's in a shared world. And yet, once again, like GTA 4 and it's DLCs, the events surrounding them unfold in such a way that these protagonists are eventually set on an inevitable collision course which leaves the player guessing as to which chapter they're finally going to cross paths with each-other (and you get to discover awesome stuff when you deliberately try to make them meet by visting the places frequented by the other protagonist while controlling one, as in the game acknowledges it and rewards you with a little something instead of there being just nothing just because they don't want you breaking the game's rules).
As for progression, look, I'll be honest- Yakuza 0's progression mechanics are plot devices. Which is to be expected from a game tagged with "Story-Rich" keywords. But, boy, do the developers use those plot devices beautifully and skillfully! After just a couple chapters in the game's story, you get sucked in for a wild ride. I found myself to be at the edge of my seat everytime the cutscenes played. And the way the dialogues kinda work in this game, it reminded me of Fallout New Vegas so much. FNV was also old and clunky with dialogue boxes while being a veteran at progressing the game with just stories despite that handicap. And I'm amazed at how similar Yakuza 0 is to FNV in that regard. Yes, both are hard to get into because of their clunkiness but once you do, you'd be enamoured, biting your nails for the next grand revelation in the overarching story while enjoying the thoughtfully written side stories simultaneously. As a result, the series has earned the title of "Japanese underworld soap opera" among fans.
However, the game definitely isn't without it's drawbacks. And, boy, there are many.
For a game made in 2015, the UI/UX feels garish and clunky that's on par with 2010's Fallout New Vegas. Its definitely better than New Vegas, but only marginally so in that department. All in all, even if I look past the UI, the UX is just... unacceptably bad.
Then come the graphics which are a mixed bag because of how inconsistent they are throughout the game. For the first 6-7 hours, I was playing the game with all graphics settings cranked to high. Despite having a rig good enough to play 2019 titles on 1080p @ 60+ FPS, I was getting sub-optimal performance with everything looking blurry that was a blatant eyesore. It was only after a few google searches that I realized that I was supposed to turn off the "Render Scaling" option in the graphics settings to get rid of those blurry visuals. However, that didn't solve the low-FPS issue so after a few more google searches, I was forced to change the SSAA setting to 4x from 8x and that's when I gained 7-10 extra FPS to make the gameplay smoother and more enjoyable. That's not the end of it though because even the scripted cutscenes aren't consistent as to the graphics. For the main story, you have real-time cutscenes with voice and animation, pre-rendered high quality cutscenes with voice and animation and comic-strip style cutscenes with only voice. For substories, you have real-time cutscenes with just animation and text-boxes but no voice. This inconsistency can be quite unsettling at first, especially considering the fact that this is a modern AAA game we're talking about but after a while, you'll get used to it.
Next up, tutorials for the numerous mechanics this game sports. It was, for me, quite unexpected of Sega to push this game out with an astounding lack of proper tutorials. There's a lot of stuff I never used in-game because there wasn't any explanation for whether they existed, what they existed for and/or why I should use them. While that is fine for non-essential mechanics, it's absolutely unacceptable for core mechanics. For instance, the game doesn't ever tell you how to save. Yes, that is true. I had to google how to save the game. Spoilers- you go to one of the many public telephones in the game and activate them to save the game. Another example- I never knew there was a sprint option in the game until I was 45 hours in because the game neither explains it, nor mentions it in the "Controls" menu where all key inputs for different mechanics must be listed. I got suspicious because there were some vague references to "normal run and sprint" in a non-essential mechanic (Completion Points Gift shop menu). I suspect there's still a lot more about this game I still don't understand. I certainly don't know where to restock ammo for Kiryu because the game gave me weapons to use as Kiryu but has never pointed me to a store where I can buy ammo as Kiryu.
Another glaring issue with this game is that most of the time, you can't walk 10 feet in either direction without stumbling across a side-story cutscene or street punks looking to prove their mettle surrounding you to get you to kick their asses which just becomes really annoying after past a certain point. More often than not, I found myself in situations where I had to drop the game and go take care of some stuff so I tried to save the game via a telephone booth just around the corner but I took two steps in that direction and a lengthy side-story cutscene started playing, which, if I don't watch, I won't be able to rewatch like I can do with the main campaign cutscenes from the main menu afterwards. Once the cutscene ended, I walked maybe 3 feet before a large group of punks insisted on getting their asses handed to em by me. Great, that's another 10 minutes. By the time I finish with them and get to the telephone booth, I find a boss-level enemy camping there who is waiting for me to show up so he can rob me by challenging me to yet another fight and then defeat me. Obviously, I don't have that much time to waste so I turn around and start walking to another one of the phonebooths and the entire cycle starts again. It's infuriating how much inconvenience a simple save can cause you just because the devs tried to be creative instead of giving you the option to save from the "Escape" menu. To top it all off, there are absolutely no autosaves in this game either so if the game crashes or you have to leave the game while you're in the middle of a 90 minute cutscene, too bad because you gotta do it all over again.
The world-building, well... I can't comment on it because everything was in Japanese (oh, and be ware that all of the audio for this game is in Japanese as well but you get English subtitles which is, honestly, more of a strength of Yakuza 0 than a weakness because the original Japanese cast has done a mindblowing job of conveying the emotions through their voice which I doubt could be replicated as well if it was dubbed). Neither Kamurocho nor Sotenbori feel like a lived-in city like Grand Theft Auto's fictional ones do. Maybe that has something to do with everything being in a foreign language, I can't say. 95% of all billboards are Japanese. The mini-map doesn't auto-rotate making navigation pain in the ass until you learn the towns' layouts like the back of your hand (I never managed to but that's probably because of how little I've played). And the most disappointing of all- the constant fights you're dragged into unwillingly. I mean, past a certain point, you wish the game had an adaptive dynamic AI state or a "level up" about you that makes most gangs cower away from you because of your reputation. But nothing like that happens as every Tom, Dick and Harry drunk off their ass want to start a fight with you and then magically become pro fighters with a lotta health. Not to mention that during said "ambient encounters", I've seen civilians disappearing into thin air as the game scrambles to convert a street side into a barricaded arena (which you can't leave until you're done) which further destroys the live-in feel of the towns.
All in all, I HATED this game at first but as the story progressed, I found myself constantly craving to fire the game back up again because I was so addicted to it. A solid 8/10 from me because the story alone compensates for ALL of it's drawbacks, even the ones I have not listed in my review. This is my new favorite along with Fallout New Vegas and Mass Effect.
Shooreh Pippi, friends.
submitted by Justice_Buster to patientgamers [link] [comments]

That Long Mida Rana Rewrite I Was Suppose To Make.

