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What things turn a game into a world?

I created a laundry list of high-level tenets that drive the game design of specific genre I coined the World game based on Brad's famous quote. These aim to be applicable to any game that would scratch my old school MMO itch.
What tenets would you choose?
The MMO community is, to some degree, divided by the different expectations and desires of its player base. Even an MMORPG can mean so many things to so many different people. I wanted to get to the root of what a good MMO is to me, and in the process, I found that the ambiguous label of MMO is likely getting in the way.
Passionate players across the board seem to complain about the same issues. Ease of difficulty. Cash shops. Single-player focus. Theme park design. Players of these games either leave the genre, ultimately disenchanted with the thin veil over Skinner box design, or they continue to search for something better, because they know it is possible. Maybe this is intentional. Developers piggy back on the MMO genre to hook the player-base before extracting as much as they can from the whales in their glorified casino.
So, here, I present the tenets of a specific game genre: the World genre. The focus on world over game is not a new idea. Brad McQuad famously said, “I want to make worlds, not games.” That focus can be seen right there in the name of Visionary Realms. And without the right language to describe what we are after, the community is continually bit by games that fit the abstract label but disappoint in the details.
The goal with these tenets isn’t to create a template so much as it is to create rough guidelines. In fact, these guidelines probably wouldn’t do a game designer much good in creating a solid design. But they should help in evaluating different options and validating an existing design. Certainly, none of the tenets get as specific as the theme or even the existence of combat. They should apply equally well to a game set in feudal Japan, The Sims Online, or the next zombie apocalypse.
Some tenets are broad, while others more specific. Some tenets are rigid, others more malleable. Some tenets are critical pillars of the genre, while others are less important. Tenets frequently conflict, creating tension.
A note on intuition
The tenets below are driven by the principle that they should be intuitive. The World genre is trying to capture something deeply human, buried in our brains because of the way we have interacted with ourselves, each other, society, and our planet over millennia of evolution. There is no right or wrong answer. When in doubt, we err on the side of realism.
A note on ownership
Establishing reasonably prescriptive tenets on the World and gameplay highlights the necessity of strong ownership and vision for this style of game. This is particularly true given that many of these tenets go explicitly against what makes a great game in general. For example, how many games would actually benefit from less player matchmaking? This also does not lend itself well to player-generated content, where those tenets can be easily violated.
The tenets of immersion
TENET 1 The player should be directly represented in the World
The World genre requires the player to form a direct relationship with the World, not with the character. This is a key difference between Eastern of Western RPGs (both of which I love) and so this may be controversial. The player should be able to insert themselves into their avatar. On the flip-side, it precludes certain mechanics, such as squad-based designs.
TENET 2 The World should be realistic in both form and function
That is, the World should minimize the need for suspension of disbelief. It should pull the player in naturally. I have always felt conflicted by WoW’s appearance. I absolutely loved the cell-shaded look of Wind Waker, but instinctually disliked the cartoon-like nature of WoW. This goes back to immersion. That doesn't mean the visuals have to be photorealistic. They just have to pull you in. It may be possible to get around this through the setting. For example, if the setting is a digital afterlife, you may be able to get away with a more abstract appearance.
TENET 3 The player and World should interface only through the player character
The player should only be able to influence the World through their character. And the World should only be able to influence the player through the character. This means, respectively, no cash shops and a first-person camera. It also means no GPS — unless, of course, the setting supports it. Taken to an extreme, this precludes voice chat, at least without something like racial voice filters.
TENET 4 The player should directly engage with the World around them
The key here is “direct”. No minimaps, no waypoints, no fast travel. Of course, these are not absolute deal-breakers. The key is that the player is able to establish a connection with the World around them. The player should, over the course of the game, develop a strong mental model of the World and its relation to their character.
The tenets of freedom
TENET 5 The player should not be assigned a story
The World itself can (and should!) have a story to tell. But the player character’s story should be their own. The player must have the freedom to make their own place within the World, eschewing the rails that a story provides. Side quests are lesser evils, but still evils. The more choice the better.
TENET 6 The player should be able to pursue multiple forms of progression
The choice should not just be in how to progress. It should be in which ways to progress. The most obvious example is crafting, but this can also include loot, skills, the economy, faction, or even — maybe most importantly — growing in strategy and skill.
TENET 7 The World should be demanding, but not prescriptive
This is an extension of the idea of a lack of story. If the game is too prescriptive, it becomes a job. A chore. To combat this phenomenon, the player needs significant choice at all times. This may, in fact, be the primary draw of the World genre: to provide an environment where players are purely driven by their own will. It is equally important to avoid visibly and overtly influencing the player’s decisions. The player’s incentives and motivating factors should be an organic part of the World. No daily XP boosts, for example. Alternate forms of progression can help here, because even once a player is motivated to progress, they have the choice of which dimension of progress to pursue.
TENET 8 The World should encourage downtime
The player should not feel compelled to move forward at all times. There should be joy simply in existing in the World, experience it moment to moment. Even better, progression itself can require downtime; this is related to the notion that players should be encouraged to play any game in the most fun way possible. This can be accomplished with world design, such as guard-protected cities or social taverns, or mechanics, such as fishing, firework shows, and waiting in queue for a boat. This is effectively the white space of gameplay. And it is all but lost in modern MMOs.
TENET 9 The World should be dangerous
Choice is meaningless without consequence. With real, negative consequence, comes danger. This not only gives weight to the player’s decisions, but also helps to establish the intricate give-and-take relationship between the World and the player. Looking at you, death penalty. If a World game is about finding your place within that world, then danger and risk makes this a meaningful pursuit. If that tension between risk and reward does not exist, even at the start of the journey, it undermines those goals. Note that this is different than challenge — and challenge itself is not enough.
TENET 10 Players should be encouraged to explore the World
This doesn't mean that players are constantly seeking some never-before-seen point of interest, but it does mean that players get out and move. In other words, the world provides resources across its footprint, and you must seek those out. Most forms of progression should require you to get out and explore. This also does not necessitate baubles scattered around the landscape to find.
The tenets of impact
TENET 11 The player’s actions should be worn like a badge
You should be a product of your choices. Your reputation, gear, and skills should tell a story about where you have been and what you have accomplished. Your spoken languages can tell a story of what cities you have spent the most time in. As you spend time in different climates, you may develop a natural acclimation to those environments. Imagine you walk into town and one of the NPC gnomes recognizes the scent of the nearby crystal caverns you have been exploring. This is interesting because it relates to life; the player’s accomplishments should come with artifacts. This also means that auction houses should be limited, as they create an artificial divide between adventure and outcome.
TENET 12 Players should have something unique to offer
The ways that a player can help others in their progression should be relatively unique to that player. As much as possible, they should tell a story about adventures undertaken; e.g., a proc from an item dropped by a famous mob. Of course, classes and class-specific skills are one way to accomplish this, but the more ways the better. For example, if one form of progression is fishing, then fish should be useful to others in many ways. A cooking skill is obvious. More creatively, certain kinds of fish could be used as powerful but low-level weapons. A butcher could extract gills or eyes to, in turn, be used as reagents for spells.
TENET 13 There should be no end game
Even the name “end game” is problematic for several reasons. It suggests a hard limit to progression. It suggests a hard divide in the way the World is experienced once the player reaches this limit. It also suggests that the focus is no longer on the World, but on the game — which is to say, the core promise of the genre is lost. This doesn’t mean to eliminate raids or AA points. It just means that those things should be included in the game proper. This tenet also implies that progression should be relatively limitless. Skyrim is an interesting example of this. One way to accomplish this is to create exponential progress; for example, having each level take 10% more experience than the last. Granted, this is a much harder problem than the simple discussion here suggests.
TENET 14 The player should leave a mark on the World itself
Can a World be meaningful if there is no way to make an impact on it? Of course, their character is one such mark. It is easy to imagine statues erected in town, or NPCs chatting about the first character to hit max level. But there should be a means for all characters to leave some lasting impact. Given that players can already say whatever they want in chat, breaking immersion, a simple example is the ability to leave a journal. These could even be curated. Other possibilities include geocaching, naming items, plaques that can be erected in various places throughout the world. Player-owned housing is perhaps the most obvious.
TENET 15 Power, fame, and fortune must be possible
A world game should be able to provide all three of these drivers. As with reality, these should not be the only reason to play. Fame is largely supported by communication; fortune by economy and loot. Power can be found even outside the game, in the player’s mind, as they grow in skill and strategy.
TENET 16 The player should have a home
Can you have a world without a home? Some place in the world should feel like your own. Where even the NPCs tend to be supportive of you: merchants give discounts and trainers more assistance. This could simply be your birthplace, your hometown.
The tenets of socialization
TENET 17 There must be no explicit matchmaking
Players must find each other. In fact, a World game should ideally employ the opposite of matchmaking: some players should have barriers preventing that connection. This makes it all the more meaningful when these seemingly unlikely relationships form. There are many ways to accomplish this, including separating players by distance or climate or language. Allowing certain players to engage in PvP is another.
TENET 18 There should be risk in trusting others
Trust can only exist when that trust can be violated. Otherwise there is no trust — just a cold, lack of consequence. By allowing negative consequences through socialization, we enable trust, and so enable more meaningful relationships. For example, a player might grief the group, log out at the wrong time, or simply lack the skill to effectively play their character. They might steal your loot.
TENET 19 Players must be able to communicate with language
The purpose of having a World is to allow the player to tell their own story within it. And what story is worth telling that doesn’t involve real connection with others? Connection with others requires communication. And not just any form of communication, but with language. This communication should extend throughout the game, as much as possible. That is, it should be limited to the tavern, but should naturally extend out to the dungeon as well.
TENET 20 Players should be able to help each other organically
Those that have the means to help should find themselves naturally in proximity to those that might need it. For example, have high-level dungeon entrances in low-level areas. Have new characters start out near big cities.
TENET 21 Cooperation should generally benefit progression
For example, a blacksmith could gather all of her own materials or rely on other players. In some cases, a blacksmith might actually require an enchanter to lend a hand in creating the best equipment. This is not a difficult tenet to design towards; it is more a warning against designing forms of progression that specifically do not lend themselves to cooperation. In many MMOs, solo combat is so fast-paced and rewarding that there is little incentive to try to find a group.
The tenets of the World itself
TENET 22 The World should be persistent
Things can change, but not so frequently that it harms the connection the player has with the World. This is one reason why Minecraft may not work as a World game, and perhaps one reason why the focus on player-generated content in EverQuest Next did not lend itself well to a fun experience.
TENET 23 The World should be shared
There should be no instancing. If you need to come up with elaborate lore and mechanics to facilitate this, then so be it. For example, say all of the top tier raid bosses are spirits that can only be summoned by rare relics. And the spirits can only be hurt by those that share a clan sash with the one who summoned them. Obviously this is terribly contrived. But it demonstrates that it is possible to work backwards from the need of a shared world.
TENET 24 The World should be big
You should move slowly compared to the size of the world. It should always feel as though there is somewhere new to explore.
TENET 25 The World should be open
Big by itself is not enough. Theoretically, you could create a massive, linear world — imagine Ant Hill: The MMO. But that is not sufficient for a World game. Exploration is critical, and so the specific layout of the space is important. For another example, imagine Destiny but with hundreds of expansions. The game would be large by any standard, but it would not be a World.
TENET 26 The World should be alive
To some degree, the World should be the main character. Day and night cycles are a simple start. Other possibilities include transient events or even changes to the landscape over time. The World should be full of surprises, unpredictable. You should come across enemies not normally found in the local climate. You should discover loot normally reserved for much tougher mobs. Emergent gameplay can help here as well. The more mechanics and attributes that can be projected naturally to some underlying physics, the greater the chance for interesting and unique interactions. In the same breath, the World should have history. The best example of this is Hollow Knight, a game that tells the history of the World through visual storytelling, environments, enemy design, dialog, secrets, and journals.
TENET 27 The World should be consistent
The World should carry an underlying consistency through it. The World should feel congruent. Variety, also important, must be tempered.
TENET 28 The World should be varied
Different places within the World should have an identity of their own, through climate or culture or environment. Different environments should encourage different play styles and behavior, even downtime.
TENET 29 The World should have landmarks
The World should be defined by the interesting places within it. More than that, the World should have locations that pull players together. Breath of the Wild does an amazing job with this, whereas it is one of the weaknesses of The Witcher III. In EverQuest, the camps themselves often serve this role — think Treants — showing how landmarks can emerge from gameplay rather than, say, visual interest.
submitted by hellorallon to PantheonMMO [link] [comments]

The USA PATRIOT Act: The Story of an Impulsive Bill that Eviscerated America's Civil Liberties

The USA PATRIOT Act provides a textbook example of how the United States federal government expands its power. An emergency happens, legitimate or otherwise. The media, playing its dutiful role as goad for greater government oversight, demands "something must be done." Government power is massively expanded, with little regard for whether or not what is being done is efficacious, to say nothing of the overall impact on our nation's civil liberties.
No goals are posted, because if targets are hit, this would necessitate the ending or scaling back of the program. Instead, the program becomes normalized. There are no questions asked about whether the program is accomplishing what it set out to do. It is now simply a part of American life and there is no going back.
The American public largely accepts the USA PATRIOT Act as a part of civic life as immutable, perhaps even more so than the Bill of Rights. However, this act – passed in the dead of night, with little to no oversight, in a panic after the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor – is not only novel, it is also fundamentally opposed to virtually every principle on which the United States of America was founded. It might not be going anywhere anytime soon, but patriots, liberty lovers and defenders of Constitutional government should nonetheless familiarize themselves with the onerous provisions of this law, which is nothing short of a full-throttle attack on the American republic.

What’s Even in the USA PATRIOT Act?

