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Realtime photos of the sky!

A subreddit for posting sky photos from around the world!

I Banged a Werewolf 1/3

It all starts with,, Milo. My parents moved to Kentucky from California when my mom was still pregnant with me. And that's where I spent most of my childhood. My dad left me and my mom when I was 6 to move to Nashville and become a country star. More on that later... maybe.
As you can imagine, growing up with a single parent, I didn't have very much. I can honestly say I never really caught myself wanting much, but we did struggle from time to time. And it only took inviting a friend over once and having them point out all the stuff we didn't have to put a stop to that. But it all started to change when I first met my grandfather from California. He hadn't even known I existed until right before that, which I assumed was because he had some kind of falling out with my mom before she left. Turns out he made a killing in the movie industry running a special effects company.
It just so happens that I had developed a real fondness for movies over the years, since my mom worked in a video rental store(when they still existed) and free rentals was like literally the only perk to that job. So that and my lack of friends naturally led to an obsession with all things cinematic. So imagine my surprise and excitement when I found out my grandfather's company had done effects for some of my favorite movies.
Before long I was allowed to visit him, since he had been lonely after my grandmother died, unfortunately before I was able to meet her, he was always happy to let me come stay with him when school was out for the summer. I was always crazy excited to go on these trips, where I'd spend most of my time with him in the various workshops of his company during the day and watching all kinds of movies with him at night. Aside from being one of the nicest people you could imagine, he had a mischievous side to him as well. He would constantly play jokes and pranks on his employees and would frequently let me help pull them off.
My home life also got better since he was sending us money here and there to make sure we didn't hurt for anything we might need. He slowly took the role of the missing father figure in my life over the years. Until one day we got a call a few days before I was supposed to graduate and leave for California to start officially apprenticing at his company.
It was a heart attack.
He had it while he was alone in his home and couldn't get help fast enough on his own. The cleaning lady found him laying there dead the next day. I... didn't take it well, at all. I didn't leave the house for weeks. I missed graduation and everything. Then we got another call. They had found a will in my grandfather's house. He left every dollar he had to me. Just an INSANE amount of money. He always lived really modestly so I never really new how rich he was until that moment.
It took a while before I decided what to do with it. So long that the weeks became months and by then winter was setting in. But it all came together when I was sitting in my room staring at my movie collection. Then I caught sight of my row of Dracula movies sitting next to the first edition copy of the novel my grandfather had given me for my birthday years ago. He used to joke that he got it from the real Dracula himself. Probably meant Bela Lugosi or something. He was pretty old after all. That was the moment the idea popped into my head.
Long story short, I bought my mom a nice house and made sure she had enough money to never need to work again. But made sure the house was big enough for her to complain about having to clean. The only thing she hated more than the idea of someone she didn't know being set loose in her home was not having something to complain about. And then I set off for Romania. Random I know, but you do weird shit when you're grieving. Don't judge me.
The flight ended up getting delayed and I took that time to look up the area and find a guide and translation service. Most of the ones I could find required more notice ahead of time to book, except for one. Mofucious's Romanian Guide Service. The name was kinda ominous but they offered a full guide and linguistic service and they were literally the only one available on such short notice. So... I made a reservation.
Not too long after that I landed at Transilvania International Airport, and this is where the story your're here for really starts. By the time I walked outside and looked out into the night under the glow of the yellow "Transilvania Airport" letters, it was almost midnight. It was a tiny airport, not even relative to the ones I was used to. Just small. I've seen bigger parking lots in front of Dollar Generals. Right next to it there was something that looked like a gas station, or maybe a bus stop. And across the road there was nothing. Just an almost endless expanse of fields speckled with a tree here and there that rapidly faded into darkness at the end of the light's reach.
Once I got off the plane I got a confirmation email that told me to take a bus from the airport to a different location where the guide would pick me up. Seemed weird, especially since it didn't tell me what time the bus would arrive or why we had to go to a different place or anything.
But as the suspicions crossed my mind I spied two men standing in front of what seemed to be a decommissioned fighter jet made airport lawn ornament. They both turned away as soon as they saw me notice them, making them seem even shadier than they already did. "Someone call Liam Neeson. This is where I get sold to a creepy old European dude." I thought only half jokingly to myself as the men turned to face me again and started walking my way.
The hiss of the bus's brakes scared my attention in its direction. Oh sweet diesel powered salvation... Picking up both my bags I climbed as fast as I could into the bus, which was empty except for the driver, who had a nervous look on his face. Me too buddy, me too.