Unfortunately I can not draw and can not provide an illustration that would do this incarnation of Mida justice. Also Senju is a real Japanese surname that means “teacher”.
Name - Mida Senju (Birth name: Mida Rana)
Age - 20 (June 9th) ||Most students believe she’s in her mid-twenties||
Persona - Perceptive yet Lenient (More likely to notice suspicious/troublesome behavior but prefers not to be strict with the school’s rules.)
Crush - None
Strength - ???
Role - 7th Week Obstacle / Substitute Teacher
Reputation - +55 ( 45 Fear, 40 Liked, 75 Respected )
~ An alumni of Akademi High. She graduated at the age of 14 and recognized as an extremely promising student.
~Often tutors students late into the evening and sometimes visits their homes after school (even late at night) if needed.
~??? - She keeps three spare shirts around school. One in the faculty room, one in her car, and one under class 3-2’s podium.
~??? - Old pictures of her dressed inappropriately in front of an old class of hers after losing a bet to them can be used to start rumors about her lusting after the students in the school.
~??? - Has permission to stay overnight at the school from the headmaster for unknown reasons & has been observed to have Short Sleeper Syndrome.
~??? - Changed her name from Mida Rana to Mida Senju after graduating high school.
~??? - Her mother lives at ??? & her step-father lives at ???.
~??? - Her biological father was among the victims of the Fox Masked Eviscerator, an unidentified serial killer from 9 years ago known for desecrating the corpses of their targets and leaving them for display.
~??? - Neglected by her parents when she was young. Having her talk with a student having family issues will keep her busy for a while.
~??? - Mida’s step-father claims that she tried to kill him around the time of the murders.
~??? - Every victim of the Fox played a part in sexually assaulting Iroha Rana during her high school years in the late 90’s.
||BACKGROUND|| Mida Rana was a product of sexual assault and unwanted by her mother for a majority of her childhood. Iroha Rana, her mother, gave her the name Mida after her boyfriend at the time suggested it, lying about the meaning of the phrase “midarana” and describing it as unique and easily identifiable. Iroha saw her daughter as her biggest mistake throughout her life and neglected raising Mida, finding any excuse to keep herself away from her daughter. When Mida was 6, her mother remarried and entered another abusive relationship with a man who wanted to control them both and tried his best to make Iroha psychologically dependent on him. Mida resented her step-father and was inspired by her favorite light novel character to separate her parents by becoming smarter than her father and tricking him into ruining his own reputation. She studied night after night relentlessly for years before her plan became useless once her mother with her own resolve divorced her step-father. Mida was 10 years old when her mother for the first time cried for hours in front of her while apologizing for being a terrible mother and treating her like a mistake for many years. By then, Mida was recognized as a genius by the community and a 2nd year student in middle school / junior high. Without her goal of humiliating her father, Mida found herself unmotivated to continue her studies until a teacher she idolized recommended pursuing a career in education, as a way to prove she could be a better teacher than her step-father. Mida continued to impress her peers and elders after her passion was reignited, and eventually she earned her way into Akademi High School with a scholarship. She had enjoyed her life up till that point, but a few months into her freshman year, she was dragged down an alley and nearly raped by a yakuza member when shopping in Shitsua Town. During their struggle, Mida grabbed and repeatedly stabbed the man with his own knife, not stopping until his friend came upon them. She ran as far and fast as she could from the scene, and after returning home, she was consoled by her mother. While her mother wanted her to pretend it never happened, Mida felt a desire for justice and a lust for blood against anyone who had wronged her mother and young girls just like her. She decided to dress herself up in her mother’s old highschool uniform, wrap her exposed skin with gauze bandages, wear a dirty reddish brown fox mask, take multiple kitchen knives, and buy an old rusty naginata from a thrift store. Afterwards, she followed her first target (the friend of the man who assaulted her) after he went home drunk one night, murdered him in his sleep, carved a message into his body, and dragged him outside of his front door where he could be found. She repeated the process of stalking and killing 7 times (4 men & 3 women) without leaving a trace of evidence and caused a huge uproar. It was after she decided to target her step-father that an upperclassman figured out her identity and confronted her. Mida didn’t remember what happened that night, but afterwards she no longer craved the blood of the wicked, burned all evidence linking her to the “Fox Masked Eviscerator”, and developed a small crush on that upperclassmen. Mida’s remaining time at Akademi was relatively peaceful after her first year. She graduated from highschool at 14 years old and went to a university partially funded by Saikou Corp to pursue a career as a teacher. After gaining her certifications, she has been hopping around the country as a short-term substitute teacher for many public and prestigious private schools, earning a good reputation but having nasty baseless rumors spread about her. After Kaho Kanokogi’s “accident”, the headmaster personally requests for Mida, who now went by Mida Senju, to become class 3-2’s substitute homeroom teacher.
~ Mida has messy dark brown hair tied up in a ponytail and brown eyes. She has a beauty mark on the bottom left side of her face and wears light make-up on some days to make herself look older. Some days, she walks into class without tying her hair but does it right before class starts unless interrupted.
~ Her outfit consists of a loose sleeveless red shirt with a black cardigan that has short sleeves and a pair of slightly torn/ripped black slacks. She’s often reprimanded for her lack of etiquette and sloppy way she dresses, but she’s usually forgiven due to the sheer amount of work she can have done..
~ If Ayano steals all of her spare shirts, her bra can be seen through her shirt in the afternoon if she’s doused in water.
||MIDA’S WEEK|| ~ Sunday
*Can be found at a ramen shop in the evening in casual clothing. Ayano has the option of introducing herself before or after Senpai bumps into her as she gets up, knocking him down on the floor. Mida will help him up, ask if he’s a student from Akademi, and says they’ll be seeing each other again soon. Ayano then has the option to either follow Senpai & friends or Mida Senju. Following Senpai ends the day. Following Mida uncovers where she lives. Staying around longer reveals that she’s either checking in with former students on video calls or training with an authentic Naginata named Komainu. Ayano can then choose to leave or spy longer until she accidentally falls asleep and later wakes up in Mida’s bed.
~ Monday
*Beginning from Home: Ayano arrives at school to find Senpai and Mida chatting at the school’s gate. Eavesdropping reveals a conversation about Mida hoping to get along with him and his class as their new substitute teacher.
*Beginning from Mida’s Home: Embarrassed after being caught, Ayano tries to sneak away but is stopped by Mida who hands her a spare student uniform and forces her to wash herself up before they leave. After tidying herself up, Ayano is rebuked on the dangers of being out at night alone then demands Ayano for the truth of why she followed her. If Ayano tells a lie or remains silent, Mida will sigh in disappointment and offer Ayano a ride to school. If Ayano tells the truth, Mida will laugh at the thought of her dating a student and reassures Ayano that even if Senpai develops a crush on her, she will crush his spirits with a straight forward rejection. Afterwards, she will take Ayano to school.