What is in the USA PATRIOT Act? In the Michael Moore film Fahrenheit 9/11, then Rep. John Conyers cracked wise about how no one had actually read the Act and how this was in fact par for the course with America's laws. Thus, before delving into the deeper issues surrounding the PATRIOT Act, it is worth discussing what the Act actually says. Here’s a brief look at the 10 Titles in the PATRIOT Act:
Most of the provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act were set to sunset four years after the bill was passed into law. However, the law was extended first by President George W. Bush and then by President Barack H. Obama. The latter is particularly scandalous given that, at least in part, a rejection of the surveillance culture that permeated the Bush Administration was responsible for the election of Obama in 2008.

Passing the USA PATRIOT Act

Next, it’s important to remember the environment in which the USA PATRIOT Act was passed: Post-9/11. It is not the slightest bit of exaggeration to label the environment in which the PATRIOT Act was passed as “hysterical,” nor is “compliant” a misnomer for the Congress of the time. Opposition to the Act was slim and intensive review of one of the most sweeping Acts of Congress in American history was nonexistent.
All told, Congress took a whopping six weeks drafting, revising, reviewing and passing the PATRIOT Act. That’s less time than Congress typically spends on totally uncontroversial and routine bills that don’t gut the Fourth Amendment. The final vote found only 66 opponents in the House and one (Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold) in the Senate. The entire passage of the PATRIOT Act, from start to finish, took place behind closed doors. There were no committee reports or hearings for opponents to testify, nor did anyone bother to read the bill.
“Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism” is the bloated and overwrought full name of the bill, crafted by a 23-year-old Congressional staffer named Chris Cylke. This ridiculous name puts the focus not on the surveillance aspects or the erosion of basic civil liberties enshrined in Western society since the Magna Carta, but on patriotism. At the time of its creation, the messaging was very clear: Real patriots support massive intrusions on civil rights. As President George W. Bush said at the time, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” This sentiment very much seemed to apply to American citizens.
While the argument that if you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t fear investigation is anathema in a Constitutional republic with regard to citizens, it should be standard operating procedure when it comes to our organs of government. If we cannot expect transparency from the United States Congress – elected officials charged with representing the will of the people and protecting the Constitution – then we certainly can’t expect it anywhere else.

The Unfortunate Growth of the USA PATRIOT Act

It’s no surprise to those in the liberty movement that given an inch, the government (in particular the military-intelligence community) took a mile. Even the nebulous definition of “terrorism,” largely centered around a long litany of acts rather than the motivation behind them, has expanded to include receiving military training from a proscribed organization (without actually committing any terrorist acts or even acts of violence of any stripe) as well as “narcoterrorism” – the latter particularly convenient, as the United States government continues its losing “War on Drugs.”
Indeed, in many ways, the War on (Some) Drugs was the template for the War on Terror. Both wars have no defined enemy, no defined terms of victory. Instead, they are waged against a nebulous concept, while enjoying bipartisan support for their ever-expanding budgets. What’s more, it didn’t take long for the Feds to start using the USA PATRIOT Act for things it was never intended for, including prosecuting the War on Drugs.
Perhaps the silliest application of the USA PATRIOT Act is the prosecution of Adam McGaughey. McGaughey maintained a fansite for the television series Stargate SG-1. The Feds charged him with copyright infringement and computer fraud. In the course of their investigation, the FBI leveraged the PATRIOT Act to get financial records from his website’s ISP. This was made possible by the USA PATRIOT Act amending the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, allowing for search and seizure of ISP records.
The New York Times discovered in September 2003, that the USA PATRIOT Act was being used to investigate alleged drug traffickers without what would otherwise be sufficient probable cause. These were investigations into non-terrorist acts using a law ostensibly designed to investigate terrorism. There was some suspicion that the Act was being used to investigate crimes occurring before the Act was passed, violating the ex post facto clause of the United States Constitution.
In one of the biggest power grabs (excluding virtually everything we know from Edward Snowden – more on that below), the FBI sent tens of thousands of “national security letters” and procured over one million financial records from targeted businesses in Las Vegas. These businesses were primarily casinos, car rental bureaus and storage spaces. The data obtained included financial records, credit histories, employment records and even people’s personal health records.
The FBI maintains and databases this – and, indeed, all information collected through the USA PATRIOT Act – indefinitely. In the good old days before the PATRIOT Act, the Feds were compelled to destroy any evidence they collected on someone later found not guilty of a crime. Note that the aforementioned data collection brought to public attention by Edward Snowden (which, again – we’re getting to that) falls under this provision. Not only is the government collecting obscene amounts of private and personal information about you, they’re also storing it indefinitely with no plans to stop.
What’s more, the FBI has approached public libraries to turn over the records for specific terminals, collecting information not about specific users who might be under investigation, but about anyone who has ever used the computer at the public library. Libraries, to their credit, have been very much at the forefront of resistance against the PATRIOT Act, with some litigating compliance despite operating on small budgets and others posting “canary letters,” which effectively say “The FBI Hasn’t Been Here Yet.” The removal of such a letter would warn patrons that the FBI has been sniffing around in their records.
Indeed, the greatest criticism of the PATRIOT Act is the simplest and perhaps most obvious: Why does an Act ostensibly passed to fight terrorism so drastically expand the government’s power to investigate virtually everyone else? The PATRIOT Act is not merely unconstitutional, it is an unprecedented expansion of state power in the Anglosphere, a culture based on restricted government and the primacy of individual rights.
An excellent example of this is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) expansion. Most people are familiar with the term “FISA court,” but very few people actually know what it is – a special federal court created under the Carter Administration that grants approval of electronic surveillance of both citizens and resident aliens in the event that they are accused of acting in the service of a foreign power. The last part of this sentence is very important: The FISA courts are not simply for allowing surveillance of anyone that it might be expedient to collect information about. The scope of their powers is very, very limited.
Or was.
The PATRIOT Act lowered the burden of evidence required to obtain a FISA warrant for electronic surveillance and expanded the overall scope of the FISA courts. Any savvy federal agent can now drape his charges in the garb of (what else?) “national security” and obtain electronic surveillance privileges hitherto only dreamed of by investigators. FISA courts have become pliant tools in the hands of the Feds, gladly approving their requests to monitor phone and internet surveillance, as well as access to medical, financial and educational records.

The Future of the USA PATRIOT Act

Do we still need the PATRIOT Act? Did we ever? All laws are certainly a product of their times. But this seems much more acutely true of the USA PATRIOT Act, which was passed in a rush and under duress without due consideration.
Particularly in light of the revelations from Edward Snowden – that the government is spying on everything they possibly can – it’s worth asking if there’s any walking back. He points out that the police state apparatus was originally for drug dealers, then for terrorists, but ultimately ended up being applied to anyone and everyone.
What’s more, Bob Bullard notes another frightful aspect of the USA PATRIOT Act: Terrorism-related cases are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. This means that there is little or no oversight. There is no surer hallmark of a police state than an all-powerful domestic surveillance agency with no transparency or oversight. While the USA PATRIOT Act might not create an American Stasi as such, it certainly paves the way for one.
Continue reading The USA PATRIOT Act: The Story of an Impulsive Bill that Eviscerated America's Civil Liberties at Ammo.com.
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Have been watching old kannada movies in lockdown as I started to miss going out in the city & here are my reviews or opinions on movies I watched. - part 7

Jedara bale - Noir - 3.5/5 - Available on Youtube
Jedara bale is inspired by James bond movies that were all the rage then & is still. Director duo of Dorai-Bhagwan tries to emulate the same in jedara bale with Rajkumar playing the role of a secret agent joined by Narasimha raju. It follows the Secret agent story template to the last detail, with even including a daring stunt scene that involves a chase/fight in an under construction building which felt realistic & serves well to the spy thriller narrative. Story revolves around a kidnapped scientist who is tortured to give up his formula/recipe to mint fake currency notes, with Rajkumar & narasimharaju the secret agent duo on hunt for them. Movie features all the tropes of Secret agent movie with flashy gadgets, femme fatales, an array of bad guys, a dodgy casino & a rich businessman in the middle of all this. What works for this movie is "swag" of Rajkumar who owns his role as secret agent & his charisma seeps through every scene he is in, he is enthralling in his role & as usual carries the movie in its entirety. Supporting cast features Ashwath, Udaykumar, Dinesh, Jayanti etc who all do justice to their role, especially Uday kumar as a Casino owner, who is menacing as well as frustrated & plays a formidable villain to Rajkumar. Another refreshing fact was the use of the city in the movie, most of the movie shows the city as this lively, vibrant creature, which gives a movie an exotic feel which is huge plus instead of usual deserted roads & set pieces that is seen in other movies.
Aa karala raatri - Drama - 3.5/5 - Available on Hotstar
Aa karala raatri is a debut movie of Anupama gowda & she shines brightly in this. Directed by Dayal padmanabhan, movie has a stage drama feel to it & director's choice of locations are spot on. The run down home, in a desolate valley sets an ominous tone throughout the movie. Movie starts with a strangetraveler played by JK who arrives at this village & decides to spend the night in run down house owned by Muthanna's, played by Rangayana raghu, family. Then the stranger's behavior oscillates from friendly, to preachy, to flashy, to demanding all the while which results in conflicts with Anupama gowda, who plays Muthanna's daughter. Anupama gowda plays a difficult role as a jaded bitter woman who has lived devoid of any hope of companionship & her raging chemistry with JK sizzles through the screen. From delivering her lines which borders on crass & detailed with conviction to portraying mannerisms of her dangerous mindset, she over-shines veterans like Rangayana raghu & Veena sundar, who plays the role of her mom. JK seems to be the weak point of the movie as he fails to be a sort of an enigma into his character & instead plays it as one-dimensional character & his lines/dialogues just service the story without altering the tone of his character which would have made the final conclusion that much shocking. However, the story is the king here with a dark fairy tale undertones, adapted from a russian story & Anupama gowda's brilliant acting not only saves this movie from being just another artistic misfire & instead makes it an experience to relish. Hope to see more of Anupama gowda & such novel efforts.
Gayatri madhuve - Comedy - 1.5/5 - Available on Youtube
Anant nag plays a double role in this comedy movie which revolves around the marriage of titular Gayatri, played by Ambika, who plays a pretty face & nothing else. Anant nag plays a dual role of an innocent nerdy rich man looking for a bride & a poor seasoned street smart mechanic. Movie starts with three bachelors who are in love with Gayatri, who is unaware of their existence. The start was the enjoyable part of this movie as seeing these bachelors compete with each other & then the nerdy Anant nag promised a shenanigans filled comedy movie. But once this part of story is dealt with the movie meanders aimlessly & starts being a chore to watch & every scene sucks the fun out of the movie. A bumbling anant nag is used as a poor excuse for comedy & Tiger prabhakar is used for action segments, with Vajramuni wasted in his role as a cunning driver who plots to switch rich Anant nag with poor Anant nag in Gayatri's marriage for monetary benefits. Only saving grace is the first 15 mins or so & then Dinesh chewing the scenes with authority. Movie has songs which has a nostalgic value with catchy lyrics, so if you are a fan on old romantic kannada songs, you can listen to couple of bangers here. Overall movie is forgettable & I am glad it had a short run-time.
Ibbara hendira muddina police - Comedy - 5/5 - Available on Youtube
A comedy classic from early 90s, a fun filled story made in all Tamil, kannada & telugu by Relangi Narasimha Rao who hits jackpot with this perfect family entertainer. Shashikumar plays the dual role here one of a cop married to Tara & Nirosha, Another an unemployed youth looking for a stable job. I haven't seen the Tamil & telugu version but Shashikumar knocks it out of the park here & I cant imagine any other actor in his place. This movie doesn't have a wasted minute or a character. Tara & Nirosha, as quarreling wives of Shashi kumar are so believable in their animosity for each other watching them console each other at the second half was a comedy gut punch. Umashree & Mysore lokesh as cattle farming couples capture the hearts in their iconic roles, the ease with which they assimilate into the story & get involved in the mistaken identity shenaningans is a laugh riot. Mukhyamantri chandru & Rekha das with their "Pada pooja" ritual gag is a guaranteed laugh, the Gag never ages & gets a laugh everytime its presented. Seeing Mukyamantri chandru nailing the comic timing with simple & natural mannerisms contrasts how Rangayana raghu does it with over the top acting & shows how rare a talent like Mukyamantri chandru is. Overall a perfect family entertainer where every scene, dialogues, gags are iconic. The Jokes range from adult to childish & gives something for everyone to enjoy. The supporting cast of Mukhyamantri chandru, Umashree, Mysore lokesh rivals Golmaal rashakrishna & this is a shining example of Shashikumar's Golden era in the 90s, a versatile, charismatic actor. Watch this for a Guaranteed entertainment for the whole family & its just so good even songs had me grinning ear to ear while rest of the movie had me laughing out loud.
Indrajith - Action/Thriller - 4.5/5 - Available on Youtube
Indrajith is a quintessential action movie of the 90s dealing with corruption & politics. One way to describe will be to call it Police story for adults. K V Raju the director takes a lion's share of credit for this movie, his fresh direction, ripe with symbolism & metaphors in every single scene keeps you glued to the screen. The movie starts of as a hardboiled thriller as stylish as any of the John woo films. Movie sacrifices a gritty feel to a stylish narrative. Starring Ambarish as an honest daredevil Inspector Indrajith, who blazes the screen with masculinity, churning out the complex dialogues with authority tearing through the story. Every line uttered by Amabrish gives you goosebumps, its not crass lines aiming for masses but a conditioned well thought lines that wouldn't feel out of place in a literary play. Dialogues are extremely well crafted & will need multiple re-watches to enjoy it. Ambarish embraces the angry rebel personality that got him his fame & one can see why he is so revered as Rebel star, he is fully committed to his role & is able to match the herculean efforts put forth by K V Raju. Background score from Hamsalekha is timeless, his composition comes alive on screen complementing the tone of scenes, adrenalin jumps high & emotions hits hard with Hamsalekha. More than the songs, which are amazing, the background score rules the movie. Its on par, if not better, than Hamsalekha's partnership with Ravichandran. The movie is a holy trinity of world class vision by K V Raju, melodious compositions of Hamsalekha & Rebel star Ambarish at his very best. Supporting cast of Devaraj, Deepika, Shashikumar, Doddanna & Disco Shanti are all portrayed well. Shashikumar & Disco shaanti as unhinged villains deliver a terrifying performance as antagonists. Devaraj plays a crucial role with ease, with Doddanna doing what he does best as a corrupt officer full of menace. Plot is reminiscent of PunisheDaredevil comics of a good man force to turn vigilante & if you have adored Ugramm, KGF or Police story, then you must watch Indrajith which puts out a template for Action movies which in my opinion is yet to be matched balancing both the mass & class elements. Would rate it as the best Action movie in kannada cinema & if not for the climax which is bit too cliched, this would have been a 5/5 movie for me. Please watch it.
Minchina Ota - Thriller - 3/5 - Available on Youtube
Minchina Ota is Shankar nag's debut movie as a Director & it stars Shankar nag, Anant nag, Lokanath, Priya tendulkar & Ramesh bhat in prominent roles. Starring both Nag bros & being directed by Shankar nag, the movie feels a bit under-cooked compared to the standard that Shankar nag is usually associated with. Nag bros join Loknath as car thieves, due to financial circumstances & they are later met by Priya tendulkar who plays love interest to Anant nag. This ensemble cast is a joy to watch & their heist part is enjoyable, while Shankar nag effortlessly plays his role, Anant nag as Tony seems out of depth in most of his scenes, his transitions from angry mechanic to reluctant thief to masterminding the group is not smoothly done & feels a bit jarring, Shankar nagintends to show Tony as a perpetually angry man, allowing his rage & fury to dictate terms for him but Anant nag's portrayal falls short as Tony doesn't materialize as a complex character, in contrast Loknath & Shankar nag act around him effortlessly. Direction by Shankar nag shows his expertise & ambition which becomes apparent in his future efforts, Shankar nag never resorts to cheap tricks or theatrics, as chase scenes, jail scenes seems gritty & real. Movie has a documentary feel to it & allows the natural settings in the scenes to shine through, one never feels like the movie is watched behind the camera lens & instead transports you into the movie & to its era. Not as enjoyable as his other efforts but one can see the ambition that Shankar nag had & see the shadows of his love for unapologetic hard hitting portrayals of story & characters which gets much better with Accident & Malgudi days.
submitted by HeadToToes to bangalore [link] [comments]