"Uh, hi. What's up?" I asked. The driver just pointed, directing me to take a seat on the bus. As we pulled off I tried to look for the two men, but they seemed to have taken off.
The ride lasted a good while, which after we got away from the open areas, was mostly just heading deeper and deeper into the Transilvanian woods on darker and darker backroads. The bus finally came to rest under what seemed like the only street light I had seen for miles, a decrepit bus stop sign hanging from the lone light pole.
Once the doors creaked open I got up, grabbed my bags, and made my way up to the front of he bus. As I did my eyes met the driver's one last time and saw the mournful look on his face as I exited. Once my feet touched the ground the bus roared to life again and took off the opposite direction into the dark, leaving me there to shiver in the cold under my lonely street lamp in the middle of the woods.
After about 10 more minutes of shaking and trying to rub my hands together for warmth, I heard a sound coming towards me on the road. But not the sound of a car or another bus. Hooves. Hooves and the rattle of wood.
And then it made its way into the light. A horse drawn carriage. All black. Black horses, black carriage, even the driver wore a large, hooded, black cloak the obscured their face. Slowly and cautiously I stood and made my way over. As I got closer I could hear a deep, raspy breath coming from the hood of the driver as a sudden, strong wind cut across the road, chilling me to the bone.
"M-Mofucious?" I asked the grim figure on top of the carriage. They responded only by extended a black gloved hand, taking me by the shoulder, and guiding my into the carriage.
Once I was in and seated the cart began to move. Terror and sense of impending doom aside, at least it was a little warmer in the carriage and away from the wind chill. I rode for around 30 minutes until I heard the wheels transition from asphalt to what sounded like cobble stone, and soon after I began to see the lights of a village appear through the windows.
Not long after that we pulled up to a small inn. At which point the driver descended from their seat and made for the inn's entrance. Several minutes later they returned with a room key, which they handed to me after opening the door and directing me out onto the stone street.
"Um, thanks." I said, taking the key. "So... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. To which the driver nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder once again, pushing me towards the front door of the inn.
I walked up to the front desk, hearing the carriage begin to leave outside. Before I could open my mouth to speak the guy at the desk pointed me down a hallway, which I assumed would be where I found my room. It wasn't. I wandered arount for about 15 minutes before I realized my room was upstairs... on the opposite side of the inn.
I was so tired I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
Once the sunlight shining in through the window finally woke me up, I got out of bed, put some fresh clothes on, and headed down stairs. Since I didn't know what time my guide was supposed to come back, I figured it would be better to go ahead and be ready for them instead of keeping their creepy ass waiting.
I stood on the cobble stone street, looking up and down the road for them. After waiting outside for a while I ran back inside to answer the call of nature, and by the time I came back out the carriage was already there waiting for me.
I looked up to where the driver from last night sat, but this time instead of the grim reaper looking figure from before, I just saw... a woman. A regular woman. "Uhhh... Hello. Are you, I mean... What happen to the other driver?" I asked her.
"What other driver?" She asked back so that now I could also tell that she sounded as American as I was.
"You know, the one with the death rattle breath and the black cloak and shit." I explained.
"Oh, that was me." She answered plainly.
"What?! Then what was with the scaring me half to death junk?!" I questioned up a towards her from the ground.
"What do you... Oh! Right right. It was cold as balls last night and my nose was stopped up so bad I couldn't even talk. I must have been quite the sight." She chuckled.
"Oh, ok... That makes sense I guess. But what the hell is with the scary name and the old school horse and wagon deal?" I asked.
"It's good for business. Tourists coming to Transilvania eat that stuff up. You've already met my assistants, Cerberus and Medusa." She explained, guesturing to the two horses attached to the carriage. "Isn't that why you picked my service?"
"Oh, well honestly I didn't think to look for one until I was on the plane and you were the only one available on that short of notice..." I answered kind of apologetically. "Hey, now that I think of it, you took me straight to the inn to drop me off last night. How'd you know I hadn't found a place to stay yet?"
"Well... you filled out the services needed rendering section on the website and said you needed accommodations." She replied.
"I did? Jesus I must have been tired. I don't even remember that. Oh well. Anyway, I'm Milo." I said.
"Michelle. Michelle Woody." She said back. "So Mr. Milo, where are we going?"
"Oh... I hadn't actually thought ahead that far..." I admitted, pausing as I climbed into the carriage. "Any suggestions?..."
"How about a pub?" She suggested.
"I'm... 19." I said. "And it's like 10 in the morning."
"We're in Romania. The drinking age is 18 here. And it's 3 in the afternoon." She said.
"Oh, shit, you're right." I mumbled, checking the time on my phone. "Ok. Pub it is. Let's get hammered." I said, stepping the rest of the way into the carriage.
We rode up to a back alley pub who's name I can't begin to pronounce, but the sign had a duck with a stool sitting on top of it, whatever the hell that means. "This place looks like dump..." I mentioned, taking in the shambled look.
"That's how you know it's good. When it comes to pubs, the worse they look on the outside, the better they are on the inside." She said.
"That doesn't sound like it makes a whole lot of sense, but I'll take your word for it." I conceded as we walked through the door.