*Schedule: Mida will head straight for the faculty room and remain there until morning class. After class, she will stop Senpai from leaving and question him on why his grades are dropping. Depending on the outcome of the previous weeks, Senpai either gives a simple response or a tragic retelling of the game’s events so far. After the afternoon class period, Mida will head back to the faculty room where she will remain until 5:30. She leaves for the day afterwards. Intercepting her will allow Ayano to tag along with her if she told Mida the truth in the morning. While in town, they can further discuss why Ayano’s actions were reckless, have Mida give tips on following a target to Ayano, talk about Taro Yamada, and/or encounter a special event involving the Basu sisters. They depart once Ayano has decided to leave or it becomes 7:00. Later on, Mida stops by Senpai’s home to ask his parents to schedule a Parent-Teacher conference on Wednesday.
*Early Morning Start: If Ayano goes to Shitsua Tiwn from 6 AM to 7:30 AM, she can encounter Iroha Rana in a convenience store between 6:55 & 7:10. If Ayano leaves before 6:45 AM, she will encounter a drunk old man on a stroll who makes nasty comments about her appearance and face.
*Morning: Senpai, Mida, and one of the first 3 rivals will be having a conversation about prospective grades and why focusing on their studies is extremely important. A low atmosphere causes Senpai to agree with Mida more intensely.
*Schedule: Heads straight to the faculty room after the morning conversation. At 7:50, she will head to class 3-2 early and fix her hair before class starts. After class she heads to the bathroom on the 1st floor then has a phone call with her mother near the water fountain 10 minutes before lunch ends. Mida’s mother mentions not being able to find a good scratch card at a convenience store for almost 15 minutes. After the afternoon classes, Senpai informs Mida that his parents will meet with her tomorrow at 4:45. Mida then stays in the faculty room until 5:30 and leaves for town.
*Evening: Mida can be found at the ramen shop on a video call with a former student before 6:30 or chatting with the Yakuza character after accidentally bumping into him at 6:35. They separate once Ayano approaches them.
*Evening with Ayano: If Ayano intercepted Mida, Mida will allow Ayano to tag along. They can talk about Mida’s mother, Ayano’s family, her Naginata named Komainu, or her father’s death. If Mida is still composed after their conversations, they will eat at a food stand together. If Mida starts feeling down, she’ll tell Ayano to enjoy her evening and leave for home. When getting up from the food stand, Ayano bumps into the Yakuza character. His reaction is dependent on their relationship and Ayano’s willingness to apologize. Mida will then step in between them and ask for Ayano to be forgiven. He turns away and remarks that Mida reeks of blood before walking off and taking a phone call. Mida bids farewell to Ayano afterwards.
~ Wednesday
*Schedule: Mida does not have a morning conversation with Senpai. She arrives at 8:15 after over sleeping and teaches for the rest of the day with her hair down. At lunch, she walks to the school’s entrance to pick up an ordered meal and eats in class 3-2. After afternoon classes, she travels to the faculty room to prepare materials and a record of senpai’s grades then heads to a free room to hold the meeting with the Yamada family. It ends anywhere between 5:15 and 5:50. After finishing, Mida heads to town.
*Evening: Senpai and his friends can be found at the ramen shop with Mida between 6:50 & 7:10. There, Mida urges Senpai even more to make his studies his highest priority. They can be interrupted by an ally of Ayano if she requests it.
*Evening with Ayano: Mida & Ayano can continue their topics from yesterday or start new ones including Mida’s influence on Senpai, Mida’s step-father, the school’s reputation, Mida’s real surname, and embarrassing moments in her career. Before Mida leaves, Ayano can try to convince Mida to let stay the night at her home. If convinced, they can continue one previous conversation on the way there. After they arrive, Mida asks if Ayano had a change of clothes then tells her to look in the closet for a spare if she doesn’t. At 8 PM, Mida suddenly begins a full-on interrogation against Ayano, her motives, and her past actions. After it ends, Ayano can either choose to leave or continue to stay the night if Mida gives her the option. Mida stays awake until 2 AM.
~ Thursday: The morning is dependent on her fondness or animosity towards Ayano
*Neutral: She can be found in town around 7 AM at the grocery store. Ayano can use another student to distract her for an hour and cause her to arrive at the school around 8:15 AM. If not, she will be at the school early and try to persuade Senpai once more to focus on his school work and minimize the time he spends socializing with others.
*Friendly: Mida leaves early in the morning at 6:15 AM to buy groceries and comes back at 6:50 to take Ayano to school if she hasn’t left. At school, Mida will avoid the conversation with Senpai and interrupt one involving him with Osana, Amai, or Kizana if Ayano convinces her to let her get closer to Senpai.
*Suspicious: If more than 5 students have been murdered or went missing, Ayano has been suspected for murder, or 1 student has witnessed her covered in blood or committing a crime but Mida isn’t friendly, Mida will warn Senpai of being deceived by his peers and to spend time alone away from others to help himself recover from his accumulated stress. She’ll also warn him about the trauma he could go through from starting a relationship at a time when death is a common topic of discussion, especially if Osana was eliminated with a violent method.
After the morning class, she will announce that the afternoon class will be a study hall and leave the school for the rest of the day. Ayano can sneak out of school and follow Mida to town. She can spy on Mida at the Maid Cafe with a man and a teenage girl that hand her a picture and a thin envelope. Later in the evening, Mida goes home but isn’t seen leaving for the rest of the night. Ayano can find her at the house of the old man she saw early Tuesday morning. If Ayano chooses to enter, she will first here pleading then a big slash coming from the 3rd bedroom. Inside, Ayano can find a woman wearing a Fox mask and holding a large weapon standing over a corpse. After being noticed, a mini-game of hiding and running away begins that either ends in Ayano escaping or being knocked out.
~ Friday:
*Beginning From Home: Mida arrives at school around 8:20 AM and rushes to her classroom. During lunch, she calls out Senpai and tells him to meet with her after school at the water fountain.
*Beginning with Mida: If Ayano has admitted to murdering/kidnapping one or more students, Mida will be wearing her Fox Killer attire without the mask. She’ll admit to being the serial killer from 9 years ago and promises to explain her actions if Ayano can trust her and not reveal the secret to anyone. Mida also promises to fulfill any request Ayano has. They both change and head to school. If Ayano hasn’t admitted to killing anyone, then Mida will wear her normal clothes. After Ayano wakes up, Mida will go to Ayano’s side and tell her that she was found on her doorstep in the middle of the night after someone rang the doorbell. She asks Ayano if she can remember what happened to her. If Ayano calls Mida the Fox Masked Serial Killer, then Mida will explain to her why she murdered the old man and pulls out the envelope. Inside is a list of all the heinous crimes he’s committed for the past 3 years including manslaughter and harassment. Mida then asks Ayano to trust her and even promises to grant her any favor she wants. Afterwards, she has Ayano clean herself up and takes her to school.
*Schedule: At 3:05 PM during the afternoon class, Mida will be called to the headmaster’s office then come back at 3:25. If Ayano eavesdrops on the main office, she’ll learn that a police officer came to inform her that her step-father was found beheaded in his home at noon. At 5:00 PM, Mida meets Senpai at the water fountain and urges him one last time to place his grades, school work, and career ahead of everything else going on for the rest of his senior year to ensure he’s the best version of himself that he can be. His reaction is dependent on Ayano’s actions. If Ayano has influenced Mida, she will then apologize to Senpai for being too overbearing and tell him that he should still seek friendships and love but be careful on who he picks. After school, she can be found at the ramen stand next to the shore. There, Ayano can ask for the full story of the Fox Masked Eviscerator.
~ If Ms.Kanokogi is only mildly injured after falling down the stairs, then Mida will hang around town during Osoro & Hanako’s weeks but leave the Monday night of Megami’s week. In town, she can be asked various questions about the activities of students outside of school and can be convinced to follow Osoro Shidesu whenever she’s around town. If Mida was befriended, Ayano can still spend some nights at her house and later convince her to distract a bodyguard of Megami’s that she’s acquainted with.