Have been watching old kannada movies in lockdown as I started to miss going out in the city & here are my reviews or opinions on movies I watched. - part 7

Jedara bale - Noir - 3.5/5 - Available on Youtube
Jedara bale is inspired by James bond movies that were all the rage then & is still. Director duo of Dorai-Bhagwan tries to emulate the same in jedara bale with Rajkumar playing the role of a secret agent joined by Narasimha raju. It follows the Secret agent story template to the last detail, with even including a daring stunt scene that involves a chase/fight in an under construction building which felt realistic & serves well to the spy thriller narrative. Story revolves around a kidnapped scientist who is tortured to give up his formula/recipe to mint fake currency notes, with Rajkumar & narasimharaju the secret agent duo on hunt for them. Movie features all the tropes of Secret agent movie with flashy gadgets, femme fatales, an array of bad guys, a dodgy casino & a rich businessman in the middle of all this. What works for this movie is "swag" of Rajkumar who owns his role as secret agent & his charisma seeps through every scene he is in, he is enthralling in his role & as usual carries the movie in its entirety. Supporting cast features Ashwath, Udaykumar, Dinesh, Jayanti etc who all do justice to their role, especially Uday kumar as a Casino owner, who is menacing as well as frustrated & plays a formidable villain to Rajkumar. Another refreshing fact was the use of the city in the movie, most of the movie shows the city as this lively, vibrant creature, which gives a movie an exotic feel which is huge plus instead of usual deserted roads & set pieces that is seen in other movies.
Aa karala raatri - Drama - 3.5/5 - Available on Hotstar
Aa karala raatri is a debut movie of Anupama gowda & she shines brightly in this. Directed by Dayal padmanabhan, movie has a stage drama feel to it & director's choice of locations are spot on. The run down home, in a desolate valley sets an ominous tone throughout the movie. Movie starts with a strangetraveler played by JK who arrives at this village & decides to spend the night in run down house owned by Muthanna's, played by Rangayana raghu, family. Then the stranger's behavior oscillates from friendly, to preachy, to flashy, to demanding all the while which results in conflicts with Anupama gowda, who plays Muthanna's daughter. Anupama gowda plays a difficult role as a jaded bitter woman who has lived devoid of any hope of companionship & her raging chemistry with JK sizzles through the screen. From delivering her lines which borders on crass & detailed with conviction to portraying mannerisms of her dangerous mindset, she over-shines veterans like Rangayana raghu & Veena sundar, who plays the role of her mom. JK seems to be the weak point of the movie as he fails to be a sort of an enigma into his character & instead plays it as one-dimensional character & his lines/dialogues just service the story without altering the tone of his character which would have made the final conclusion that much shocking. However, the story is the king here with a dark fairy tale undertones, adapted from a russian story & Anupama gowda's brilliant acting not only saves this movie from being just another artistic misfire & instead makes it an experience to relish. Hope to see more of Anupama gowda & such novel efforts.
Gayatri madhuve - Comedy - 1.5/5 - Available on Youtube
Anant nag plays a double role in this comedy movie which revolves around the marriage of titular Gayatri, played by Ambika, who plays a pretty face & nothing else. Anant nag plays a dual role of an innocent nerdy rich man looking for a bride & a poor seasoned street smart mechanic. Movie starts with three bachelors who are in love with Gayatri, who is unaware of their existence. The start was the enjoyable part of this movie as seeing these bachelors compete with each other & then the nerdy Anant nag promised a shenanigans filled comedy movie. But once this part of story is dealt with the movie meanders aimlessly & starts being a chore to watch & every scene sucks the fun out of the movie. A bumbling anant nag is used as a poor excuse for comedy & Tiger prabhakar is used for action segments, with Vajramuni wasted in his role as a cunning driver who plots to switch rich Anant nag with poor Anant nag in Gayatri's marriage for monetary benefits. Only saving grace is the first 15 mins or so & then Dinesh chewing the scenes with authority. Movie has songs which has a nostalgic value with catchy lyrics, so if you are a fan on old romantic kannada songs, you can listen to couple of bangers here. Overall movie is forgettable & I am glad it had a short run-time.
Ibbara hendira muddina police - Comedy - 5/5 - Available on Youtube
A comedy classic from early 90s, a fun filled story made in all Tamil, kannada & telugu by Relangi Narasimha Rao who hits jackpot with this perfect family entertainer. Shashikumar plays the dual role here one of a cop married to Tara & Nirosha, Another an unemployed youth looking for a stable job. I haven't seen the Tamil & telugu version but Shashikumar knocks it out of the park here & I cant imagine any other actor in his place. This movie doesn't have a wasted minute or a character. Tara & Nirosha, as quarreling wives of Shashi kumar are so believable in their animosity for each other watching them console each other at the second half was a comedy gut punch. Umashree & Mysore lokesh as cattle farming couples capture the hearts in their iconic roles, the ease with which they assimilate into the story & get involved in the mistaken identity shenaningans is a laugh riot. Mukhyamantri chandru & Rekha das with their "Pada pooja" ritual gag is a guaranteed laugh, the Gag never ages & gets a laugh everytime its presented. Seeing Mukyamantri chandru nailing the comic timing with simple & natural mannerisms contrasts how Rangayana raghu does it with over the top acting & shows how rare a talent like Mukyamantri chandru is. Overall a perfect family entertainer where every scene, dialogues, gags are iconic. The Jokes range from adult to childish & gives something for everyone to enjoy. The supporting cast of Mukhyamantri chandru, Umashree, Mysore lokesh rivals Golmaal rashakrishna & this is a shining example of Shashikumar's Golden era in the 90s, a versatile, charismatic actor. Watch this for a Guaranteed entertainment for the whole family & its just so good even songs had me grinning ear to ear while rest of the movie had me laughing out loud.
Indrajith - Action/Thriller - 4.5/5 - Available on Youtube
Indrajith is a quintessential action movie of the 90s dealing with corruption & politics. One way to describe will be to call it Police story for adults. K V Raju the director takes a lion's share of credit for this movie, his fresh direction, ripe with symbolism & metaphors in every single scene keeps you glued to the screen. The movie starts of as a hardboiled thriller as stylish as any of the John woo films. Movie sacrifices a gritty feel to a stylish narrative. Starring Ambarish as an honest daredevil Inspector Indrajith, who blazes the screen with masculinity, churning out the complex dialogues with authority tearing through the story. Every line uttered by Amabrish gives you goosebumps, its not crass lines aiming for masses but a conditioned well thought lines that wouldn't feel out of place in a literary play. Dialogues are extremely well crafted & will need multiple re-watches to enjoy it. Ambarish embraces the angry rebel personality that got him his fame & one can see why he is so revered as Rebel star, he is fully committed to his role & is able to match the herculean efforts put forth by K V Raju. Background score from Hamsalekha is timeless, his composition comes alive on screen complementing the tone of scenes, adrenalin jumps high & emotions hits hard with Hamsalekha. More than the songs, which are amazing, the background score rules the movie. Its on par, if not better, than Hamsalekha's partnership with Ravichandran. The movie is a holy trinity of world class vision by K V Raju, melodious compositions of Hamsalekha & Rebel star Ambarish at his very best. Supporting cast of Devaraj, Deepika, Shashikumar, Doddanna & Disco Shanti are all portrayed well. Shashikumar & Disco shaanti as unhinged villains deliver a terrifying performance as antagonists. Devaraj plays a crucial role with ease, with Doddanna doing what he does best as a corrupt officer full of menace. Plot is reminiscent of PunisheDaredevil comics of a good man force to turn vigilante & if you have adored Ugramm, KGF or Police story, then you must watch Indrajith which puts out a template for Action movies which in my opinion is yet to be matched balancing both the mass & class elements. Would rate it as the best Action movie in kannada cinema & if not for the climax which is bit too cliched, this would have been a 5/5 movie for me. Please watch it.
Minchina Ota - Thriller - 3/5 - Available on Youtube
Minchina Ota is Shankar nag's debut movie as a Director & it stars Shankar nag, Anant nag, Lokanath, Priya tendulkar & Ramesh bhat in prominent roles. Starring both Nag bros & being directed by Shankar nag, the movie feels a bit under-cooked compared to the standard that Shankar nag is usually associated with. Nag bros join Loknath as car thieves, due to financial circumstances & they are later met by Priya tendulkar who plays love interest to Anant nag. This ensemble cast is a joy to watch & their heist part is enjoyable, while Shankar nag effortlessly plays his role, Anant nag as Tony seems out of depth in most of his scenes, his transitions from angry mechanic to reluctant thief to masterminding the group is not smoothly done & feels a bit jarring, Shankar nagintends to show Tony as a perpetually angry man, allowing his rage & fury to dictate terms for him but Anant nag's portrayal falls short as Tony doesn't materialize as a complex character, in contrast Loknath & Shankar nag act around him effortlessly. Direction by Shankar nag shows his expertise & ambition which becomes apparent in his future efforts, Shankar nag never resorts to cheap tricks or theatrics, as chase scenes, jail scenes seems gritty & real. Movie has a documentary feel to it & allows the natural settings in the scenes to shine through, one never feels like the movie is watched behind the camera lens & instead transports you into the movie & to its era. Not as enjoyable as his other efforts but one can see the ambition that Shankar nag had & see the shadows of his love for unapologetic hard hitting portrayals of story & characters which gets much better with Accident & Malgudi days.
submitted by HeadToToes to KannadaCinema [link] [comments]