When we entered we were greeted by, well... an angel. By which I mean the most gorgeous woman I'd ever lain eyes on. And then, as I stood there with my jaw hanging open, she spoke to us in the most beautiful Romanian accent.
"Oh! Hello Michelle! You bring us another customer I see!"
"Wait... You don't have some kind of business arrangement with this out-house do you?" I asked suspiciously, cutting my eyes at the her.
"What? Of course not!" My guide replied defensively. "This just happens to be the best pub in town."
"Wow... I'd hate to see the ones that managed to limbo under that bar..." I mumbled to myself as we made our way through the place and found a table. "So... you know that woman? Who is she? I mean... What's her name?"
"Oh ho! Why so curious? Somebody have a little crush? HEY TEAGAN! THIS GUY SAYS HE LIKES Y-" She tried to shout across the room before I managed to scramble to her side and put my hand over her mouth.
"WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!" I hissed loudly in her ear.
I took my hand off once I heard her start giggling from underneath it, allowing her to speak. "Ok ok, yes I know her. That's Teagan. She supposed to live in a caravan somewhere but nobody knows where it is."
"So is she a gypsy or something?" I blurted out.
"Shut up stupid!" She exclaimed, thumping me on the head. "She is but they don't like that word. They're called Romani dipshit."
"You're an aggressive ass tour guide you know that?!" I barked back, rubbing the sore spot on my temple.
"What would you like me to get for you?" A heavenly voice spoke from behind me.
I turned to see the lady from the front door standing patiently waiting with a smile on her face. "I uh, duh... um... I-uh... Drink please." I partially stammered. To which she just raised her eyebrows, apparently expecting something much less stupid to come out of my mouth.
"Oh, hey there. I'll take my usual and one more for the mute, please." Michelle ordered, pointing to me, who's mouth was still moving soundlessly.
"I will get you your drinks." The woman declared before leaving our table and heading to the bar.
"So, where am I? I mean, like... where did you bring me?" I asked.
"Buddy, you are in the village of Orasul Protejat de Lupi." The told me. "But the locals nickname for it is Yerba because of all the special herbs that grow here."
"And where is that exactly? I didn't see it when I was looking up places on Google Maps to visit while I'm here." I prodded.
"Yes well you wouldn't find it there. I've tried to figure out why but haven't found anything concrete. Though the general consensus seems to be the the Romanian government struck a deal with Google to keep it hidden away. That way it helps preserve a small piece of Romania as it was. A little hidden gem for the occasional traveler to stumble across and experience." She explained.
"I have heard of Google taking things off of maps before for all kinda reasons. So maybe it's not completely impossible." I reasoned. "Glad I picked your company."
The woman returned a few minutes later with a couple of glasses which she sat on the table. Not that I was expecting her to sit them on the floor or our heads or something... So I'm not entirely sure why I mentioned that she put them on the... Whatever. Anyway, she brought us our drinks. I was kinda surprised because I was expecting some kind of ale with the foam and all warm and junk. But is was a colorful, fruity looking drink with ice cubes in it. And despite the cross looks it got me from some of the more gruff and haggard men in the pub, it tasted pretty good.
By the time I was almost finished with my first one she was three in and on her fourth. "So you're just gonna get drunk on the clock?" I asked.
"That's for... why... because I got the horses." She slurred out. "They'rer-r-r-r really good horses. I can get hackin' fummered and they'll take care of everything."
"I take it back, you're a horrible tour guide."
"Y-you're a horrible tour guide." She replied, poking me in the chest and almost falling out of her chair.
While she was attempting to resituate herself after leaning out of her seat to poke me, I tipped my glass up to take the last sip from it. As the ice cubes slid down and hit my lips I found myself face to face with... a spider, frozen in one of the cubes... in the glass I had been drinking from the whole time. I choked and spewed the reminding liquid in my mouth all over the table as I tumbled backwards onto the floor.
As I was getting back to my feet I saw and heard my waitress, Teagan, rolling and cackling uncontrollably on the floor. When I reached down and picked up the fake ice cube off the table to examine it, Michelle took a break from her own laughter to speak.
"I swear they never suspect her to have a mischievous side." She said as she chuckled into her drink. "She got your ass good."
"I walked around the table and dropped the fake cube onto the waitress's chest and spoke in my best Daffy Duck impression, "Of courth you realith... that thith meanth war." And with that I walked out the front door, contemplating my sweet revenge as I made my way to the carriage. Where I sat for about 30 seconds before I realized I had to pay for my drink and retrieve my plastered tour guide.
I walked back out of the pub after brushing of the second wave of laughter my walk of shame caused me, and situated Michelle into the back of the carriage before hoisting myself into the driver's seat. "How do you work this thing?!" I called down to her. To which she just whistled, causing the horses to spring to life and trot down the cobblestone road.
A few minutes later the horses stopped on the outside of my inn to let me off and for Michelle to take my place in the driver's seat. "So... what was her name again?" I asked as she climbed her way up to her perch.
"Teagan. Her name's Teagan. And don't worry, I had a thing for her too when I first came here. Too bad she doesn't swing that way." She answered down to me.
"Oh... so you're..." I started.
"Pansexual." She finished for me.
"Oh so you're into-"