~ If Ms.Kanokogi can’t return for the next few weeks or longer, then Mida will continue being the homeroom teacher of class 3-2. Her morning schedule is sporadic and unpredictable, but she will have the same afternoon schedule that all other teachers have. She can sometimes be found in town at night or the evening. During Hanako’s week, she can be used to interrupt one interaction between Hanako and Senpai. On Megami’s week, she and Megami will have a heated debate on Mida’s unprofessional attire that will end with Megami convincing her to start wearing standard teacher clothing if Ayano doesn’t intervene. Mida can be used to distract a special bodyguard outside of school once.
~ If the teacher of class 2-1 is injured or killed on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and Ms.Kanokogi returns to work on Week 8, then Mida will be assigned as Ayano’s homeroom teacher.
||ELIMINATION METHODS|| ~ Concealed Weapons: Small weapons can not be used on Mida even when sneaking up on her or while she’s drugged.
~ Heavy Weapons: Large weapons can be used if Ayano has a strength stat of ⅘ and a psychology stat of ⅘. However, the fighting mini-game will be initiated unless she’s drugged.
~ Stealth: Stealth kills are impossible due to Mida always knowing when someone is following her.
~ Poisoning: When handed food, there is a 70% chance she will either sit it down on her desk or save it for later. ~ Lunch Poisoning: Mida’s carries her food around with her even while investigating noises and disturbances. If an emergency arises, she’ll drop her food on the floor while running to the destination.
~ Bucket Traps: If a student sees a bucket above a door, they will warn Mida unless her likeness has been lowered to below 5. ~ Gasoline/Blood Bucket: Being splashed with blood or gasoline causes Mida to immediately strip, even around students.
~ Low Reputation: Senpai will ignore Mida’s advice and even tell her to “stop trying so hard” on Friday.
~ Fired: Frame Mida for 3 or more incidents while also threatening to release the Headmaster’s cassette tapes online and to a journalist.
~ Suicide: Not Possible ~ Framed for Murder: Gain Mida’s trust then find the murder weapon with her and trick her into picking it up . ~ Matchmaking: Convince Mida another student needs her help more than Taro Yamada.
~ Kidnapping: Impossible ~ Mind Slave: If attacked by 3, she will restrain/knock-out all of them but need to go to the hospital. (Preferably done on Thursday)
~ Blackmail: Take a picture of her murdering the old man and of her training with her naginata. Threaten to show it to the police on Friday morning before class.
~Sabotage: Ruin all of Mida’s interactions with Senpai by overwhelming her with students who need her guidance more than him.
||SPECIAL ELIMINATIONS|| ~ Death in the Family: Hire Mida’s step-father through the Yakuza to murder Mida’s mother for a very large amount of money. Mida will take a day off to mourn and a day to bury her mother who has no other family. (preferably done on Thursday)
~ DitF 2: After her mother is killed, leave a photo of the culprit on Mida’s doorstep. Mida will find and kill her step-father on that night. Ayano can inform the police of the Fox Masked Eviscerator appearing there and cause Mida to be hurt while escaping from them. She will not show up to school for the rest of the week.
~ Yakuza Kidnapping: Pay the Yakuza to kidnap Mida in the middle of the night after drugging her using homemade food.
~ Shared Secrets: Have Ayano become close to Mida, allow Mida to know about Ayano’s past crimes, and be caught by Mida on Thursday night. They promise to keep each other’s secrets no matter what happens and Mida also promises to influence Senpai to pay more attention to Ayano.
~ Photography Club’s Revelation (1 & 2): The photography club accuses Mida of being the serial killer from 9 years ago and brings up critical evidence to convince the school on Friday during lunchtime. Mida immediately leaves school if her reputation is low enough and quickly leaves town before an investigation can take place. If her reputation is high enough, she will deny the claims but convince the students that all those who died at the time were terrible people preying on minors, some from Akademi back then. Afterwards, she’s bombarded with questions and support for the rest of the day from the students who then silently agreed not to bring up the topic near any other teacher or outsider.
~Hostage Situation: Iroha Rana is kidnapped by Ayano and held hostage. Mida is forced to avoid teaching at the school for the rest of the week while trying to locate her mother. (Preferably done on Thursday)
||UNIQUE GAME OVERS|| ~ If Ayano pays for Iroha’s death directly, then Mida’s step-father will rat-out Ayano. Afterwards, Ayano will come home to find Mida dressed as the Fox Killer standing in either her closet or right behind the basement door. Mida will quickly knock out Ayano in a single punch then tie her up in the chair in the basement. Afterwards, she will leave without saying a word and coming back twice a day to feed her. It continues until one day the police arrive and arrest Ayano for the murder of Iroha Rana and any other students and teachers at the school.
~ If Ayano kidnaps Iroha Rana but Mida finds her before Friday, she will be waiting in the basement for Ayano, knock her out, untie her mother, and tie up Ayano instead. Mida interrogates Ayano on her motive for harming her mother and leaves once forcing Ayano to tell her. She keeps Ayano in the basement for the rest of the week until Saturday morning. Mida releases Ayano then informs her that her Senpai won’t be looking for a romantic relationship any time soon thanks to her advice. (Snapping results in death)
~ If Ayano fails to drug Mida before the Yakuza go after her, Mida will kill most of the men sent after her and interrogate the last to find out Ayano paid them. She’ll find Ayano, restrain her, and deliver her to the very Yakuza Ayano hired then calms it @payment for the medical bills”.
~ If Ayano has killed more than 20 people and has sanity below 50%, Mida will impale Ayano with her naginata in her step-father’s house on Thursday night then apologize for not being in her life sooner.
~ Mida will restrain Ayano on her bed for two days if Ayano tries to kill her in her sleep. This penalty will cause a game-over if done on Wednesday Night and beyond
||BENEFITS OF FRIENDLY MIDA|| ~ Learn how to stalk and sneak behind even the most perceptive of targets. Student council members, teachers, rivals, and even the headmaster won’t notice Ayano walking up behind them. Requires 3 evening sessions and maxed out psychology stats.
~ Reputation gain is increased by 35%. Reputation loss is diminished by 50%.
~ Can be used to distract anyone in the school including Rivals, Faculty Members, Police Officers, and even sleuth’s pursuing Ayano.
~ Pays for student’s meals whenever she is nearby. ~ Can buy an assortment of items that a Highschooler can’t as long as Ayano has a convincing reason why she needs them.
~ One of the few characters that will stop a fight between Ayano & Osoro and Ayano & Megami.
~ When caught breaking school rules or acting strange, Mida won’t send Ayano to the guidance counselor but will bring her to an empty classroom and have Ayano explain herself.
~ Can gather and give hidden cassette tapes to Ayano that can be used to threaten the Headmaster.
||CONS OF KEEPING MIDA|| ~ If Mida discovers a body, she will call the police, take a picture of the body, and start searching around for clues. She’ll identify the weapon used based on the markings left on the corpse and begin asking students if they’ve seen a student carrying w possible murder weapon. If Mida is befriended, she will keep the information to herself. If not, she shares her short investigation with the police.
~ A fighting mini-game will not appear unless Ayano has a strength stat of ⅘, martial arts training, and a psychology stat of ⅘.
~ Ayano can be restrained by Mida while in snap mode.
~ She can sometimes deviate from her predicted path if a student approaches her for advice.
~ If Ayano is on a killing spree with max strength, Mida will choose to flee out of the school gates instead of engaging Ayano. She will then come back from her car with Komainu and begin hunting Ayano down. A large or ranged weapon is needed to attack Mida.
submitted by CreamyChickenRice to Osana [link] [comments]