I’ve been completing some deeply disturbing crosswords

I latch onto specific problems and when I do everything else around me diminishes into nothingness until I complete the task at hand. I line these problems up and solve them, one-by-one, and I find updating the task list awfully difficult. If I am on my way to do a job, breaking off to attend to something else is almost impossible. I once finished buttering my toast before putting out a fire by the stove. I once lost a girlfriend after she trapped her fingers in a food processor, and I quietly went over to the fridge and put the milk away before turning to help her. She couldn’t believe that I hadn’t rushed over straight away, but of course it wasn’t really like that. I was unable to review or address my priorities until my mind had freed itself from the current task.
I have to manage these tendencies. And I learned at an early age that it helps to focus on discrete tasks that, if things get really bad, I can remind myself don’t matter. That, at least, limits the anxiety of abandoning them. I have my work and that gets me through the day, but outside of those hours I need other things to pull me through. I can paint and read and they’re involving, for sure, but they don’t tend to have the sense of completion that I get from a simple puzzle. Jigsaws, sudoku, word searches, videogames; these all make up part of it but oddly enough it’s crosswords that have taken over my mind. It started because they weren’t too taxing and if I was pushed to cheat then it didn’t really matter. They let me say things like,
“Right, I’ll do 9 across while on the toilet and that’s it.”
Like most things I put my mind to, I quickly turned the hobby into an obsessive pursuit of completion. The harder they were, the better. If I had to watch a film, read a book, or even visit a real-life location to get an answer, I would. And I credited it all with pushing me out of my comfort zone in order to experience new things. I would have never watched Breakfast at Tiffanies, read Little Women, or visited the London Museum of Natural History without needing to get answers from them. And they were all new experiences for me, some better than others, but I enjoyed the feeling of expanding my little bubble with each new puzzle.
Crosswords, like everything, have communities surrounding them and I even found a few friends online. For some, the compulsion to get obscure answers was a vital lifeline to the outside world, and you’d be surprised at some of the cultures lurking at the fringe. A good crossword is more than just a puzzle, it’s a curated string of experiences picked to evoke a deliberate journey. A common example might be the kind of thing some tourists could use to guide them around a city:
Below the Phoenix of a Blinded Saint, 8 down.
Resurgam – the answer can be found carved on a stone beneath a statue of a phoenix at St Paul’s Cathedral. But what about something like the following:
The final song of a thunderous singer, 5 across.
The answer was Toxic, the final song lip-synced by a Drag Queen (Daytona Thunder) at a popular club in Manchester. I went a long way for that one and had a surprisingly good night, albeit one a little outside my wheelhouse. But still, I got the answer and it wasn’t like I’d find it just by reading the forums (posting answers is a big no-no if you want to get into the best clubs). The creator was a well-known Queer academic working out of London who has a popular following in the community. I appreciated their work but perhaps not as much as those by one anonymous Berliner.
A companion’s lips tasted through the looking glass, 6 across.
Her name was Alice and she was an escort for an agency called Intimate Companions. She was wearing Cherry lip gloss, something I found through a process of elimination.
Over the last few years I’ve discovered more about myself than I ever would have at home. I have learned that I can lie very well, that when I know who I am meant to be, who others want me to be, I can be confident and even charming. I have learned that I am not a jealous person, that I am not a vain person, and that there are times when I can be as reckless and adventurous as anyone else. I just need a reason to, a job to complete with routes to success I understand.
The name of a one-eyed watchmen’s gun, 12 across.
There was a policeman—with two eyes, I might add, but the unfortunate Christian name of Dick—and the answer was the serial number of his gun, converted to letters. That was an odd one, but absolutely invigorating. The crossword had been made with clearly defined geographical boundaries which helped (many of us attended it as a communal event although I largely acted alone), and for a moment I almost thought the policeman was in on the game. Right up until he tried to shoot me.
Like I said, the experiences can be invigorating.
But the good ones, the really good ones, they can be a struggle to find. You have to be accepted into the right groups, often you’ll be vetted, even tested, but the reward can be worth it. I’ll never forget the day I had a hand-delivered envelope deposited at my doorstep and the anticipation I felt opening it, unknotting the brown twine so delicately tied around the heft. God, some of them even had wax seals. I liked those the most. I found the violet and crimson seals delicious to look at.
But they were so, so much more than simple puzzles.
A principled affair, 5 down.
The headmaster of the local school was having an affair with her sister-in-law, Sarah. It was hard to find that out. It wasn’t exactly public knowledge. Frankly, I had to resort to stalking and it wasn’t a good look, but it was a new experience nonetheless and the few times I nearly got caught were quite exhilarating. But what was truly amazing was that this was at the school just a few blocks from my house! You have to understand, it wasn’t just a template handed out to everyone. I still don’t know how big any of these communities really are but I imagine they’re quite small and involve people from all over the world. It was truly remarkable to think someone had laboured over a tailor-made puzzle just for me.
There are quite a few groups I belong to now. Some aren’t even organised online, instead requiring that you ferret them out, sometimes as clues in other puzzles, sometimes as their own elaborate games. But there are always more to be found and in the best circumstances, they find you, choosing you out of all the people in the world to rise to the challenge at hand. The right ones will push you to do things you never thought possible.
A baker’s jewels, 7 down.
Harriet Baker who died in 2012 at the age of 86 and was buried with an emerald necklace in the local graveyard. I still have it, kept away somewhere in a special drawer along with news clippings of the crime. It even has some of the soil from the grave still muddying its shimmering gems, and admittedly they do still smell a bit. But I bet that I know something most people don’t, and that’s what happens to little old Grandma five years after being sealed up in a box beneath the Earth. Not just the abstract, either. I know the specifics, I know exactly what she looks like, smells like, and even what her cold lumpen flesh feels like. I spent years as a child wondering what happened to the many relatives of mine who passed away, but it was an adult I finally found the answer.
People have lived their whole lives looking down on me. Teachers assumed I was slow at learning, my parents mourned that I cared more about organising my wargaming miniatures than I ever did about girls or friends, everyone around me treated me like I was a timid mouse in a world of thundering giants. But I’ve lived a more exciting life than they could ever imagine, and it hasn’t been in spite of who I am. Only someone like me could pursue these clues to such dogged ends and I gladly take the bad with the good.
The colour of the tea plates served by the Biellier Historical Society, 9 up.
Don’t let the name fool you. The Society is a private organisation for some rather unusual gentlemen who serve tea after their annual conference is finished. Crazy bastards, I can see why they need a drink once they’re finished and I’m not surprised half of them didn’t take a seat during refreshments. I’m just not sure I’ll ever look be able to look a farm animal in the eye again.
Oh, and turquoise, by the way. That was the answer.
I know things very few people know. That’s a rare privilege and, like I said, it comes with a price. It would be ridiculous to think one might look upon the fraying edges of our world without having to face some uncomfortable sights. And you might think the worst of it is a leather-bound orgy in a dungeon or perversions you can safely find on Wikipedia, but there are other lingering truths buried in the Earth and I am one of the few who have seen them. There is always more to learn, always another word to find, another puzzle to complete. And I have come a long way in my education since I first received that letter on my doorstep years ago.
The inheritor of Maeson’s oldest home, 6 down.
Albert. Albert was the named inheritor of the first house built and designed by obscure architect Harold Maeson. It was not, as almost everyone first expected, the current owner’s first born son named Alexander, but instead the old man’s male sexual interest Albert who was a rather unwilling 17 year old. Perhaps the old man thought it made up for his actions towards the boy he had kept around as a family friend for years, disguising his abuse as mentorship. Either way it caused a tremendous uproar and poor Albert wasn’t exactly thrilled to have his face all over the papers. No one could have possibly known he would be the inheritor. The will was written up in total secrecy, something I spent considerable resources finding out.
Credit where it’s due, the old man put up a fight but his death was the only way I would get my answer. I can’t speak for others, but I found the experience quite a revelation. I felt as if I’d learned profound hidden knowledge, a truth about reality found in the glassy bloodshot eyes of a man violently dying. There’s something in there, you know, something that lies just beneath our own reality. I saw a glimmer of it that night, just like I had so many others before it. It’s quite beautiful, a confusing glittering mess of contradictions and unknowable madness. It is, by definition beyond our ability to every truly know but you can still see facets of it, one bit at a time.
It’s beautiful. But… well, it’s not always so painless.
The missing piglet counted right to left, 5 up.
Eight. That was the answer. I spent all night researching fairy tales and children’s rhymes only to fall asleep at my desk sometime around 2 in the morning. When I awoke I had been moved to the sofa and my left foot was raised on the armrest and bandaged heavily. The whole tingled from anaesthesia and it wouldn’t be until noon before I could walk on it again. Anxiously, I undid the white swaddle of blood-tinged gauze and winced at the sight of my mutilated foot. The middle toe on my left foot had been amputated cleanly, the wound sewn up neatly like a cross-stitched grin. Counting right to left, I noticed it was the eighth toe missing and I have to admit I pumped my fist in the air and rejoiced at having the answer.
But the experience caught me off guard, and it might not surprise you to know that I have since looked into slowing down and maybe even taking a short break from this hobby. I’ve had to manage these tendencies in the past and I suppose this one should be no different. But there have been some difficulties. For one thing, they won’t stop sending new puzzles to me and it’s all but impossible for me to ignore them. And for another, the clues are becoming increasingly pointed.
A sea of white and flakes of gold to flood a castle of ivory, 6 down.
Cereal, right? That’s what I thought, at least until I had the unpleasant surprise of discovering a needle hidden in my cornflakes. That, it turned out, was the correct answer and I was lucky to catch it before it wound up anywhere near my mouth. The thought of that thing sliding down my throat or catching in the roof of my mouth, spearing the gum and cartilage, left me riddled with an ever-growing anxiety. Clubs have pushed things in the past, boundaries take a backseat when it comes to pursuing the absolute limit of knowledge. But it felt like such an odd inclusion for the latest puzzle, one that didn’t necessarily teach me anything. If I had the ability to trace it to a single group I might have a better sense of what it was meant to mean, but then again anonymity was always kind of the point.
The currency of a strategic withdrawal, 3 up.
I initially thought of the military, but in fact the answer was Yen and it turned out that around £50,000 worth of them had been withdrawn from my account (by myself, somehow) at the bank. God knows how that was possible, but it happened and there’s not a lot I could really do about it. I’ve written to some of the groups but as far as I can tell they’re playing coy.
I am sorry, one replied. But our puzzles are sent out as part of a weekly newsletter via e-mail. We’re not sure we’ve ever offered bespoke crosswords but we’d be fascinated to hear more if there’s anyone out there who does. It’d interest quite a few of our members, myself included.
I received similar variations to this message from just about every organisation I had listed in my ledger and frankly I found the suggestion ridiculous. I’d always assumed those newsletters were part of a front, making it appear as though the focus was on banal little puzzles about obscure military defeats while secretly directing us to brothels and illegal casinos. It made sense, perhaps, that they would maintain the ruse but an acquaintance I called wasn’t exactly reassuring.
“Well of course they’re a front,” he said. “Don’t you get the packages? I’ve had a few seedy adventures with those!”
“Oh that’s good!” I laughed while breathing a deep sigh of relief. “I was beginning to think… well, I’m not sure what I was thinking.”
“Oh yes the packages are very real,” he replied. “The Spring edition was quite a naughty affair, don’t you think?”
“Invigorating,” I smiled. “I didn’t even know where to buy a burlap sa—”
“Strawberry!? Can you imagine? The Mrs and I had a delight trying out the different flavours.”
“Oh come now man, no need to be shy. It’s quite normal to use… lubricant,” he whispered it like a dirty secret. “Agnes suggested we try it on toast!” I hung up with his laughter still bellowing down the other line. My Spring edition of our shared club was not anything like his. I told myself that it made sense it wouldn’t, they were meant to be custom made for each participant, but it alarmed me to hear that his activities were so dreadfully banal. Most of the clues in that edition had directed me to the consumption of a range of meats including something I scraped off the side of a suspension bridge.
Nothing my friend had said to me rang true. Rightly, I should have stopped there. But… but the thing is… it was never really an option, not then and not now. I’m sure you think it’s a silly compulsion or anxiety but it’s not. I can’t do it. It’s simply not in my nature especially not now I know that God-knows-what could be lurking around the corner. I’ve explained this to myself and others before – I am task focused. I needed to finish the job at hand.
PO Box 19777, open it from within, 9 down.
I found the box with ease but there was no key nor any means to open it from within. Whatever the rationale was behind the puzzle, I thought at the time that the whole affair was beginning to frustrate me. I didn’t see any significant challenge to tracing the address, aside from finding the key which, it would turn out, was very much part of the clue. In fact, I’m still not entirely sure how they did it. I awoke to a sort of gagging sensation one night, dreaming that I had swallowed a tangle of wet hair. Only the terrible retching sensation wasn’t entirely dreamed up. Tied to my canine was a line of floss that I painfully had to pull up from my stomach. It was unnecessarily long, spooling out of my throat in a bloody tangle for a good few metres while I vomited and cried from the struggle. It took nearly half an hour to inch it out while I choked and retched but eventually I regurgitated the key, collapsing afterwards to the floor to heave and sob as I recovered.
There was a teddy bear in the locker and I didn’t find it particularly amusing. And, yes, okay, there was a mild satisfaction to getting the answer, but the rest of me was filled with a deep begrudging. I felt like the punchline to a joke that wasn’t funny.
A starry orchid’s window of choice, 7 down.
The answer was eyeball, and it turns out the consumption of the flower in question causes bloody secretions from the tear ducts, not to mention renal failure. It wasn’t easy to explain that one away, and I didn’t much appreciate the stay at a hospital. The price for that answer may one day be dialysis, but for now I hope that I may still see myself clear of such things. The doctors couldn’t say for sure what the chances were. At the very least I hoped that I might find some respite while interred in a hospital bed, but if anything it made things worse. I was not prepared to be incapacitated for so long with the knowledge that the puzzle was but one clue from completion.
I was itching furiously for the last few days, and my doctors were confounded by the state of my heart and were blind to the other tell-tale signs of anxiety. There would be no rest for me until I had finished the puzzle and I swore to myself, swore blind on my mother’s grave, that it would be the last. If things got much worse, I reminded myself, it might not be me who decides what will be my last puzzle.
When I arrived home it was with the kind of relief I never thought possible. I am forever learning more about myself and those first few steps through the front door made it clear to me I was in the thrall of some kind of addiction. No matter what the price was, I told myself over and over again that I would pay it and move on. I would change addresses if I had to or pay someone to physically slap the damn pencil out of my hand if I went to complete another crossword! God knows I have the money.
I will climb this final hurdle, I told myself, and see it through.
And yet… I don’t know. I half-expect there to be some ghoulish double-entendre hiding in the words but for the life of me I cannot see one. It seems more like a hideous joke - one I don’t really understand. I have a possible word choice and it certainly fits but… It’s been weeks and I can’t bring myself to write it in. This is the final clue! The final step at the end of this increasingly desperate adventure and I can’t figure it out. I’m half-tempted to say that I won’t see another answer because I don’t want to finish it. That might be it, surely? I’m an addict. I’ll admit that all too readily and this wouldn’t be the first time I took things too far. It’s just…
The handwriting these clues have been written in, 4 down.
I keep expecting some terrible interpretation to come true, to find a severed hand by my door, or to awake missing most of my fingers. It’s a strange thing but I have come to find myself ruminating often on the look in the old man’s eyes. For while I am sure that I saw something terrible and beautiful deep within the popping veins of those suffocating retinas, it had not occurred to me until now that something was looking back.
And it’s waiting for me to write in the final answer, though God knows it must be wrong for it simply cannot be possible that the answer is ‘mine’.
submitted by ChristianWallis to nosleep [link] [comments]

[H] warmachine Ret lot [W]$$$ [Loc] NY

Looking for $300 usd free shipping with the us
2x helious/hyperion 1x dawn guard sentinels 1x house elloweryr swordsman 2x house guard haldberdiers w/ officer & standards 1x mage hunter strike force 2x house shyeel battle mages 1x fane knight skeryth issyen 2x stormfall archers 1x thyron sword of truth 2x harpys 3x chimera 2x heavy rifle team 3x griffon 1x Kaelyssa nights whisper 1x elara deaths shadow 2x ghost sniper 3x manticore 1x magister heynna 2x house guard thane 2x mage hunter assasin 1x raven eternal light 4x arcanist
1x Arcantrik force generator 1x heavy myrmidon kit 1x moros 1x eloyss mage hunter 1x spears of scyrah 1x lord ghrrshyld the forgiven 1x souless escort
MISC Dice both casino and PP offical Measuring sticks and templates Arc marker Frozen forge tokens
Some random models missing bits that I did not want to include in the above as they are missing bits please feel free to pm with any questions
submitted by oddhoursmtg to Miniswap [link] [comments]

The Forum After Party at The Century Bar and Grill at Hollywood Park Casino- October 11, 2019 Directly following the show. All are invited!!! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Details and sign up in thread!!!