"If you make a crack about me getting turned on by cookware I swear to god I'll run you over." She interrupted me.
"... Fair enough." I said, and made my way to the inn door and up to my room.
That night I forgot all about sightseeing in Romania, instead I spent all night thinking about how I was going to get that Teagan girl back. Once I came up with an idea I called Michelle and got her to tell me what time the girl got off work. Which was surprisingly easy and when I asked why she said, "Oh I'm not worried. You couldn't hurt that chick if you wanted to."
That evening I was waiting outside the pub near the back entrance with the scariest mask I was able to find at a local party store. Once I saw her walk through the back door I put the mask on and hid around the corner.
"RAGLE FRAGGLE!!" I screamed as I jumped out in front of her.
"AHH! Oh my god! Why would you do this?!" She shouted at me as she stiffened up like a board.
"Because I hate spiders!" I proclaimed, yanking off the mask before tossing it into her hands and bouncing my way out of the alley, laughing the whole way.
"UGH!" I heard her groan from behind me as I left, inflating my sense of accomplishment as the mask she had just thrown passed by my head.
The next morning I decided I'd go back to the pub and sit at one of her tables, just to really rub it in. "To the pub! I have business there!" I instructed Michelle when she asked me what I wanted to do that day.
"Ok... I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean but at least you don't seem so glum anymore." She said, taking her place in the driver's seat of the carriage.
"Hello! Welc-" The Teagan girl's eyes narrowed at me as she stopped mid sentence.
"This is your table right?" I asked, sitting down at the same one as before.
We got the same drink as before but I could tell she didn't have the same energetic charm as last time when she took our order and brought them to us. It took a few minutes of this before Michelle spoke up and asked, "Something going on here I don't know about? Teagan seems to be a little bent out of shape about something."
"Why would you say that?" I asked her in response.
"Well... because that." She said, pointing in the direction of the bar where Teagan stood behind it, the fingertips of her tented hands resting just under her nose, glaring at me through narrowed eyes.
"Jesus..." I whispered to myself. Then I explained what I did with the mask the night before.
"Oh god... I thought you were going to ask her out or something." She laughed. "You done fucked up kid. It's been nice knowing you." She added, patting me on the shoulder.
"W-what is that supposed to mean?" I asked, glancing back over towards the bar, where Teagan was still glaring at me like a snake eyeing a mouse.
"You'll probably find out before long... You poor bastard." She giggled, and that's the last she spoke of it.
I barely got any sleep that night for wondering what kind of horrible things this Teagan might try to do to me. Maybe she new some local street tuffs and was planning to have them rough me up or something. All the thoughts of terrible possibilities put my paranoia on edge, so I made sure to keep my door locked and my windows latched tight.
The next morning I made sure to look out the window to see if anyone might be waiting for me to leave the inn, but the coast looked clear. So I opened the door to hurry down stairs and get to the carriage as fast as possible, but when I tried to walk through the door I felt something solid and... sticky on my face. My feet flew out from under me as my top stopped but my bottom kept moving. And before I knew what happened I was laying on the ground with a face full of clear packing tape and not a single molecule of oxygen left in my lungs.
The following prank war that spanned the next several days consisted of everything from stink bombs to fire cracker booby traps to her somehow getting a mousetrap into my shoe in my room before I put it on and me even managing to super glue her hand to one of the serving trays at the pub.
"HARDWARE STORE!" I barked at Michelle as I stomped towards the carriage, still trying to wipe the remnants of her most recent prank off my face.
I was about to use everything my grandad taught me about special effects... for evil. I bought all kinds of tools and materials. Something I'm sure he would have been perfectly fine with, knowing him.
Hours later it was dark, and had you been in Romania on that particular evening, you would have found me crouched behind some trash cans near the back door to the pub where Teagan worked. Before long I saw the door open and Teagan's head poke out through the small crack and cautiously check to see if the cost was clear.
"Clever girl..." I whispered to myself, my hand tightening around the actuator I was holding, its cord leading across the pavement to a contraption hidden under a large black hefty bag. "But not clever enough."
Once the door was all the way open I hit the switch which caused the compressed air container to purge all its contents at once, basting the 20lbs of old raw fish and floor sweepings I had collected from local shops during the day straight at her... Admittedly much harder than I thought it would... It knocked her clear off her feet.
"OH SHIT! I AM SO FUCKING SORRY!!" I yelped as I took off running over to where she was laying face up on the ground. "Are you... Pkm... Mmm... Hmmhmm.... Are you ok?" I asked, choking back a chuckle from looking down at her, covered in rotting fish and little chunks of loose fat.
She just glared back up at me, that is until a fish that got half splattered, half stuck on the wall above the door slid off and smacked her dead in her face. "You will want to be running..." She growled through gritted teeth, her eyes still squinting from the fish juice.
"I want to... What?" I asked back.
"I will be breaking your legs now." She responded, reaching a hand back into the door and around the corner, retrieving a wooden baseball bat and.... snapped it over her knee like a twig!