[H] humble choice and lots more [W] risk of rain 2, golf with your friends, vermintide 2, vr games, wishlist and offers

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11-11 Memories Retold
60 Parsecs!
7,62 Hard Life
911 Operator
911 Operator - Special Resources DLC
A Good Snowman is Hard to Build
A Hat in Time
A Mortician's Tale
A New Beginning - Final Cut
A Year of Rain
Aarklash: Legacy
Acceleration of SUGURI 2
The Adventure Pals
AER Memories of Old
Age of Wonders III
Agent A: A puzzle in disguise
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small
Alien Spidy
All You Can Eat
Almost There: The Platformer
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Amnesia Fortnight 2014
Amnesia Fortnight 2017
Ancestors Legacy
Ancestors Legacy - Digital Artbook
Ancestors Legacy - Digital Soundtrack
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Assault Android Cactus
Avernum 3: Ruined World
Baba Is You
The Ball
Batman - The Enemy Within Shadows Mode
Batman - The Telltale Series
Batman - The Telltale Series Shadows Mode
Battalion 1944
Battle Chef Brigade
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
Battlezone Gold Edition
Bear With Me - Collector's Edition
BioShock™ Remastered
BioShock: The Collection
Black The Fall
The Blackout Club
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend
Blood: Fresh Supply
Blood Bowl 2
Blood Bowl 2 Legendary
Bomber Crew
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
Bounty Train
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brütal Legend
Caesar™ 3
Caesar™ IV
Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics
Children of Zodiarcs
CHUCHEL Cherry Edition
Cities in Motion 2
Civilization III
Codex of Victory
Colt Express
Company of Heroes 2
Conglomerate 451
Coffee Talk
Costume Quest
Crazy Taxi
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Cultist Simulator
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
The Darkness II
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Dead End Job
Dead Rising 4
Deadbeat Heroes
Deadly 30
Death Squared
Deep Sky Derelicts
Deep Sky Derelicts - New Prospects
Deponia: The Complete Journey
Devil's Hunt
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor
DISTRAINT 2 Soundtrack
Do Not Feed the Monkeys
Double Fine Adventure
DUCATI - 90th Anniversary
Duck Game
Eastside Hockey Manager
Elite Dangerous
Emily is Away Too
Endless Space® - Collection
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition
Escape Goat 2
The Escapists
The Escapists - Alcatraz
The Escapists - Duct Tapes are Forever
The Escapists - Escape Team
The Escapists - Fhurst Peak Correctional Facility
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Europa Universalis III Complete
Europa Universalis IV
Everreach: Project Eden
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Fairy Tale About Father Frost
Fear Effect Sedna
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark: Missions and Monsters DLC
Fighting Fantasy Legends
The Final Station
Fluffy Horde
Forged Battalion
Forgotton Anne
Framed Collection
Frog Detective
The Gardens Between
Geometry Wars™ 3: Dimensions Evolved
Gift of Parthax
Gods Will Be Watching
The Great Perhaps
GRID Autosport
Guacamelee! 2
Hack 'n' Slash
Hacknet Labyrinths DLC
Harald: A Game of Influence
Heaven's Vault
Hidden Folks
Hollow Knight
Hyper Light Drifter
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
I'm not a Monster
Immortal Planet
Immortal Redneck
Impact Winter
In Between
The Inner World
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Breach
Iratus: Lord of the Dead (might keep)
Iron Brigade
Jackbox Party Pack 2
Jackbox Party Pack 4
Kathy Rain
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
Kerbal Space Program
Killing floor 1
Killing Floor 2
killing floor incursion
King and Assassins
Kingdom Classic
Kingdom: New Lands
King's Quest™ Collection
King's Quest: Season Pass
Knights of Pen and Paper 2
Last Day of June
Le Havre: The Inland Port
Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
The Little Acre
The Long Journey Home
Lost Horizon
Lost Technology
Love is Dead
Magicka 2
Magicka 2 Deluxe Edition DLC Upgrade
Majesty 2 Collection
Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom
Massive Chalice
Mega Man Legacy Collection
Mega Man X Legacy Collection
Mega Man 11
Memoria Soundtrack
Meridian Squad 22
Meridian Squad 22 Soundtrack
MirrorMoon EP
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
Mr. Shifty
My Memory of Us
NBA 2K20
NBA Playgrounds 2
Neo Cab
Newt One
Nex Machina
The Night of the Rabbit
No Time to Explain Remastered
The Norwood Suite
Octahedron: Transfixed Edition
Of Orcs and Men
Old Man's Journey
One Way Heroics
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
Outbuddies DX
Out There: Ω Edition
Outcast - Second Contact
Overcooked: The Lost Morsel
Overlord II
Pac-Man 256
Paper Fire Rookie
Party Hard
Party Hard: High Crimes
Pathfinder Adventures
Pathologic Classic HD
PC Building Simulator
Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh
Pillars of Eternity
Planet Alpha
Planet of the Eyes
Police Quest Collection
Potion Explosion
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Quantum Replica
Q.U.B.E. 2
Quest for Glory 1-5 (Quest for Glory Collection)
Quest of Dungeons
Radio Commander
Rapture Rejects + dlc
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville
Regions of Ruin
Regular Human Basketball
Resident Evil HD REMASTER
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
RESIDENT EVIL 2 - All In-game Rewards Unlock
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony
Revolver 360 Re:Actor
Rising Dusk
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam + 2 DLCs
Rusty Lake: Roots
Rusty Lake Paradise
Safety First!
Satellite Reign
Serial Cleaner
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
SEUM: Speedrunners - The Drunk Side of the Moon DLC
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell Soundtrack
Seven: The Days Long Gone
The Sexy Brutale
Shadow Warrior: Special Edition
She Remembered Caterpillars
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War
Silver Chains
Slime-san Soundtrack
Small World 2
Smoke and Sacrifice
Snake Pass
Sniper Elite 3
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic CD
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Space Quest™ Collection
Spacebase DF-9
Spec Ops: The Line
Speed Brawl
The Spiral Scouts
State of Mind
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick Fight: The Game
The Stillness of the Wind
Streets of Rage
Stronghold 2: Steam Edition
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Super Animal Royale
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Hexagon
Super Time Force Ultra
Surgeon Simulator + Anniversary Ed. Content
Surviving Mars
Sword Legacy Omen
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
System Shock 2
Take On Helicopters
Take on Mars
Talisman - The City Expansion
Talisman - The Frostmarch Expansion
Talisman - The Highland Expansion
Talisman - The Dungeon Expansion
Talisman - The Sacred Pool Expansion
Talisman - The Harbinger Expansion
Talisman - The Blood Moon Expansion
The Talos Principle
The Talos Principle: Road To Gehenna
Telltale Texas Hold'em
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia Soundtrack
Think of the Children
This is the Police
This War of Mine
Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit
Through the Woods
Tilt Brush
TimeShift (only key accidently opened it)
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tokyo Dark
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
Tropico 4
The Turing Test
Twilight Struggle
Umbrella Corps™
Umbrella Corps™ Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
Unholy Heights
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vambrace: Cold Soul Soundtrack
Velocity 2X
Vertiginous Golf
Victoria Collection
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead - 400 Days
The Walking Dead: Season Two
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Collection
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Warlock - Master of the Arcane
We. The Revolution
The Witness
Wizard of Legend
The Wolf Among Us
World of Goo
Worms Blast
Worms Armageddon
Worms Pinball
Worms Ultimate Mayhem
Worms Ultimate Mayhem - Customisation Pack DLC
Worms Ultimate Mayhem - Multiplayer Pack DLC
Worms Clan Wars
Worms Reloaded
Worms Reloaded: Forts Pack
Worms Reloaded: Puzzle Pack
Worms Reloaded: Retro Pack
Worms Reloaded: The "Pre-order Forts & Hats" DL
Worms Reloaded: Time Attack Pack
Worms Revolution
Worms Revolution Season Pass
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack
Yakuza Kiwami
Yoku's Island Express
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 6 The Lost Gold