While I AM STILL trying to work out some last minute details- Busses to the casino are STILL a possibility I am working on, with emails being traded as recently as yesterday I am happy to announce the FINAL details for the after party!
The after party will be held at The Century Bar and Grill at The Hollywood Park Casino.
The Century Bar holds 200+. If in the event of more people, we can spill over into other areas, and their lounge, Raise is adjacent to the Century. We can also enjoy any of the games and tables the casino provides should we chose to do so. (If anyone does, may The Fox God be with you for luck!)
Flyer for the event
Time and Place- The Hollywood Park Casino, 3883 W Century Blvd, Inglewood California
Directly after The Forum Show.
Venue Website and Phone Number-
Website- http://www.playhpc.com/dining
(Includes a "virtual tour' of the location)
Phone number- 310-330-2800
Food and Drink menu-
Drink and Food Specials - 11:30pm to 1 am Late Night Happy Hour:
$2 off draft beer or glass wine
$2 off all appetizers
$1 off all well cocktails
Using Google Maps-
NOTE- Safety has been a concern regarding the area surrounding the Forum. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that everyone take some type of Uber, Lyft, or cab to the after party, and ride sharing is encouraged!
Event Info- The Century Bar and Grill is an American Eatery, with standard fare at seemingly reasonable prices located just as you enter the casino. It comfortably holds 200, and we can spill over into the adjacent lounge if needed. It offers a late night happy hour. They are expecting us, will be playing a rock music program, and it should be a great place to gather after the show!
Facebook event page- please check in if interested or attending!:
After Party Sign in sheet-
For the love of the Fox God, if you plan on attending, please sign up so that I may give a proper head count-estimate to the venue!
Now, for some sad news (for me)-
Due to work issues, and some real life stuff, I am SADLY unable to make it to the Forum or this party. So, I am going to rely on some of you to help ensure of its success. With that being said, I need some volunteers for the last minute work-
Volunteers needed!!
Day of the show- I need as MANY folks possible to hand out some flyers, and let everyone know about the party.
Handing out Flyers- If you can print out some flyers, and hand them out on line prior to the show, it would be a great help! You can use the above full color, or this black and white version . HTWingnut has also pit together this business-card sized template , which may be easier for some people. HT Wingnut also suggested printing a few full size color flyers, and (politely and neatly) posting them up around the venue as posters for the event. There are MULTIPLE entrances, so every little bit helps!
The Wonderful Journey Pops- Kmudametal will be escorting the Wonderful Journey Pops to The Forum!!! This will be their THIRD appearance at a concert or after party, with the first two being Legend S in 2017 and Innsbruck in 2018. Our idea was to set the Pops up at a table, take photos of them with the fans, and "LIVE TWEET" them at the party throughout the event. Kmuda can't do this alone, so if anyone can help him out, that would be very welcomed. Must have a working phone with camera and a Twitter account, and work closely with Kmuda regarding this. Safety of the Pops is also a concern, so known members or participants of the journey are encouraged. For anyone not familiar with The Wonderful Journey, or the Pops-
Check out BM Wonderful Journey (@BM_W_Journey): https://twitter.com/BM_W_Journey?s=09
Video slideshow- There is a possibility of accessing video for a slideshow throughout the event. All that would be necessary is someone to put something together on USB, (hopefully on a loop?) and run it. You would have to meet with staff on site at the party, give them the USB, and get it set up through them. If interested, let me know below, and I can DM you with info as soon as Jessica (events at the casino) gets back to me regarding this.
Liason with staff, assist with party-
If a couple people just check in with staff as we arrive, make sure all is set, and most importantly, HELP EVERYONE gather together, it is VERY useful. Believe me, I did this for The big party in Hollywood in 2017, and organizing this crew is like corraling cats, but it helps everyone find each other, and is a GREAT way to meet everyone!
Involved in other fan groups? Let them know!
Have a twitter and in touch with other fans? Tweet the party and flyer!
On Facebook? Share the event!!!
I've been posting about the event throughout the planning stages, but welcome everyone to join in- the MORE KITSUNES, THE MERRIER!!!
If you are attremding, please respond and say hi bellow.
If you can or want to volunteer, let me know in the comments-
And most importantly... HAVE FUN EVERYONE!!!
submitted by fearmongert to BABYMETAL [link] [comments]

Smash Royale Mode would honestly be fun.

100-player Smash, Stamina-based.
Uses a similar template of the Smash Run and Subspace Emissary map. It would consist of parts of the worlds that the character roster are from and much more.
... and much more! Enough so that 100 players don't butcher each other immediately but not too vast until the game can stretch beyond 40 minutes.
Monsters are everywhere and you need to farm them to get stat boosts. Specific areas = specific monsters.
Items are all around and you may switch your inventory at ease. Stack up those Golden Hammers.
If small fries aren't giving enough, you may go to certain areas to fight bosses. They'll give buffs that would be unique to whomever dealt the most damage. (i.e. Rayquaza may grant you the permission to ride on its back and you can Dragon Ascent anywhere on the map.)
As time goes on, the map will indicate a circle. Those who are outside the circle will have a very likely chance to face Tabuu, who will destroy you if you don't run. (You can try to beat him, but he has ten times the amount of health from his last appearance in Smash Brawl.)
Want to hide and wait things out? Hide in Smash boxes similar to Snake or kneel behind bushes.
I'd add more, but I wanna see what the community would like to add + the character you want to main.
submitted by theonlygaster to smashbros [link] [comments]

Beginner's guide to F/GO Lingo

Although most of you will find this redundant, but I've found myself absolutely lost when i first came onto this forum. Even though i had a bit of prior experience with phone game lingo, it still took me a month after i joined this community to get what you guys are saying.
Note: Use Ctrl+F to search for a specific term.

In-game Lingo

F2P= Free to(2) Play. DW= Delight Works, the company that made the game. Although for NA players, Aniplex would be the one hosting and distributing content. AP= Action Points, player stamina. MP= Mana Prisms, used for trading items in shop, acquired by selling any 3★ or higher card(Craft Essence/Experience cards/Servants). RP= Rare prisms, used for trading items in shop, acquired by selling 4 ★ servants(This, however, does not apply for event obtained servants. E.i. Nobu, Elizabeth(Caster)) QP= Quantum Particle, basic currency used for all matters of enhancement(Ascension,Skill upgrades, etc). Burning= Found in shop, used to sell items. Mats = Materials, Generally referencing Ascension/skill upgrade materials. (E.i. Phoenix Plume, Infinity Gears,etc). Interlude= Servant-specific quests when certain criteria is met, Ascension/Completed Singularity/Bond Level. CE= Craft Essence, cards that can be equipped onto servants for additional effects. Apolegems= Saint's Quartz given to players after an extended maintenance(Reference to JP players). Salt= Is used to describe a player's frustration and inability to cope, expressing such emotions through various mediums.


Gacha: Refers to the lottery system, and also the genre of mobile game that is built around said lottery as its primary way of generating revenue. A form of gambling. Roll/Rolling: Refers to a pull on the gacha. 10 roll: A 30 Quartz roll. Single/Memeroll: A single roll. Some advocate the practice of only doing single rolls, on the belief that it will yield better results. Reroll: Refers to the practice of continually uninstalling and reinstalling the game to take advantage of the first free 10 roll to get a specific Servant or combination. YOLO roll: An impulse roll on the gacha. Usually used when one brags about a rare Servant falling into their lap from a lucky roll.

Various tiers of players

Casuals/F2P= Players who spend very little money to none at all, often relying solely on event items and dedication. P2W= Pay to Win, players who spend a fair amount of money into the game. They are reliant on cash more than time and dedication.(a.k.a Pay to Waifu) Whales= Players who spend copious amounts of cash into the game. They often noted to be "hardcore" players. Term was originally coined in gambling casinos for "High Stake Gamblers".

Action Cards

[These are usually used in together, e.i. NPBBExtra] NP= Noble Phantasm AOE NP= Area-Of-Effect Noble Phantasms, targets multiple enemies but less damage that ST. ST= Single Target Noble Phantasms, targets a single enemy but significantly more damage than AOE. B= Buster Cards Q= Quick Cards A= Arts Cards Extra= Extra card when servant triggers Brave Chain. BBC/BBB/TripleBuster= Buster Brave Chain or Buster(BusterBuster) Chain, commonly found on Berserkers, this chain is the most powerful card chain in the game. Gorilla= is used to describe triple Buster deck on non-Berserker. E.i. Gawain

Star Ranking

1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ SR(Super rare)= 4 ★ SSR(Super Super rare) Should this not be ultra rare?= 5 ★

CE Upgrade

Limit Break= When a Craft Essence is leveled up 4 times, achieving increase effects and higher level cap.
(Why aren't we calling each "level up" a limit break? Wouldn't it make more sense to call each level Limit break? e.i. LB0,LB1,LB2,LB3,MLB[Max Limit Break] You're literally "breaking the limit" for the maximum level cap.)


Zasshu = Mongrel, a phrase used by Gilgamesh to refer to everyone else. Umu ≈ Mhmm("umu" does not really have a direct translation), catchphrase used by Nero Claudius. Good/Bad Civilization, is a phrase coined(unconfirmed) by the Fate/Grand Order comic page "Learning With Manga". Used by Atilla the Hun/Altera before she uses her Photon Ray sword (Which looks like a Popsicle) to destroy "the civilization". Among fans it's generally used as a joke to describe when something is good or bad. KIRA KIRA KIRA KIRA KAGAYAKU NO, Sparkling, sparkling, shiny. This phrase is used by Marie Antoinette before she uses her skills. This is in reference to her AI spamming Beautiful Princess back before invincibility piercing was added into player skill sets. Oppressor, used by Spartacus to describe any enemy he encounters. His madness enhancement causes him to attack anyone he perceives to oppress others. Golden, Used to describe Kintoki and his facination for anything golden. Yorokobe shounen, Rejoice Boy, is used to bitterly refer to getting Black Key CE from rolls. Now used either as a humorous way to congratulate somebody else's rolls or to describe really bad rolls. Spook, when a player gets a gold servant one is not after, several times. This is sometimes referred to obtaining Black Key CE's. Welfare Servant, servant's that can be obtained for free from events. E.i. Saber Lily. KOTR, is the acronym for Knights of the Round (Table)