"SHIT!" I screamed, breaking into a full sprint out of the back alley and into the street. I darted in and out of alleys and nooks and backyards until I couldn't hear her footsteps behind me anymore, finally stopping in a small courtyard with a little pond in the middle.
As I bent over, my hands on my knees, gasping for air I heard a voice. "FOUND YOU!" Before being knocked flying into the pond. I felt the cold water rush over me before another body followed into the water right behind me.
My head broke the surface first as I came up gasping for breath and coughing on pond water. "What the hell just happened?!" I choked, looking around the dimly lit courtyard. Right then Teagan's head splashed up out of the dark surface of the water as she wrapped her hands around my neck.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! Fishes and meats?! What kind of sick person makes rotten meat cannon?!" She shouted as she shook me back in forth in the pond. Then... suddenly, I felt a warmth through the icy water. I opened my eyes and... She was kissing me.
"W-what the hell?!" I stammered once she pulled her face back away from mine. "Aren't you going to break my legs?..."
"No, you are too cute. I would be such waste to kill you." She said.
"Wait... Kill? I thought you were just going to break my legs." I questioned.
"Yes, this is what I say, break your legs. Where did you hear this kill from?" She replied.
"YOU JUST SAID... Never mind. Can we get out of this pond before we freeze?" I asked.
We both climbed out and I noticed she was already shivering so I suggested we go back to my room at the inn to let her clothes dry off, since she wouldn't tell me where she lived.
Once we got to the inn I gave her a towel and some of my sleeping clothes to wear while they dried. ALTHOUGH I'm pretty sure she didn't really need them and would have been fine sitting around bare ass naked because she just started undressing to dry off right in front of me.
"Ah-oh god! I'll be outside! Let me know when you're done!" I squeaked as I bolted out the door and into the hall. "So... you really think I'm cute?" I asked as I propped myself up against the door.
"Well yes of course. In the same way as a small puppy who chew all your shoes." She answered from inside the room. "For why do you ask?"
"Oh, never mind it's stupid." I said.
"Probably, but I would still like to know." She insisted.
"Ughhh, ok. Well... it's just that I've never actually... had a girlfriend. I was kinda starting to think it was because I was ugly or something." I admitted. As soon as I did the door swung open revealing Teagan in nothing but the tshirt I left out for her. "Are... you wearing anything under that?" I asked nervously before she grabbed my face in both her hands.
"You are not ugly! What a terrible thing to say!" She exclaimed. "You are very handsome man! I like you since I meet you!"
"Wait, really? Then w-what was with the fake spider in my drink?!" I stammered.
"That is how I... How do you say... Show affection. I torment." She explained as innocently as you could imagine.
"Tor-you mean tease?" I asked.
"Oh yes tease. This is the word. I tease." She responded.
"Ok... Now I feel really bad about the rotten meat cannon..." I mumbled to myself as I flopped down onto the bed.
"You really never have girlfriend?" She asked, sitting on the bed next to me.
"Nah, I tried but I get really nervous when I talk to them and just start saying stupid stuff about monster movies." I explained.
"You like monsters?" She asked, shifting in her spot a little. "What kinds do you like?"
From there we spent what felt like forever talking about monsters and movies and my granddad and how I ended up in Romaina, and she told me about living in a caravan on the edge of town. We talked and talked until she put her hand on top of mine, leaned in VERY close, and whispered into my ear,
"I have never had... Um, 'boyfriend' either."
She pulled her head back just enough so I could look into her just insanely bright, emerald eyes. You guys just can't imagine it. Right then, looking at me like she was, she was just... sunset at the end of a perfect day beautiful.
And to sum up what happens next, well... First time for everything I guess.
I woke up the next morning to an empty bed and an empty room, except for a note that read, "I am thinking you kind find excuse to come to pub today. ~T"
With a big grin on my face I folded the note up and stuffed it in my pocket once I was finished dressing, which was something I had to do because I was still naked from the night before. Ayeee. What can I say, from this point the story goes from being about a boy to being about man, kinda.
After that I strutted down stairs like I was Don Juan himself and went outside to wait for Michelle and her carriage. But after a little while it became obvious that she was running late. So I decided to walk across the street and wait on a bench until she showed up. It was as I was crossing the street that I saw a man's hat get blown off my the wind, and as he hurriedly chased after it into the road he didn't notice the large utility truck headed straight for him.
"MILO! MILO!! HOLY SHIT HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!!" I heard a voice that sounded like it was off in the distance. "Dude! Dude wake up!" The source of the voice started tapping on my face.
I opened my eyes to see Michelle standing-er, kneeling over me with a look of mortified terror on her face. I looked around and realized I wasn't on the street anymore but was instead half way in the gutter on the other side of the road from where I started.
"What the hell?" I mumbled up at Michelle.
"YOU JUST GOT SLAMMED BY THAT TRUCK!! Oh and you totally saved that old guy. His knee's a little skinned but it's better than what that truck would have done." She told me.
"Oh... Oh yeah. I guess I moved before I had time to think." I said, trying to collect my thoughts. "Oh god... I think I peed a little... No wait, I peed a lot. I shit a little." I groaned trying to get to my feet.
"Don't get up!" She exclaimed, trying to keep me from dragging myself of the ground. "The ambulance is on the way. I don't even know how you're breathing right now."