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[H]November Choice, October, September, August and much more leftovers [W] Paypal, TF2 Keys, game offers

November Choice TF2 Keys Paypal
Yakuza Kiwami 2 3,7 5,5$
Darksiders III (EU) 3,1 5$
Imperator Rome Deluxe Edition 2,5 4$
Crying Suns 2 3$
Darksburg 2 3$
Little Misfortune 2 2,5$
Smile For Me 2 2,5$
Darkwood 1,6 3$
Tsioque 1,3 3$
Rover Mechanic Simulator 1,6 2$
Youropa 1,3 2$
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt 1,3 2$

Softwares TF2 Keys
IObit Software Updater 2 PRO 0,5
Start Menu 8 PRO 0,5
Protected Folder PRO 0,5

October Choice TF2 Keys
Shadows Awakening 0,7
The Uncertain - Last Quiet Day 0,3
Lightmatter 0,5
Basement 0,7
Goat of Duty 0,4
Fantasy Blacksmith 0,5

Thrills & Chills Bundle TF2 Keys
Distraint 2 0,5
Detention 1
Blood Fresh Supply 0,6

Very Positive Bundle 5 TF2 Keys
Juanito Arcade Mayhem 0,5
Action Henk 0,5
Out of Reach Treasure Royale 0,7
Haimrik 0.5
Chariot 0,7

Killer Bundle 14 TF2 Keys
Peaky Blinders Mastermind 1,1
Close to the Sun 1
Project Cars GOTY 1,2
Rec Center Tycoon 0,4
Talisman Origins 0,6
Autonauts 0,5
Rollercoaster Tycoon Deluxe 0,5
Chris Sawyer's Locomotion 0,3
Table Manners 1,1

Mystery games TF2 Keys
Narcos : Rise of the Cartels 0,7
Beholder 2 0,5
Outcast : Second Contact 0,8
F1 Race Stars Complete Edition 1
Stronghold HD 0,5
Quantum Conundrum 0,4
Shaq Fu - A Legend Reborn 1
Mana Spark 0,4
Moto Racer 4 0,3
Guilty Gear xRD Revelator 0,7
Bomber Crew Deluxe Edition 1.2

Let's Fight Bundle TF2 Keys
Overgrowth 1

DLC's TF2 Keys
Idle Champions Celeste's Starter Pack 0,5
Neverwinter Companion Pack Mystagogue 0,3
Neverwinter Companion Pack Red Cap Powrie 0,3
Star Trek Online Klingon Elite Starter Pack 0,4

Headup Bundle TF2 Keys
The Textorcist : Story of Ray Bibbia + Soundtrack 1,2
Seum Speedrunners From Hell + The Drunk side of the Moon + Soundtrack 1,5
Dead End Job 1
Pixel Heroes Byte and Magic 0,5
Slime-san + Soundtrack 1
Safety First! 0,2
Meridian 22 0,4
Deadly 30 0,3
Dub Dash 0,3
Doodle Derby 0,5
Inner World 0,5

August Choice TF2 Keys
Automachef 0,6
Through the Darkest of Times 0,5
The Coma 2 : Vicious Sisters 0,5
A Case of Distrust 0,5
Genesis Alpha One 1
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard 1

Double Fine Bundle TF2 Keys
Amnesia Fortnight 12' + 14' + 17' 1,5
140 0,2
Everything 0,5
Mountain 0,3
Headlander 0,5
Double Fine Adventure 0,3
Full Throttle Remastered 0,7
Broken Age 0,3
Psychonauts 1
Brutal Legend 0,7
Costume Quest 0,3
Escape Goat 2 0,4
GNOG 0,3
Iron Brigade 0,7
Stacking 0,4
Space Base DF-9 0,3
Hack 'n' Slash 0,7
Massive Chalice 0,5

September Choice TF2 Keys
Vampire the Masquerade : Coteries of New York 1,2
Fun With Ragdolls 0,5
Evoland Legendary Edition 1
The Occupation 0,7
The Shapeshifting Detective 0,8

Exodus Bundle TF2 Keys
Replica 0,5
Republique 0,8
Furious Angels 0,8
Precipice 1
System Crash 1,1
The Adventure Pals 0,7
Dry Drowning 1

Killer 13 Bundle TF2 Keys
Act of Regression 0,5
Shadows Awakening 0,7

Very Positive Bundle 3 TF2 Keys
F1 2018 0,4
Learn Japanese Trilogy 1

Reaper 4 Bundle TF2 Keys
Kingdom Under Fire 2 0,6
Do Not Feed The Monkeys 0,8

Nemesis X Bundle TF2 Keys
American Fugitive 0,6
Grip : Combat Racing 0,6
God's Trigger 0,5
Internet Caffe Simulator 1

Reaper Bundle 3 TF2 Keys
V- Rally 4 0,5
System Shock Enhanced Edition 0,5
Stasis 0,5
Medieval Kingdom Wars 0,8
Book of Demons 0,5

Fight for Racial Justice Bundle TF2 Keys
A New Beginning 0,3
All you can eat 0,3
Crowntakers 0,3
Earthnight 0,5
Eastside Hockey Manager 0,5
Endless Space - Collection 0,5
Framed Collection 0,5
In Between 0,3
Kingdom Classic 0,7
Knights of Pen and Paper 2 0,6
MirrorMoon 0,3
Newtone 0,3
No Time to Explain Remastered 0,3
Pesterquest 0,3
Planet of the Eyes 0,3
Realpolitiks 0,6
Regular Human Basketball 0,5
The Ball 0,5
Super Time Force Ultra 0,6
StarCrossed 0,6
This War of Mine 1