Character Nicknames

Gudako: Protagonist(Female), Fate/GrandOrder. Combination between Gurando Oda (Grand Order) and "ko" is a common affix for a female. (Ripped straight from here) Gudao/Ritsuka Fujimaru: Protagonist(Male), Fate/GrandOrder. With the confirmed name of Ritsuka Fujimaru from the movie adaption Fate/Grand Order:First Order. Intern-kun: Intern-kun is to blame for typos and errors on the Japan Servers. Gajintern-kun: Gajintern-kun is to blame for translation errors and English typos in NA Servers. TM: Type-Moon, the circle who wrote the original Fate works. Mushroom: Kinoko Nasu's, the main writer for the Fate franchise, nickname in the Type Moon franchise is "Mushroom" occasionally "Mushroom Wizard" (which is why there are flying mushrooms in that Illya's Castle game the VAs played during Carnival Phantasm). His avataimage is normally shown to be a yellow and green mushroom. Takeuchi: Takashi Takeuchi, the artist responsible for most of the original designs.
SabeAltria Face: This is a nickname given to multiple servants that are drawn by Takeuchi.(E.I. Jeanne,Shiki,etc) His template-style facial features that makes every character he draws hold a "Altoria" face. Jalter: Jeanne D'Arc(Alter), found in the Orleans Singularity. A shorted name between "Jeanne" and "Alternate". Salter: Altoria/Altria Pendragon (Alter), found in the Fuyuki Singularity. A shorted name between "Saber and "Alternate". Salter can also be referred to the Santa Artoria Alter (Rider), from the JP Christmas event. Jailter: Jeanne Alter Santa Lily (Because of the Loli status). Nasu himself also refers to Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily as "JDASL". Mentioned in a "Nasu Diary" translation posts. LAlter: Artoria Pendragon Alter (Lancer) Tituria: Artoria Pendragon (Lancer) Archuria/Asstoria/Squirtoria/Saber Archer: Summer Artoria Pendragon (Archer) Chichiue: Altoria Pendragon. The romaji for "father" in a casual sense. This is usually used by Mordred to address her father in fanart/Fluff posts. Moedred/Moe-san: Mordred. An endearing nickname for the character, the origins may come from the cute depictions between Mordred and Altoria. Moedred is preferred among the English-speaking community while Moe-san was more common in the Japanese community. Mode Red: Mordred. Used to describe Mordred's general color scheme. MXH: Mysterious Heroine X MHXA/Xalter: Mysterious Heroine X Alter
Umu: Nero Claudius, Emperor of Rome."Umu" is a cute catchphrase that she uses often. Fans have found this phrase cute and often identify her by it. AUO: Gilgamesh, King of Hero's. "eiyuu ou" is the phonetic pronunciation of the Japanese romaji for King of Hero's. Waver: Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II). A pseudo-servant between Lord El-Melloi II(Waver) and Heroic Spirit of China's Zhuge Liang. ROMA: Romulus, Founder of Rome. His catchphrase of ROMA stuck more than his actual name. Regend/Savior of France: Sasaki Kojiro(Fate/StayNight). His effectiveness against the Rider-class Wyverns in The Orleans Singularity made him a really effective servant for clearing out the singularity. This began the phrase "'Dragons are just bigger swallows". His other nickname 'REGEND" came to be because of a typo in interlude,"REGEND OF SAMURAI". Although this has been corrected, the title stuck within the community. Bersercar, Bestzerker: Heracles(Carnival Phantasm/GrandOrder) Within the game(Grand Order), Hercules is known to be the Best(zerker) of the starter servants. His second nickname, Bersercar, is a reference to his ridiculous transformation in Carnival Phantasm.
Eggplant: Mash Kyrielight (Fate/GrandOrder). First referenced in the "Learning with Manga" comic page, as well as her overall purple color scheme. Best Kouhai: Mash Kyrielight(Fate/GrandOrder). "Kouhai" is romaji for youngelower classmen in Japanese school hierarchy. This can be seen as response to Mash's "Senpai"(Japanese romaji for upper classmen) Dadcelot: Lancelot(Fate/GrandOrder)
CuLance Dog: Cu Chulainn, (Fate/StayNight and Prototype). His name literally means "Guard dog of Culann or Savage dog of Culann" after an incident in his legend. Furthermore he is a running gag in Carnival Phantasm, where he dies in every episode. Fortunately he is resilient as his legend states he is, boasted by the 5-turn Guts ability he's given in-game. Due to his great survivability he is jokingly called a "cockroach" by the players. Cuzilla: Cu Cu Chulainn Alter, for his godzilla-like appearance. Shishou: Scathach (Shishou is Jap. for "Master" and is refering to her being the Master of Cu) Brock: Fergus Mac Roich, this is reference to his "-_-" face which is similar to a character within the pokemon series. Furthermore his sword, Caladbolg, bears a striking resemblance to the iconic drill of the Gurren Lagann series.
Mumei/No Name: EMIYA(Fate/Extra). Mumei is the Japanese romaji for No Name. Because of his contract with the Moon Cell in Fate/Extra he became a Heroic Spirit with no name. Actually Satan: Emiya(Fate/UnlimitedBladeWorksAbridged). A reference to the nickname given to Emiya in BlazingAzureCrow's Abridged Series. Demiya: Emiya Alter, short for Detroit Emiya. A nickname coined by Tamamo Cat in the CCC event. Bob/ Bobmiya: Emiya Alter's JP nickname before Shinjuku release.
Casko: Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster), (Fate/Extra) Caster-ko = Caster girl, since her true name wasn't revealed when Fate/Extra was being promoted. The "ko" in Casko is written as キャス狐, with the 狐 character meaning fox, so it can also mean Caster fox girl. Mikon: Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster). Mikon is just Tamamo's verbal tick, a combination of Miko (shrine maiden) and kon (the sound associated with foxes in Japanese). Tama-MOG: TamaCAT, one of the Tamamo-Nine. Coined by user Atelier-Lynette in his/her MMM guide. Quote: "Some people have been asking me why I call TamamoCAT Tamamog. The reason is simple - Mog is a cat that has been immortalized in a series of children's books. Tamamocat is a... cat fox. Hence, Tamamog. It's easier to type, and is really just shorthand."
Sumanai: Siegfried, Saber of Black(Fate/Apocrypha). "Sumanai" is the Japanese romaji for sorry. This too, is a phrase that Siegfried often says. Furthermore, despite his invulnerability lore-wise, in-game he is a lackluster servant. When people roll him, he is the "I'm sorry you rolled me" and "I'm sorry I suck" disappointment. Trap: Astolfo, The Rider of Black(Fate/Apocrypha). Known as the series poster boy "Trap", a cross-dresser who fans lust at. Uncle Vlad: Vlad III, Lancer of Black (Fate/Apocrypha). Uncle Vlad came to be because everyone started calling him that since the first JP Halloween event where it is revealed that he sewed all Halloween costumes by hand. Fanart generally depicts Vlad as doting uncle-type character, kind of like this. Nyata: Atalanta, Archer of Red (Fate/Apocrypha). Combination between the stereotypical cat noise "Nyaa" and "Atalante" because of her cat-like ears. Cardboard-kun: Sieg, Main Protagonist(Fate/Apocrypha). Named cardboard because of his bland personality, equivalent to "a wet piece of cardboard".
Gramps: "The Old Man of the Mountain" King Hassan. Nicknamed such because of how he's portrayed in the line of comics made by ERRI Faber: Julius Caeser. This is a portmanteau between "Saber" and "Fat", referencing Caeser's plumpness. STELLA: In reference to both Arash's legend and Suicidal Noble Phantasm. SPARTA: Leonidas I. A reference to the famous phrase, "THIS IS SPARTA" from 2006 movie, 300. COOOL Caster: Gilles de Rais(Fate/Zero). Within the anime series, Gilles is often found enthusiastically spouting "SAIKO NO COOL" with his master. THICC: Scheherazade,Caster of Nightless City. The nickname THICC refers to her thighs and how her thighs are so thick that her jewelry is literally squeezing her. Mama: Minamoto no Yorimitsu, Raikou. A berserker that retains her intellect, but her Madness Enhancement has manifested in the form of a "bizzare maternal love". Players call her mother for that reason. Ozzy: Ozymandias. Abby: Abigail Williams. Iba-chin: An endearing nickname for Ibaraki Douji. Leomon: Thomas Edison, for his ridiculous appearance. Riceman: Tawara Touta, in reference to his [Bale of Inexhuastibility] and his infinite rice supply. dogo: Avenger of Shinjuku for being a "FLUFFEH DOGO" Angry Manjew: Angra Mainyu(Fate/HollowAtaraxia). The nickname stems from his backstory in the religion of Zoroastrianism. A ordinary villager turned human scapegoat of his village, he was ritualistically tortured under the belief that he would absolve the village of their sins. Paralleling the strife's and ostricizations of the Jews through history. Upon his summoning as a servant he manifests as "All the Evils in the World" who's sole purpose is to bring the destruction of humanity.
submitted by FileLoop to grandorder [link] [comments]

Literary Destiny: Primary Weapons!

Hey all, 30,000 words later, I've finished the rough draft of my thesis, so I get to reward myself with this!
It is an attempt to catch all the literary references in Destiny's flavor texts–I did armor last week, you can find that post here!
Obviously, since I'm not a writer in Destiny, nor do I know any of the writers, this will not 100% complete–but I read a lot, so maybe it'll be close!
Without more ado about nothing, here's the primary weapons! They're organized by class, and then roughly in descending order of rarity.

Auto Rifles

Fabian Strategy: Wait for enemy to make a mistake. Die. Stand by for Ghost Resurrection. Repeat as necessary.
Interestingly, despite its name being the an actual military strategy, the use of Fabian Strategy really doesn't seem in line with that strategy. The actual strategy is one of attrition, guerrilla warfare, and light skirmishes, as opposed to the frontline fighting the gun espouses. The strategy itself was named after Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus Cunctator (can't make this stuff up), a Roman dictator who pioneered it against Hannibal, a legendary Carthaginian commander. Fun fact, his cognomen–or honorary last name–Verrucosus, means 'warty', a reference to a wart on his upper lip.
((GENESIS CHAIN~)): ~if(input(SIVA)) // echo Shirazi // output(death) // ask(not in vain)~
I think this is a reference to James 4:3:
3You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, in order to spend what you get on your pleasures.
New Revised Standard Version. 'Ask not in vain', as it were. I'm not 100% about this one simply because it's not a great fit, but 'ask not in vain' is a pretty iconic phrase.
Monte Carlo: There will always be paths to tread and methods to try. Roll with it.
Uhh, so this is a reference to the Monte Carlo method, which, according to Wikipedia, is, "a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results." If someone with relevant expertise could explain this better, I'll edit it in, but for now, I'll take a whack at it: as a part of risk analysis, Monte Carlo methods allow you to simulate a large number of possible outcomes, so you can better make decisions under uncertainty. Of course, it is also a reference to the Monte Carlo principality in Monaco, particularly its opera-house-cum-casino, from which the RNG of the Monte Carlo method takes its name.
Abyss Defiant: We will not go quietly.
A reference to Welsh poet Dylan Thomas' "Do not go gentle into that good night", all of which is fabulous, but I will quote just a short stanza here:
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 
As Guardians, we're pretty conditioned against the 'dying of the light', so this one definitely feels like a good fit.
Arminius-D: Unleash a torrent on your enemies with the Häkke Arminius-D.
The name is of Arminus (german, Hermann), a legendary German commander who lived in both the BCE and CE, and gave the Romans their greatest defeat at the Battle of Teutonberg, in 9CE. Arguably one of the most important battles in history, it likely stopped Roman advancement past the Rhine permanently–which is likely the "torrent" referenced in the flavor text.
Zarinaea-D: You provide the will, and the Häkke Zarinaea-D provides the way.
A Sacae woman, who also fought in battles. Wife of the Parthian (ayyyyy, see pulse rifles, below) King Marmares. Her story is related in Ctesias' history of the Persian empire, Persica.
Paleocontact JPK-43: An auto rifle, modified by Dead Orbit's superb technicians and specialists.
Paleocontact is the idea that aliens rendezvoused with early humans and influenced civilization. It is generally considered a pseudo-historic theory at best, and falls under "Ancient astronauts". No idea about the "JPK-43" part, unfortunately.
Questing Beast: You'll never catch it. But that's not the point.
A reference to Arthurian legend, the Questing Beast is a vicious monster, and a, "... subject of quests undertaken by famous knights such as King Pellinore, Sir Palamedes, and Sir Percival". Its description was quite ferocious:
The strange creature has the head and neck of a snake, the body of a leopard, the haunches of a lion, and the feet of a hart.[1] Its name comes from the great noise that it emits from its belly, a barking like "thirty couple hounds questing". 'Glatisant' is related to the French word glapissant, 'yelping' or 'barking', especially of small dogs or foxes.
More contemporary incarnations can be found in The Magicians series by Lev Grossman, and possibly South Park? Unsurprisingly, it also makes an appearance in the Merlin TV series. Thanks to Phoenity1 for pointing that one out!
Zero-Day Dilemma: There's no defense against it.
A reference to zero-day vulnerabilities, which are computer vulnerabilities found and exploited before the developers can come up with a solution or workaround–thus the 'zero-day' moniker.
For The People: I stand against the state of nature.
A reference to Thomas Hobbes' "natural condition of mankind", from Leviathan. A 'state of nature' was the theoretical idea of man's existence before society. A really interesting exploration of that idea is Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān, a philosophical work by Ibn Tufail–Arabic, أبو بكر محمد بن عبد الملك بن محمد بن طفيل القيسي الأندلسي– which tells the story of a young man raised entirely in nature by animals, who only comes into contact with society later on in his life.
Izudabar-D: Millenia will pass, and still your name will ring out.
"Izdubar" was the initial translation of the name Gilgamesh, who of course is the protagonist of the Epic of Gilgamesh a fabulous (and surprisingly short!) ancient Mesopotamian epic poem, which is considered the first example of the genre.
Bronzed Miyamoto-D: An aggressive Häkke auto rifle, earned through glory in the Crucible.
A reference to the later-era (1600s) Japanese swordsman and strategist, Miyamoto Musashi–Japanese, 宮本 武蔵–and likely not the co-founder of Nintendo! In his later years, he wrote The Book of Five Rings, a treatise on strategy, tactics and philosophy.
Galahad-E: This extraordinary multirole rifle boasts a smartmatter frame, the key to remarkable capabilities.
More Arthurian legend! Sir Galahad is the illegitimate son of Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic, ironically renowned for his purity and gallantry. He appeared quite late in the Medieval Arthurian legends, but became much more common in the later narratives, like Le Morte d'Arthur. Ultimately, he is considered to be the only night of Arthur's table worthy to see the Holy Grail and ascend to Heaven.
Shingen-E: The exemplary Shingen-E is built to pop skulls.
One of my old favorites (still sad I sharded it, though :( alas for small vaults), it likely references another 16th century feudal Japanese lord, Takeda Shingen–Japanese, 武田 信玄. A commander of "exceptional military prestige" during the Sengoku period, his alleged death by sniper was depicted by Kurosawa in the movie Kagemusha. It will be the 444th anniversary of his death on May 13th!
Longespée-A: When all around you is chaos, the dependable Longespée-A won't fail you.
A reference to William Longespée (literally, 'long sword' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), 3rd Earl of Salisbury. Renowned for being friggin' huge and having a friggin' huge sword. Go figure. He died in 1226, and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral. Five hundred and fifty years later, his tomb was opened, and a well-preserved rat was found inside his skull. I guess you could say it was skulking around? He got ratted out, though!
SUROS TYR-14: Stable. Dependable. Rapid-fire. SUROS.
Reminding me of how much I hate Suros' flavor text style, I'm not 100% sure about this one, because most of the 'cheap' Suros weapons have three-letter acronyms at the end of their name, so this might be coincidence. But, Týr is an ancient Germanic/Norse god, either the son of Odin, by the Prose Edda, or Hymar, by the Poetic Edda. Associated with war and might. Had his hand bit off by Fenrir, and is therefore known also known as 'The Leavings of the Wolf' which is an honorific, rather than a dig at him. His name is also where we get 'Tuesday' (Týr's-day)!
Cydonia-AR3: The City can't rely on a steady supply of programmable matter, so the multirole AR3 uses it only sparingly.
A region of Mars, but also a surname of Athena. That region of Mars was also where we found 'the Face of Mars', a rock formation whose shadows made it look like a face. Pretty neat.