"What are you-" I tried to ask, but she just pointed in the direction of the truck, which now had its whole front end dented in and what appeared to be blood running down parts of it. "Oh holy shit was that me?! Is that mine?! That's not pee! It's blood all over me!" I shrieked looking down at myself for the first time. "Oh god! Where is it coming from?! I can't find anything!" I yelled, wiping blood away to try and find the source of the bleeding, but I wasn't able to.
"Oh please god tell me it's not coming out of my-" About that time the ambulance had pulled up with the siren blaring. And I spent the next few minutes being... examined my the medics, who apparently had the same suspicion about the... origin of the blood that I did. And after an embarrassing few more minutes of them... verifying that I was ok, they said something to me in Romanian which I choose to believe was "Congratulations. You aren't bleeding out your butthole."
"They couldn't find anything." I told Michelle, shrugging as I climbed out of the back of the ambulance. And that's when I caught a glimpse of a near folded in half traffic sign.
"Someone who saw it said you hit that after the truck ran into you. They said your back wrapped around it so far you basically kneed yourself in the back of the head." Michelle explained.
"That can't be right. I'd be paralyzed or dead right now if that happened." I argued.
"You should be dead anyway. That truck was moving way too fast to begin with. The impact by itself should have killed the shit out of you." She said with a noticeable amount of concern in her voice.
"Well, since I'm not dead yet, Imma go get some non-bloody clothes on and then we're going to the pub." I proclaimed, almost skipping into the inn. "You ok old timer?" I asked the man who I pushed out of the way, handing him his hat that I picked up off the ground before walking over. I don't think he understood me, but he took my hand in his and gave me a big smile and a slow nod. That said enough for me.
"You got lucky last night."
"I-What?! Who told you that?!" I barked at Michelle before I climbed into the carriage.
"You just got mauled by a huge truck and you still got that shit eating grin on your face. Getting lucky with a girl like Teagan is about the only thing I know of that can pull a grin out of someone's ass after something like that." She replied with a twisted grin of her own.
"I... Shut up. Just take me to the pub." I commanded.
"To see Teagan?..." She asked jokingly.
"Mmmmmm...." I grumbled, sliding down in my seat.
"I mean not for nothing, but you kinda just got bitch slapped by a giant metal missile and don't have scratch to show for it. Do you really think a pub is the place to be right now?" She asked, leaning down from the top to peek through the window.
"I just got bitch slapped by a giant metal missile and don't have a scratch to show for it. A pub is EXACTLY the place I need to be right now." I insisted.
"MILO!" An excited voice called as soon as we walked into the pub. I felt my whole body tingle as Teagan ran up and wrapped her arms around me.
"God you're strong for your size..." I huffed once she let me go and gave me a chance to hug her back.
"Milo got hit by a truck." Michelle just blurted out.
"WHAT?!" Teagan gasped in response. "What you mean hit?!"
"SHHH SHUT UP!" I hissed, trying to cover her mouth.
"He got-"
"He got hit-"
"It should have-"
"He got hit by a huge utility truck and wrapped around a street sign. It should have killed him." She finally said after holding my hands down and putting her hand over my mouth to keep me silent long enough to speak. "EWW! Did you just lick my hand you gross little weasel?!"
"I'm fine though." I tried to reassure Teagan after seeing the look of worry on her face, but it only seemed to make it worse when she heard that I didn't have so much as single bruise on me. "Is everything ok?"
"Oh... YES! Let me sit you at a table." She said, shaking herself out of it.
A few minutes later Teagan was walking up to our table with our drinks, but this time she also brought a plate with food on it, which she sat in front of me. "Oh, I didn't or-"
"No I know this." She interrupted me. "You have been through very much today. You need to eat something." She insisted, pushing the plate closer to me.
"Oh, well ok I guess. I was feeling kinda hungry anyway." I said, taking a potato wedge off the plate and cramming it into my mouth.
"So Teagan... I couldn't help but notice you've never taken a sick day." Michelle spoke up before she could leave the table, causing her to hesitate. "As a matter of fact I don't think I've ever seen so much as a tiny booboo on that perfect skin of yours. What do you think about that?"
"..... I am very healthy woman." Teagan answered. "Good immune system."
"Must be if you're even immune to scratches and bruises..." Michelle said, narrowing her eyes.
"I am always being careful." Teagan responded.
"Mhmm... Very careful, I'd say." Michelle spoke almost under her breath. Then she said something in Romanian that I couldn't understand, but it made Teagan look really uneasy before she turned and went back to work at another table.
"Hey what gives?" I asked her.
"Huh? Oh, nothing. I guess I'm just salty that you got to her before I did." She explained. "Been barking up that tree for ages."
"Oh, ok." I mumbled, stuffing a few more potato wedges into my face hole.
"You're really not giving a lot of though about just getting bow-tied around a street sign, are you?" Michelle asked, a hint of astonishment in her voice.
"Nah... Don' wanna loo' the gif' horf in the mouf'." I sputtered, some potato falling out of my full mouth.
"Hmmm..." She hmmm-d, narrowing her eyes at me. "Ok, I guess. Whatever, do you. You seem a lot more cheerful at least."
"Yeah, I just survived getting slammed by a truck. Who wouldn't be happy about that?" I asked.
"That's not what I meant." She said, glancing over at Teagan. "Getting to know each other a little better after hours?" She asked with a smirk.
"Wha'? Oh I um, we uh... Mind your own business!" I said, choking down a mouth full of food.
submitted by joshuawaggoner90 to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