Unsorted Games TF2 Keys
64.0 0,5
A Sceptic's Guide to Magic 0,5
A Year of Rain 0,6
AER Memories of Old 1
Agatha Christie ABC 0,7
AI War Fleet Command 0,5
Armello 1
Atari Vault 0,7
Beyond Eyes 0,5
Bird of Light 0,7
BlitzKrieg Anthology 0,5
Blood Fresh Supply 0,7
Bulb Boy 0,7
Command and Conquer 3 (Origin) 1
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure 0,5
Circuit Breakers 0,3
Cryofall 1
Dad Quest 0,4
Dead Synchronicity Tommorow Comes Today 1
Deep Eclipse Space Odyssey 0,3
Demigods 0,2
Devil's Hunt 1
Enforcer Police Crime Action 0,6
Eschalon II 0,3
eXperience 112 0,4
Enigmatis 3 Shadows of Karkhala 0,2
Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy 0,6
Fire! 0,5
Franz Kafka Video Game 0,3
Hard Reset Redux 0,7
Hob 0,8
Hocus Pocus 0,3
Hue 0,8
HyperDrive Massacre 0,7
I am not a Monster First Contact 0,5
Journey of a Roach 0,2
Ken Follett's Pillars of Earth 0,7
King's Bird 0,7
King's Bounty Warrior of the North + Armored Princess 0,5
Marooners 0,5
Medieval Kingdom Wars 0,6
Men of War Condmned Heroes 1
Metal Unit 0,7
Micro Machines World Series 0,5
Night of the Rabbit 0,5
Northern Tale 2 0,3
Of Orcs and Men 0,5
Overlord 2 0,5
Party Hard 2 0,8
Re-Legion Deluxe Edition 1,2
Recover : Search and Rescue 0,3
Redeemer Enhanced Edition 0,8
Resort Boss 0,3
Rencounter 0,8
Roads of Rome 0,3
Shoppe Keep 0,4
Sigma Theory 0,7
Space Pilgrim Episode II + Episode III 0,5
SpaceHack Free
Space Ranger's Quest 0,3
State of Mind 0,8
Stillness of the Wind 0,6
Streets of Red : Devil's Dare Deluxe 0,8
Styx Master of Shadows 0,6
Supreme Ruler : Cold War 0,5
Surgeon Simulator + Anniversary Ed. 1,2
Sword Legacy Omen 0,5
Timelock VR 0,5
The Haunting of Billy Classic 0,3
The Last Federation Collection 0,4
The Walking Dead 0,7
Throne of Lies : The Online Game of Deceit 0,7
Two Worlds II HD : Call of Tenebrae 0,3
Viking Saga Epic Adventure + New World 0,5
Vertiginous Golf 0,3
Wacky Wheels 0,3
Warlock : Master of Arcane 0,5
Western Press 0,3
When Ski Lift goes wrong 0,3
When in Rome 0,2
World Ship Simulator 0,4
xBlaze Lost Memories 0,7
Yar's Revenge 0,3
Zombie Night Terror 0,8

submitted by Kimpon to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

[H]November Choice, October, September, August and much more leftovers [W] Paypal, TF2 Keys, game offers

November Choice TF2 Keys Paypal
Yakuza Kiwami 2 3,7 5,5$
Darksiders III (EU) 3,1 5$
Imperator Rome Deluxe Edition 2,5 4$
Crying Suns 2 3$
Darksburg 2 3$
Little Misfortune 2 2,5$
Smile For Me 2 2,5$
Darkwood 1,6 3$
Tsioque 1,3 3$
Rover Mechanic Simulator 1,6 2$
Youropa 1,3 2$
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt 1,3 2$

Softwares TF2 Keys
IObit Software Updater 2 PRO 0,5
Start Menu 8 PRO 0,5
Protected Folder PRO 0,5

October Choice TF2 Keys
Shadows Awakening 0,7
The Uncertain - Last Quiet Day 0,3
Lightmatter 0,5
Basement 0,7
Goat of Duty 0,4
Fantasy Blacksmith 0,5

Thrills & Chills Bundle TF2 Keys
Distraint 2 0,5
Detention 1
Blood Fresh Supply 0,6

Very Positive Bundle 5 TF2 Keys
Juanito Arcade Mayhem 0,5
Action Henk 0,5
Out of Reach Treasure Royale 0,7
Haimrik 0.5
Chariot 0,7

Killer Bundle 14 TF2 Keys
Peaky Blinders Mastermind 1,1
Close to the Sun 1
Project Cars GOTY 1,2
Rec Center Tycoon 0,4
Talisman Origins 0,6
Autonauts 0,5
Rollercoaster Tycoon Deluxe 0,5
Chris Sawyer's Locomotion 0,3
Table Manners 1,1

Mystery games TF2 Keys
Narcos : Rise of the Cartels 0,7
Beholder 2 0,5
Outcast : Second Contact 0,8
F1 Race Stars Complete Edition 1
Stronghold HD 0,5
Quantum Conundrum 0,4
Shaq Fu - A Legend Reborn 1
Mana Spark 0,4
Moto Racer 4 0,3
Guilty Gear xRD Revelator 0,7
Bomber Crew Deluxe Edition 1.2

Let's Fight Bundle TF2 Keys
Overgrowth 1

DLC's TF2 Keys
Idle Champions Celeste's Starter Pack 0,5
Neverwinter Companion Pack Mystagogue 0,3
Neverwinter Companion Pack Red Cap Powrie 0,3
Star Trek Online Klingon Elite Starter Pack 0,4

Headup Bundle TF2 Keys
The Textorcist : Story of Ray Bibbia + Soundtrack 1,2
Seum Speedrunners From Hell + The Drunk side of the Moon + Soundtrack 1,5
Dead End Job 1
Pixel Heroes Byte and Magic 0,5
Slime-san + Soundtrack 1
Safety First! 0,2
Meridian 22 0,4
Deadly 30 0,3
Dub Dash 0,3
Doodle Derby 0,5
Inner World 0,5

August Choice TF2 Keys
Automachef 0,6
Through the Darkest of Times 0,5
The Coma 2 : Vicious Sisters 0,5
A Case of Distrust 0,5
Genesis Alpha One 1
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard 1

Double Fine Bundle TF2 Keys
Amnesia Fortnight 12' + 14' + 17' 1,5
140 0,2
Everything 0,5
Mountain 0,3
Headlander 0,5
Double Fine Adventure 0,3
Full Throttle Remastered 0,7
Broken Age 0,3
Psychonauts 1
Brutal Legend 0,7
Costume Quest 0,3
Escape Goat 2 0,4
GNOG 0,3
Iron Brigade 0,7
Stacking 0,4
Space Base DF-9 0,3
Hack 'n' Slash 0,7
Massive Chalice 0,5

September Choice TF2 Keys
Vampire the Masquerade : Coteries of New York 1,2
Fun With Ragdolls 0,5
Evoland Legendary Edition 1
The Occupation 0,7
The Shapeshifting Detective 0,8

Exodus Bundle TF2 Keys
Replica 0,5
Republique 0,8
Furious Angels 0,8
Precipice 1
System Crash 1,1
The Adventure Pals 0,7
Dry Drowning 1

Killer 13 Bundle TF2 Keys
Act of Regression 0,5
Shadows Awakening 0,7

Very Positive Bundle 3 TF2 Keys
F1 2018 0,4
Learn Japanese Trilogy 1

Reaper 4 Bundle TF2 Keys
Kingdom Under Fire 2 0,6
Do Not Feed The Monkeys 0,8

Nemesis X Bundle TF2 Keys
American Fugitive 0,6
Grip : Combat Racing 0,6
God's Trigger 0,5
Internet Caffe Simulator 1

Reaper Bundle 3 TF2 Keys
V- Rally 4 0,5
System Shock Enhanced Edition 0,5
Stasis 0,5
Medieval Kingdom Wars 0,8
Book of Demons 0,5