Pulse Rifles

Herja-D: Devastate your foes with the deadly precision of the Häkke Herja-D.
More from the Prose Edda! This is a Valkyrie (demigoddesses of war, they would ride into battles and pick the worthy dead to come with them to Valhalla) specifically named in one of the two Nafnaþulur lists. Etymologically, it is also related to the Old Norse herja and Old High German herjón, both of which mean 'destruction' or 'devastation'.
Apple of Discord: "For the Fairest."
Huge shout-out to G3vanB, I'll put their analysis here:
Eris, godess of strife, supposedly throws one:
An apple of discord is a reference to the Golden Apple of Discord (Greek: μῆλον τῆς Ἔριδος) which, according to Greek mythology, the goddess Eris (Gr. Ἔρις, "Strife") tossed in the midst of the feast of the gods at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis as a prize of beauty, thus sparking a vanity-fueled dispute among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite that eventually led to the Trojan War.
The Apple was inscribed with ΤΗΙ ΚΑΛΛΙΣΤΗΙ The translation is the Gun's flavour text.
Interesting to note the Goddess of Strife's name ...
Hawksaw: A northwesterly wind is blowing.
Perhaps one of the more well-known references to our dear Bard, this is from Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2, Line 351:
HAMLET I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. 
We're all mad, mad I tell you! Thanks to pocsaclypse for pointing that one out!
Parthian Shot: Who's got the last laugh now?
A military tactic turned literary term, a Parthian shot is an insult or retort delivered as the speaker was leaving. It eventually evolved into the much more well-known 'parting shot' in a delightful little bit of linguistic movement. It comes from a strategy developed by the Parthians, ancient Iranian peoples, where they would ride their horses away from the enemy while firing their bows at said enemy. Of course, it was also before the development of stirrups, so this was a technique that required a truly sublime mastery of equestrian skill. Imagine shooting a bow, while riding a horse, that you're only controlling with the muscles in your legs. Insane.
Smite of Merain (Adept): Barrel etching: "He parted them like a sea, which closed upon him again."
It's not exact, but any references to any parting of any seas are of course biblical in nature–Exodus, 14:21-15:19. Just taking the most similar quote I can find:
26 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the sea, so that the water may come back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and chari- ot drivers."
14:26, NRSV. As usual, that particular act of God is followed with a great deal of praise.
The Messenger: From deep within the shadows it came—a messenger borne on black wings.
The personification of death often includes a pair of black wings. Crows and Ravens (and many other members of the Corvus family), often thought of as battlefield scavengers, are black. This feels like it should be a specific reference, but honestly it's more a trope than anything.
Hopscotch Pilgrim: It's a long road. Enjoy it.
In a seriously impressive bit of detective work, JohnnyFlack found that this is actually referencing:
Oh oh i found this while reading about the origins of hopscotch...
"In Cuba and in Puerto Rico it is called "La Peregrina" (meaning "Pilgrim Girl") and the squares represent the 9 rings the pilgrim traveler has to pass in order to reach Heaven from Purgatory according to Dante's Inferno."
Here's the Wikipedia article!
Moriaen-D: You are a child of many peoples, a protector of all cultures.
More Arthurian literature. This is a 13th century romance, called Moriaen, whose story of the titular hero follows him as he first attempts to find his father, and meets with famous knights of the round table, like Lancelot and Gawain. Once his father Aglovale is found, they return to his mother and take back her rightful lands. He is Moorish after his mother, but obviously is also a part of the Arthurian tradition. Thus the 'child of many cultures'.
Lump Distribution: This nimble rifle's on-board tactical systems keep a scrupulous tally of combat stats.
Besides looking totally neat, the gun refers to a Lump-Sum Distribution, which is, "... the distribution or payment within a single tax year of a plan participant's entire balance from all of the employer's qualified plans of one kind (for example, pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plans)." Thanks for that, IRS.
Painted Apollo MSc: A highly accurate Nadir firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
Our first Nadir gun! Apollo is the Greek god of, among other things, music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge. Wicked important, very well known. Has a sister, Artemis.
Painted Neptune MSc: A high velocity Nadir firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
I'm sensing a naming trend, though perhaps not a consistent! Neptune is the Roman god of the sea and freshwater, and is the counterpart to the Greek Poseidon.
Hotspur-A: Piezopolymer paneling makes the Häkke Hotspur-A a balanced war machine.
Hey! This is interesting. The green Häkke weapons are named after English noblemen! This one is after Henry 'Hotspur' Percy. Led a bunch of rebellions against Henry IV and was eventually killed at the Battle of Shrewsbury by an arrow to the face. Get rekt kiddo. He also featured as a character in Shakespeare's Henry IV, part I.

Scout Rifles

Fate of All Fools: *"The wise man knows his fate. The fool merely finds it."
I orignally thought this was a reference to Matthew, but turns out it's not–check out the story below!
A really excellent explanation of this from Voroxpete, which makes much more sense:
The Fate of All Fools - This one is actually a reference to a videogame... Specifically, Marathon, the series that Bungie created back in 1994, and from which many, many elements of both Halo and Destiny are derived. Rather apropo, given that the weapon was originally gifted to a long time fan who was recovering from brain cancer.
The specific reference is to this scene from Marathon 2:
Tycho's ship has been destroyed. The crater where it annihilated itself on Lh'owon's inner moon is still glowing. There were no survivors. With a focused message laser I burned his epitaph into the surface near the crash site, in letters three hundred meters high: "Fatum Iustum Stultorum."
The speaker in that scene is Durandal, an incredibly powerful rampant AI (wow, gee, its almost like Bungie have some kind of fixation on powerful rogue AIs or something). Tycho is another very powerful AI, acting under the control of an alien empire and sent to destroy or capture Durandal.
The phrase in latin at the end is a little bit wonky (hiring experts to get your dead languages right wasn't exactly a thing in nineties video game design), but it's more or less agreed that the intended translation is something like "The just fate of the foolish"...
Or "The fate of all fools."
Cocytus SR4: The Omolon Cocytus SR4 will drown your enemy in a river of pain.
Thanks to scapulargolem for this:
The 'Cocytus' is referencing the black river surrounding Dis/Hades (The underworld) in Classical mythology. It's mentioned many times in Virgil's Aeneid book 6. It's flavour text reflects this.
Incidentally, in some versions of the tale, the Cocytus Styx was supposedly the river Achilles was submerged in to make him invulnerable. He was held by his ankle, thus making his ankle his only weak spot–his Achilles heel (thanks to thyrandomninja for that clarification!).
And some additional context from Owasippe_Ninja! Thanks!
Awesome. Also, in Dante's Inferno, Cocytus is the frozen lake of the Ninth circle of hell, encasing not only Lucifer himself, but those who betray a bond of trust with others like benefactors, countrymen, and family. The ice is formed by the tears of the Old Man of Crete, which are described as being frozen sorrow and pain, and the frozen winds blown up by the wings of Lucifer. The worst betrayers (who aren't being devoured in the three heads of Lucifer) are fully encased in the ice in a the region called Judecca, named supposedly for Judas Iscariot (although there's more to Judecca than just Judas, check out its use in medieval city planning and general attitudes of Italian Christians of the time to Jews). So seems to fit the flavor text of "drowning enemies in a river of pain."
Additional small bit from another stealthy person, thyrandomninja:
is not just a reference to a literal river, but the Cocytus is also the river of lamentation, or mournful woe. It not only drowns the enemy in front of you by shooting them, but their friends and family are drowned in mourning as well.
Tuonela SR4: Hell will freeze over before the Omolon Tuonela SR4 will fail you.
Ahahah funny joke, Bungo. In Finnish mythology, Tuonela is the equivalent of Hades. In Finnish Christianity, it is the word used for 'Hell' in translations of the Bible. In terms of a literary reference, though, Tuonela is featured in the Kalevela, a Finnish national epic. The protagonist (roughly speaking), Väinämöinen, travels there to seek the knowledge of the dead. It, uhh, went okay.
The Hero Formula: It's just so satisfying!
Okay, this is referencing one of two things: either Heron's formula, alternately spelled Hero's formula; or the Hero's journey, which, frankly, makes slightly more sense? The first is a mathematical formula that gives the area of a triangle by requiring no arbitrary choice of side as base or vertex as origin, where A=√(s-(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)). It's satisfying, I guess? Math isn't really my thing. The second refers to the 'monomyth' or the "common template of a broad category of tales that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed". The idea was originally put forward by Jason Joseph Campbell in his 1949 book on the subject, The Hero With a Thousand Faces.
Lethe Noblesse: Do not forget. Never forgive.
Many thanks to Johnny_Dirtbird for this one:
Good job. One other that I had in mind is the Queen's scout rifle, Lethe Noblesse. The flavor text is "Do not forget. Never forgive." From dictionary.com - Lethe is "a river in Hades whose water caused forgetfulness of the past in those who drank of it." Noblesse is a French word that means nobility. I know it from the phrase 'Noblesse Oblige' - nobility obligates. Putting the words together, my guess would be something like 'forgetfulness of nobility.'
High Road Soldier: The survival of civilization depends on our willingness to choose conscience over expedience.
Per S0rrowS0ng and JohnnyFlack, this is likely a reference to the common idiom (I mean, it bascially defines the concept in the flavor text) 'take the high road'. It could also be a winking reference to the chorus 'The Bonnie Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond':
O ye'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road, And I'll be in Scottland a'fore ye, But me and my true love will never meet again, On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond. 
Zero Point LOTP: This much fun should be outlawed.
thyrandomninja has a great and funny explanation:
I'll do what I can to explain. Every object has "energy levels", whether it be an electron, a molecule, a snooker ball, or a planet. The DIFFERENCE between these energy levels is imperceptible to us because we exist on the macroscopic scale (i.e. we're too big to see tiny differences), so to us it looks continuous. On the microscopic level (e.g. electrons, these energy levels are relatively larger, and much more noticeable, which is what ultimately leads to all the "weird shit" in quantum mechanics, that doesn't show up in real life scenarios). Energy states are usually categorised as n=1, n=2, etc, where n is the number of that energy level. (Electrons NATURALLY tend to operate in n=1 through ~20 [give or take whatever - CERN like to add a few thousand/million/whatever n's in their accelerators :P ] territory, whereas a person is always on n = several fucking million) Zero Point Energy is the energy of an object at n=1. There is no n=0 (for reasons i won't get into here), and therefore no such thing as "having no energy". There is always SOME amount of energy in any given object, and you cannot get rid of it (that "some amount" is negligible compared to things we see in our lives, but that's not the point).
Relating to Life Of The Party, this is probably saying there's no such thing as a dead party. There is always SOME fun to be had, no matter what - the very idea a "life of the party" person would embody.
Alternatively, it could be a jab at the "life of the party" philosophy, by saying that "yeah, there's some fun, but it's negligible, and i'm going to go home", meaning the description takes on a more sarcastic approach.
The Scholar: You can't pull an all-nighter when the sun never sets.
Not really 'literature', but too relevant not to include ;)
Also, per goldenboot76:
Everyone probably knows this already, but the other reasoning behind the Scholar scout rifle's flavour text is the fact that Mercury's orbital period and rotational period are one and the same. As such, half of Mercury is in eternal sunlight, and the other is in eternal darkness.
Hence, the "You can't pull an all-nighter when the sun never sets.".
Thanks for that!
Lampad SR4: Let your enemies know: death will be their only companion.
The Lampads, or Lampedes, were spirits of the underworld in greek mythology. They accompanied Hecate and generally went around doing spooky stuff.
Orphne SR4: If death is the Darkness's way, let our Light defy their desire.
Orphne was a specific nymph of the Greek underworld. Also an alternate translation of Caliga, the goddess of Darkness.
Painted Abbadon SR5: A single-fire Omolon firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
Sharing its name with the exotic machine gun, Abbadon is either a "place of destruction" or an Angel of Death. Either way, not pleasant.
Just a quick clarification from westen81, thanks!
Abbadon is most usually associated with the angel of destruction (not necessarily death)..
Painted Sorg SR5: A powerful Omolon firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
In a large number of Germanic and Germanic-derived languages, 'sorg' means 'sorrow' or 'grieving'.
Primed Díyú SR5: A long range Omolon firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
Following a clear pattern here, 'Diyu' is the Chinese conception of Hell.
Silvered Kín SR5: A highly accurate Omolon firearm, earned through glory in the Crucible.
A Turkic word, it means, simply, 'pain'.
Bronzed Yamaduta SR5: An accurized Omolon Scout Rifle, earned through glory in the Crucible.
The Yamatuda are messengers of Death in the Hindu tradition.
Thanatos SR5: Where Death follows, new life will grow. Where new life grows... Death will follow.
Thanatos is the Greek personification of Death. He is the twin brother of Hypnos, the God of Sleep. Referenced in the Illiad:
... then send Death to carry him away, and Sleep who is painless ... 
The Iliad, 16.453-4. Richard Lattimore, translator.
Xibalba SR5: Tiled with picocircuitry, the Xibalba SR5 is fiendishly accurate and hungry to grow.
How many different conceptions of Hell can we find? This particular one refers to the Mayan realm of the dead. It shares its flavor text with the Acheron SR5. The Acheron is both a real river in Greece, but also another one of the five rivers of Hades. The Cocytus (discussed above) flows into it.
Naraka SR5: There will always be new hells to conquer.
hahah, no kidding about those 'new hells'. This specific hell is a particularly diverse amalgamate, finding its place in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism. Modified to 'Neraka' in Indonesian and Malaysian, it also describes the Islamic concept of hell. Moreover, it also describes the servants and spirits of Hell when modified to 'Narakas'.
Garmr SR1: Death is hungry.
Garmr is a dog (or wolf) of the Underworld in Norse mythology. He is, "the blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate".
Shinigami SR1: Death comes for the City's foes. Let's not keep it waiting.
Shinigami–Japanese, 死神–are spirits or gods of death. They invite humans to death, and rule over the underworld. Fans of the anime Death Note will also remember their appearance in that series.