[AA Trilogy Spoilers] I have no brain but I love Mia Fey - A Defense Post

Rankdown rankers what the fuck are you doing oh my god
thumbnail image♥
So. Mia Fey. Who is she, and what does she do?
You boot the game, and you meet Mia Fey, your employer at Fey & Co. Law Offices. And she’s boring. Mia is there to show you the ropes, to guide you through the first trial while you’re being introduced to this game’s gameplay mechanics. Mia’s forgettable at best.
And then Turnabout Sisters happens and… she’s dead!!! She’s dead. I guess we’ll never see her ever again.
Except her sister can channel spirits.
I don’t like Maya, I think she’s bland. Sure, she’s nice to have in investigations, tagging along with you, but every time we face some sort of difficulty, she channels Mia and Mia saves the day♥ Why did Mia die if the game’s gonna bring her back a billion times? It’s pointless. Absolutely pointless. Mia solved her own murder case, not us. And there’s nothing less satisfying then having dead people do your job in a murder mystery game.
Turnabout Samurai! Mia does some things here, such as… use her big tits to… convince a minor to help her ?????????? I’m not even sure if this is a Mia defense post anymore. But this is just what Mia does in the first two games. coerce children She pops up when you’re in trouble and goes “have you fucking checked all the evidence? all the testimonies? do you even know how to do your job???” to which you reply “oh my god. thats so true” and you win the case. It’s incredibly unsatisfying.
Mia shows up again, this time in Case 2, which also involves the Fey family! Yayyy! But this time, Pearl’s the one to channel her and….. ew. I’m not linking her sprites because I don’t believe you deserve to see them again, but what the fuck were the devs thinking? What’s up with her hair? And the clothes? At least Pearl is better than Maya because she’s a silly silly child who can’t read and is better at comedy than her cousin.
We all know how Reunion and Turnabout goes. Maya apparently kills someone, gets arrested, Mia does her crap, boom, day saved. It’s the same thing as AA1.
One thing Mia does in this game, however, is inform Phoenix of Maya’s conditions during her sister’s kidnapping. Since Pearl and Maya can channel Mia, she can effectively connect Maya and Phoenix as long as Maya’s channeling her. But this isn’t very useful, as it simply sets the tone for how serious this case is for both of them. It doesn’t show us Mia as a character, she’s just there to say “hey mayas in this dark place” and you just go “ok”. Her role could’ve been replaced by someone else if not for the spirit channeling thing.
And now, AA3.
... ...Grr... Nngghh... Hnnn... MIA FEY...! MIA... FEYYYY...!! Do. You. Think. You've. Won? Well!? Do you, Mia Fey? Heh... Heh... Heh... Heheh... That's. Just. Fine! For the time being... For the time being, victory is yours.
Forget everything I’ve told you before this part. This is where we see the real Mia Fey. Before she, you know, died.
In Turnabout Memories, Mia’s tense. Very tense since it’s her very first trial and she’s defending Phoenix Wright (although she doesn’t know him. Her past courtroom memories aren’t the best and she was unsure about being able to give her client a “Not Guilty” verdict. Yes, this paragraph is just me flexing on the fucking clowns of the new trilogy, our first impression of Mia in T&T is the same we get from Apollo and Athena both.
Mia is an odd attorney. She feels personally offended when her client lies to the court, and consequently, to her. But she’s also relentless when on the offense, pushing witnesses as much as she can. You could argue that all attorneys in the series are like that, and I guess yes, they’re all like that, but Mia is different, there’s something special about her. I believe it’s her dynamic with Dahlia. Well, Dahlia is a fucking bitch. But when Dahlia’s there, Mia’s also there. When Dahlia attempts to get away with her crimes, Mia’s there to prevent her from doing just that.
Well, we know whose milkshake brings all the boys to the yard…
This is just how AA3 Mia is. It breathes new life into her character, it fleshes her out, it shows us a new side of her that had been ignored all this time. She’s human, not some deus-ex machina ghost that pops up every chapter to save the day.
And then she shows up as a deus-ex machina to save the day. I don’t care about this part. I’m ignoring 3-2 and 3-3. She does her usual thing, and also… convinces an old man to help her… while wearing a maid costume. What the hell’s wrong with Capcom.
And then we get to Turnabout Beginnings. Holy fuck.
Before I begin, I’d just like to say that Diego calling Mia “kitten” has kept me awake at night for weeks now. What the hell’s wrong with Capcom. What the fuck’s wrong with Capcom. Are you okay Capcom?
But anyways, Turnabout Beginnings.
It's OK, Mia. Stay calm... Just remember those court procedure videos you stayed up all last night watching!
Mia has some crazy good lines in this game. We had always seen this serious side of her, always fighting for her client, but she’s also affected by that. She feels her client’s pains, she feels genuinely bad for them. But she’s still a rookie. And the game does a great job at showing us that with very simple dialogue. It adds lots of depth to a character with barely any effort. She’s not a professional lifesaver. What I’m trying to say is, Mia’s a fucking noob.
Boy would I like to wrap this scarf around his smarmy little neck…
And then we meet Dahlia again. Actually no, sorry, it’s “””MELISSA FOSTER”””. Actually fuck you I’m not doing this joke. We meet Dahlia again. We already know that she’s the culprit because we know she’s also the culprit of a case months in the future, and she’s involved with Diego Armando, the dude right next to us, who is very obviously Godot. And he’s here. Should be simple, right?
Ah! That wasn't me! It was this guy... This crazy coffee addict...
No, it isn’t simple. Because Terry Fawles is now DEAD!!! He’s gone. Dahlia is the culprit, we know she is, but we can’t prove it because the people capable of that are dead. There is no evidence. No witnesses. Nothing. She escapes. And Mia can’t do anything about it. Of course, she got her “revenge”, as we’ve seen in 3-1, but did she really finish Dahlia off for good?
Bridge to the Turnabout. Not as interesting as the other two cases.
The whole thing here is Dahlia’s spirit being a fucking bitch as always, lying about having killed Maya Fey (or caused her suicide). Yeah, sure, as if they’d kill a main character off like that. Keep giving me that bullshit, honey.
Dahlia: ...Grr...Mmm...Nnnn... Grrr... Ahh! M... M... Mia F... F... Fey Mia Fey! Mia Fey! MIA FEEEEY! You... You... spinster!! I was supposed to kill Maya Fey like I swore I would! And if only you had gotten this spiky-haired jerk the guilty verdict... ...I wouldn't have been hanged to death!
Mia: ...... True. But I think you finally understand, Dahlia Hawthorne. ...You will never defeat me. Whether you're alive, dead, or somewhere in between, you will never defeat me. As long as I'm around, you're destined to lose for all of eternity!
Phoenix: ...I remember what you said earlier in the trial. You said there was no way we could punish you... ...because you were already dead. Then you said... "Even when the body dies, the spirit, the ego, it lives on... forever."
Phoenix: ...That's very true, Dahlia. And that's exactly the punishment you'll never be able to escape from.
Mia: For all of eternity, you'll have to remain as Dahlia Hawthorne. A miserable, pathetic, weak creature who can never win at anything... And for you, there is no escape from that. No hope of freedom. Since the day you were executed... ...the narrow bridge that once stretched out in front of you has burnt to a crisp!
I love this last line. Personality flows from it. Mia knows she’s better than Dahlia, she knows that she’s always one step ahead of this pink idiot, and she makes sure to shove it in Dahlia’s face. They’re both dead, but even then, Mia makes sure to show Dahlia that she’s ahead of her.
bye bitch♥ but anyways
THAT’S what I like about Mia. Her sassiness. Her humanity. Her empathy. Girl, you have done it again. Constantly raising the bar for us all, and doing it flawlessly.
Conclusion :)
Mia is a good character. The biggest complaint I see with her character is that she’s a deus-ex machina for so much of the game and I admit, that’s annoying as fuck. Let me do things!!! Stop giving things to the dead lady!!! Please!!!
As soon as the new trilogy hit Mia died, for real this time. Girl’s gone. Rose the bar for us all, flawlessly, even, and then vanished without a trace. I think this is fine, though. We replaced the deus-ex machina bullshit with crazy gadgets and whatever the hell Apollo’s Bracelet is. Keeping Mia in the series was pointless since her tale had already been told and was finished. No point in stretching it further.
Her animations are badass. She’s cool as hell. Seriously, look at this. How can you not like her? (This is me attempting to persuade you at all costs)
Final Words
dont cut mia i will shit my pants and cry if you do (this is an euphemism for i will come to your house and shit all over your kitchen floor)
sorry for swearing i dont know if any of you care about me swearing every three or four sentences i tried to cut back on it at the start but. i cannot. its part of who i am♥
submitted by peababyy to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