Fight for Racial Justice Bundle TF2 Keys
A New Beginning 0,3
All you can eat 0,3
Crowntakers 0,3
Earthnight 0,5
Eastside Hockey Manager 0,5
Endless Space - Collection 0,5
Framed Collection 0,5
In Between 0,3
Kingdom Classic 0,7
Knights of Pen and Paper 2 0,6
MirrorMoon 0,3
Newtone 0,3
No Time to Explain Remastered 0,3
Pesterquest 0,3
Planet of the Eyes 0,3
Realpolitiks 0,6
Regular Human Basketball 0,5
The Ball 0,5
Super Time Force Ultra 0,6
StarCrossed 0,6
This War of Mine 1

Unsorted Games TF2 Keys
64.0 0,5
A Sceptic's Guide to Magic 0,5
A Year of Rain 0,6
AER Memories of Old 1
Agatha Christie ABC 0,7
AI War Fleet Command 0,5
Armello 1
Atari Vault 0,7
Beyond Eyes 0,5
Bird of Light 0,7
BlitzKrieg Anthology 0,5
Blood Fresh Supply 0,7
Bulb Boy 0,7
Command and Conquer 3 (Origin) 1
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure 0,5
Circuit Breakers 0,3
Cryofall 1
Dad Quest 0,4
Dead Synchronicity Tommorow Comes Today 1
Deep Eclipse Space Odyssey 0,3
Demigods 0,2
Devil's Hunt 1
Enforcer Police Crime Action 0,6
Eschalon II 0,3
eXperience 112 0,4
Enigmatis 3 Shadows of Karkhala 0,2
Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy 0,6
Fire! 0,5
Franz Kafka Video Game 0,3
Hard Reset Redux 0,7
Hob 0,8
Hocus Pocus 0,3
Hue 0,8
HyperDrive Massacre 0,7
I am not a Monster First Contact 0,5
Journey of a Roach 0,2
Ken Follett's Pillars of Earth 0,7
King's Bird 0,7
King's Bounty Warrior of the North + Armored Princess 0,5
Marooners 0,5
Medieval Kingdom Wars 0,6
Men of War Condmned Heroes 1
Metal Unit 0,7
Micro Machines World Series 0,5
Night of the Rabbit 0,5
Northern Tale 2 0,3
Of Orcs and Men 0,5
Overlord 2 0,5
Party Hard 2 0,8
Re-Legion Deluxe Edition 1,2
Recover : Search and Rescue 0,3
Redeemer Enhanced Edition 0,8
Resort Boss 0,3
Rencounter 0,8
Roads of Rome 0,3
Shoppe Keep 0,4
Sigma Theory 0,7
Space Pilgrim Episode II + Episode III 0,5
SpaceHack Free
Space Ranger's Quest 0,3
State of Mind 0,8
Stillness of the Wind 0,6
Streets of Red : Devil's Dare Deluxe 0,8
Styx Master of Shadows 0,6
Supreme Ruler : Cold War 0,5
Surgeon Simulator + Anniversary Ed. 1,2
Sword Legacy Omen 0,5
Timelock VR 0,5
The Haunting of Billy Classic 0,3
The Last Federation Collection 0,4
The Walking Dead 0,7
Throne of Lies : The Online Game of Deceit 0,7
Two Worlds II HD : Call of Tenebrae 0,3
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Vertiginous Golf 0,3
Wacky Wheels 0,3
Warlock : Master of Arcane 0,5
Western Press 0,3
When Ski Lift goes wrong 0,3
When in Rome 0,2
World Ship Simulator 0,4
xBlaze Lost Memories 0,7
Yar's Revenge 0,3
Zombie Night Terror 0,8

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Yakuza 3 Revelations - Essence of Terror Yakuza Kiwami Walkthrough Part 1 - No Commentary ... - YouTube The Retro Nerd Plays...Yakuza 0 Part 1 Yakuza 3 Revelations Essence of Drunken Thrust - YouTube CRAZY MAJIMA IS BACK! ONRAKI BOSS  Yakuza: Dead Souls Lets Play (Part 4)

Yakuza 3 is the fourth entry in the Yakuza series, following the Japan-exclusive spin-off Ryū ga Gotoku Kenzan!, and the second game in the series to appear on the PlayStation 3.It was released in February 2009 in Japan, and the following year in the west. A remastered port for the Playstation 4 was released in August 2018 in Japan and August 2019 in the west as part of the Yakuza Remastered This series always pushed the PS3 to its limits and looked fantastic. Yakuza 3 can be completed in roughly twenty hours, though there’s enough content to push it closer to thirt How to Punch People in Yakuza 3 I'm anticipating the block-heavy nature of Yakuza 3 enemies to trip up many new players. In response, I've prepared a quick guide on methods to get past their guard and deal big damage. Hopefully this can help you push through the admittedly rough 2009 combat and enjoy the amazing story of the game. Quicksteps Yakuza 3 has three masters that will teach you really useful abilties. They are: Yonashiro’s trainings: In Chapter 4, as you leave the orphanage to search for a dog, he’ll stop you and challenge you. Meet him down on the beach (he’s on the rocks on the east side) and talk to him and he’ll set up a ring to challenge you using different Yakuza 3 - Walkthrough Yakuza 3 (JP) (PS3) I don`t want to miss any revelations as they look really fun....can anyone fill me in on where and in what chapter they take place? are they easily missable? Upto chapter 4 myself and is yet to find 1 however I know there is one with a drunk and a schoolgirl after you leave stardust when you return to tokyo I found Just on Chapter 10 and got an email about a revelation involving a "total drunk over in Hatsumachi!" so I headed over to the area and after running around it 10 or so times and looking everywhere I can there doesn't seem to be a way to trigger the reveleation. Probably you're having problems with the amount of blocking in this great game,or you just want to get better, if that's the case, this guide has a few important basic mechanics that will help you get Revelations Yakuza 4 Remastered Revelations. Late in Chapter 4, Akiyama meets a guy named Mack Shinozuka, a traveler and photographer seeking "that perfect shot". He teaches Akiyama that much can be learned from great shots, and it therefore follows that if Akiyama finds particularly interesting things to take a picture of, he can learn new je ne c'est pas si il ya deja un sujet sur les lieu ou lon a des revelation me si quellqun pouver en fair une liste se serait genial merci d'avense ^^ - Topic les revelation du 29-03-2010 10:43:01

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Yakuza 3 Revelations - Essence of Terror

Yakuza 3 - Revelations: Essence of Drunken Thrust - Duration: 1:40. devilleon7 1,512 views. 1:40. Yakuza is Stupid and Beautiful and I Love It - Duration: 25:20. Retro and Kiryu shakedown some for some one for money they owe. Later they find out that man was killed. Revelations: none. Doin' a let's play/playthrough of Yakuza: Dead Sous and we goin' in blind. Yakuza: Dead Souls (or Ryu ga Gotoku Of The End) is a non-canon spin-off from the the usual beat 'em ... Yakuza Kiwami Walkthrough Part 1 - No Commentary Playthrough (PS4)Twitter: https://twitter.com/Santosx07Yakuza Kiwami walkthrough - Here is my walkthrough of... Alcohol is always good.The 10 various Revelations you can find in Yakuza 3.Essence of Pole Dancing - Yakuza 3 Revelations - David the Barbarian **More ridicu... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

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