Hand Cannons

The Last Word: "Yours. Not mine." —Renegade Hunter Shin Malphur to Dredgen Yor
Many thanks to andreisse for this one!
I know it's based on a gun, and a speech... I'll try and find it.
The Last Word is likely based on a real-life counterpart called Revolver No. 5. It was a weapon devised in 1928 by Elmer Keith, a "firearms enthusiast" from Idaho renowned for his six-shot expertise. He wrote about this weapon in 1929, in an article titled "The Last Word".
Here's a link to a .pdf of the article.
Gaheris-D: Balanced and dependable, the Häkke Gaheris-D is a true warrior's weapon.
More Arthurian legends! Gaheris was the nephew of Arthur, and a knight of the round table. He is described as "... valiant, agile, handsome, reticent in speech, prone to excess when angered, and possessing a right arm longer than the left".
Judith-D: Headshots are strongly encouraged with the Häkke Judith-D.
So, there are a lot of things this could be, but most likely it is referencing Judith of Bethulia, an Israelite who beheaded the Assyrian general Holofernes. Headshots strongly encouraged, indeed! Incidentally, that poem is found in the same manuscript as Beowulf–the Nowell Codex.
Kumakatok HC4: When the Omolon Kumakatok HC4 comes knocking, even the Darkness locks its doors.
The kumakatok are three Philippine spirits, who walk from door to door, knocking and bringing bad omens. One is supposed to resemble a young woman, the other two old men–however, they obscure their faces with hoods. Seriously creepy.
The Devil You Know: Let's make a deal ...
A reference to the phrase, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't", this is the only weapon I know of that actually completes the phrase in game. The Devil You Don't was widely acknowledged to be simply a worse version of TDYK, not only being an impact class lower, but also with worse base range. That's commitment to the joke right there.
Uffern HC4: Omolon's Uffern HC4 sentences the City's enemies to burn.
In what should be a surprise to nobody at this point, Uffern is the Celtic version of Hell. Unfortunately I can't source it beyond a three-word mention in the Wikipedia article on Hell.
A very helpful clarification by Rapstah–much appreciated!
"Uffern" is literally Welsh for "hell". "U" is a near-close central unrounded vowel, or even a short "i" sound in southern Welsh. The sound "f" is represented as "ff" in Welsh, so if you represent it as "yfern" it's clear that it's derived from Latin "infernus".
I wouldn't say it's the Celtic version of Hell, it's literally just what you would call the christian concept of Hell in Welsh.
Byronic Hero: Brood, baby, brood.
A type of anti-hero created and embodied by Lord Byron. Byronic Heroes are: "a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection". Think Hamlet, with a touch of Han Solo.
Also possibly another more modern reference, per getedm8–thanks!
This may be a stretch, but with the Byronic Hero's flavor text, it could be a reference to Saturday Night Fever. More specifically, the song "Disco Inferno" where the main chorus sings "Burn, baby burn!"
Vortimer-D: Where you come from is not important. It's for what you do that you will be remembered.
Vortimer, or Saint Vortimer, was another English legend. He can be found in Geoffry of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britainniae–my copy of which I've misplaced, apologies–where he is a described as a Britonic king with a strong distaste for Saxons. Worked out well, he died though.
Rience-D: You will not suffer these invader kings to live.
Hey, wait, are you telling me Häkke named another one of their guns after an English legend?! Yes, yes I am: Rience was an English/Irish/Scottish/British king named in Arthurian legend. He is variously described as the king of North Wales, Ireland, and 'many Isles'. He had the habit of edging his robe with the beards of Kings he had conquered–by the time Arthur came along, he had eleven. Arthur's, of course, was to be the twelfth invader king that he would crush. Didn't work out so well. Gosh, I really hope that's not a predictor.
LOCK_ARETE: Her excellence lies in swiftness.
A confusing one, because arete-Greek, ἀρετή–is literally 'excellence', especially in regards to efficacy, but also in terms of bravery. Arete is also the wife of Alcinous of Scheria, described thus in the Odyssey:
... Alkínoös married her and hold her dear. No lady in the world, no other mistress of a man's household, is honored as our mistress is, and loved, by her own children, by Alkínoös, and by the people. When she walks the town they murmur and gaze, as though she were a goddess. No grace or wisdom fails in her; indeed just men quarrels come to her for equity ... 
The Odyssey, 7.70-8. Robert Fitzgerald, translator.
It wasn't originally my plan for these to go in descending order of references, but hey, that worked out nicely!
As I said in the beginning, I'm sure I've missed some, so don't hesitate to point them out.
Thanks so much for reading, Guardians, I really appreciate it!
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Recap!! (budget & rsvp breakdown, schedule, photos, after thoughts)

Date: Sunday, 12/2/2018
Location: Seattle area
Total cost: $25k
I love a good brain dump after the end of a long-planned event, so I spent this evening going over all the little details before they start to fade. I'm mostly writing it all down to help myself remember and help friends and family plan in the future, but hopefully some of you will find this enormous wall of text useful as well :)
PICS: https://imgur.com/a/7cRjN19
Stationery: https://imgur.com/a/sgpiWZF
RSVP breakdown:
Invited 154
In-state 113
Out-of-state 41
Yes 117
In-state 101
Out-of-state 16
No-show with notice 4
No-show no notice 4
No 37
In-state 12
Out-of-state 25
Budget Breakdown:
Venue (incl. coordinator, cocktail hour, dinner, drinks): $14,445.77
Photographer: $3,379 (8hrs of photography, high-res photos)
Flowers: $403.30
Cake: $554.53
Nails: $75? (Spa pedicure, Shellac french manicure with accent nail art)
Hair: $45? (We switched from full updo at the trial to half-up/half-down the day of, and she gave me a friend discount so I don't remember the final total, sorry!)
Makeup: $140 (Included trial run, false lashes, touch-up kit, friend discount)
My Outfit: $1600?
Bridesmaids x5: $157.59 each (They bought their own dresses and shoes, and added on hair and full face makeup if they wanted)
Stationery: $580.19 (basicinvite.com, used 20% off codes on all orders)
Wedding rings: $1,200? (both white gold bands with extended warranty, free repairesizing/redipping for life)
Miscellaneous: $1,200?
Not included:
Day Before:
12-12:45pm - rehearsal at venue
2-4pm - rehearsal “dunch”
4pm onward
Day of:
8:30am - Hair and Make-up artists arrived at the house.
10:00am - My mom arrived with donuts, joined the line for hair and make-up
11:00am - My dad arrived with sandwiches for lunch
12:30ish - Photographer arrives for getting ready photos as hair and make-up is wrapping up.
1:00pm -
2:00pm - First look photos, photos with wedding party
2:45pm - Photos with family
3:30pm - Bridesmaids hide in dressing room in the Atrium while guests arrive
4:00pm - Ceremony in the Atrium
4:30pm -
5:00pm - Bride and groom join cocktail hour
5:30pm - Move everyone back to the Atrium for dinner, bride and groom introduced
5:45pm - Dinner service begins
6:30pm - Toasts (best man, maid of honor, father of the bride)
7:00pm -
8:30 - Grand departure
What went well:
Bridesmaid dresses: The girls used Azazie and were extremely happy with them! Each picked a different chiffon dress in the same color (dark green) and they turned out exactly how we hoped!
The vendors: 10/10 stars for every single one of my vendors. All of them went above and beyond my expectations and were absolutely fantastic to work with. All of them were on my venue’s preferred vendors list, except hair and makeup who are friends of mine from high school that started a HMU business together.
Going to the venue’s open house: One of the venues we were considering has an annual wedding open house. We made last-minute plans to go, and it was the best planning decision we made. We were so thrilled with the venue we put our deposit down on the spot. We got a chance to try all of their entrees and appetizers, and some drink samples. We got to meet lots of vendors who were already preferred by the venue, and we found our photographer, baker, and florist there that day!
First look: I had always wanted my husband to first see me in my dress as I was walking down the aisle. But having been at weddings where guests had to wait 2-3 hours for photos to be taken between the ceremony and reception, I opted to get photos out of the way beforehand with a first look. It was still every bit as wonderful as I had imagined, and it just made the timing work out so smoothly. And, I had the added bonus of a partial outfit change between the first look and the ceremony - he never actually saw my full dress (or my veil at all) until I walked down the aisle, thanks to:
The Cape!: I knew that I was signing up for a couple hours of (hopefully) outdoor photos, in a strapless dress, in December, in Seattle. Even in the best weather scenario, it was going to be cooooldddd. So I got a navy blue cape and (faux) fur muff to keep warm during the outdoor bits. I was very comfortably warm the whole time, it looks awesome in the photos, and it mostly kept my dress a surprise until the actual ceremony (where I took the cape off and put on my veil).
The Bridal Buddy: OMG. One of my bridesmaids got me this as a shower gift. I cannot sing its praises highly enough. I was able to put this delightful contraption over my form-fitting slip and under the actual dress. It took 2 bridesmaids to help lift my dress and find the arm holes, but once the dress was skooshed in and the neck hole cinched up I was free to go to the bathroom ALL BY MYSELF. As an extremely shy person this was a priceless freedom to me. It felt extremely secure when “in use”, I never worried about my dress falling into the toilet. It didn’t show under my dress at all, I completely forgot it was there the rest of the time. I swear they’re not paying me anything, I just really loved this product!!
Shellac manicure: Totally worth the cost. Got them done 3 days before the wedding, and they held up beautifully for over 2 weeks! Zero worries about scratching or breaking them!!
Early rehearsal dinner: I was a little disappointed that my MIL had scheduled the rehearsal dinner so early, but I’m SO glad she did. I was able to enjoy it without worrying about how late it was getting, and then I had plenty of time afterwards to spend with my bridesmaids at the house while still getting to sleep at a sane-ish hour. I figured we would get hungry later in the evening after eating so early, but we just ordered pizza at around 8pm and it was PERFECT.
Guestbook ornaments: I made another post about this earlier. I was SO HAPPY with how this turned out. I expected people would just sign their names, but most people got super creative with decorating them!!! I got a spray polyurethane to seal the wood and protect the writing (thank you so much streetbirds for the advice!), and the ornaments signed by the band made it onto the wedding tree and back home unscathed!
Hot Cocoa Bar: I was disproportionately excited about this. It was one of the first wedding ideas I had, and I was worried about the venue doing it justice (I wasn’t allowed to bring any outside food or drinks, besides a cake by an approved bakery) but it was PERFECT!! It wasn’t just powder packets and hot water, they had real melted chocolate in milk, and all sorts of fun toppings!! I got SO many comments on it!!!
No kids: There were a LOT of guests, mostly extended family, with young children. I had a very particular vision for the ambiance of the event, and the unpredictability of two dozen young kids was just not what I wanted. I communicated this as early as possible to everyone with children, and only 2 couples (both with ~2 month old newborns) were unable to make it due to this decision. My MIL shielded me from most of those conversations, but everyone was very understanding.
No DJ, no dancing: I’ve never been into dancing. I’m that person who tries to find another non-dancer to talk to while desperately trying to not get peer-pressured into awkwardly bobbing around on the dance floor to music that triggers awkward memories of Jr. High school. I had a first dance with my husband, a dance with my father, and he danced with his mother. Otherwise all of the music was a Spotify playlist of relaxing holiday music. I pay for Spotify premium so I was able to download the playlist onto my laptop (and a couple of old phones as backups), and that worked perfectly! I was worried that people would get bored without the dance floor, but people were perfectly happy to chat, play with the photo booth, play with the coco bar, explore the venue, and enjoy the liquid entertainment we provided ;)
What I’d do differently:
Read the ceremony script beforehand: I can’t believe this never actually occurred to me beforehand, but it legitimately didn’t! My husband’s grandfather has officiated all of the grandkids' weddings so far, and having been to most of those weddings I always thought the ceremony was beautiful and exactly what I would want. Which it was for the most part... the only real problem I had were a couple of very hetero-normative/cis-normative comments (“God made us male and female”, stuff like that). Fortunately my LGBTQ+ friends in attendance confirmed that they brushed it off as “religious grandpa doing his thing” and not something I'd asked for or approved beforehand, so it wasn’t really a problem. Just something I would have liked to tweak in advance if I had thought to ask!
Schedule our grand departure earlier: We had initially planned on having our departure at 9pm, but I was noticing a lot of people starting to trickle out around 8:15. A lot of people had work the next morning (it was a Sunday night), others had a ferry to catch (which was leaving at 8:45), and I was worried that there would only be like 10 people left to blow bubbles at us!! So we ended up leaving at around 8:30. There were plenty of people still there, this allowed more time for cleanup before our time at the venue ended, and we ended up making the 8:45 ferry with a bunch of our guests!
Bridesmaid robes: I never understood why it was so popular to get matching robes for getting ready together. Particularly the lightweight satiny robes I always see in pictures. I’d never wear it again, and I doubted any of my bridesmaids would, so I got us matching pajamas instead since we were staying together the night before. Until I realized...you wear a robe so you don’t have to pull a shirt over your head and mess up your hair and makeup!! DURR. I ended up having to ask everyone to make sure they brought a robe or button-down shirt for getting ready (and ironically one bridesmaid got to re-use her robe from another wedding). It worked out fine anyway, though the robe I brought was a heavier bath robe which did get uncomfortably toasty after a while.
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