Some helpful tips for next week - and the October Mod Bo0osletter:

Before we jump into the fun stuff:
As we mentioned in our ModSupport post, we want to give you all some additional resources to help you keep your communities safe and informed as we head into the US election and its aftermath. We’ll use that thread to provide any updates we may have as things develop, and please feel free to join the conversation, share tips or chat with other mod teams. We’re keenly aware that unlike in most past elections, where results could be reliably projected that night, an increase in mailed and absentee ballots this year means that there may be some time between the end of voting and when results are certified by officials. Here are some tips and resources to keep in mind:

Now that we’ve gotten the serious stuff out of the way, on to our regularly scheduled October Bo0osletter:
How do you boo, fellow ghosts 'n' ghouls,
Welcome to the October Boooosletter ! We can’t think of a better way to celebrate the best holiday of the year than by taking a look back at the past month with you fine folks.
But first, a moment of reflection (unless you’re a vampire, in which case: apologies). There are really so many things to appreciate about this time of year. The beautiful colors of the changing fall foliage, the subtle notes of festive decor, the mouth-watering sight of seasonal beverage accessories, and, of course, who could forget about the pies! (Mmm, just like the human pies grandma used to make.)
So, without further a-boo, let's pumpkin spice things up, reviiiive some posts from the past month, and welcome you to a hex-tra special edition of this month's Snoosletter! [cue scary ghost noises]

Community Spotlight






Last but not least, several subreddits hit 1 million subscribers this month! This is a big accomplishment, so a huge incantation of congratulations to BiggerThanYouThought, skyrim, PoliticalDiscussion, CFB, FreeEBOOKS, TooAfraidToAsk, Privacy, ADHD, Survival, fightporn, MachinePorn, FuckYouKaren, photocritique and shoestring!

Ghouls just want to have fun

What do you get when you divide your jack-o’-lantern’s circumference by its diameter?
Keep reading to the bottom for the answer.

Updates from the Admins

Trick or treat yo' self to a few of the updates we’ve shared over the past month below.

When you look into a crystal ball, do you see your community featured in a future Snoosletter? Send a message here for consideration, especially if you’re doing something cool for or with your community!

Friday Threads in ModSupport

As always, we’re creepin’ it real in our modsupport Friday Fun threads. If you haven’t joined this eek-ly tradition yet, I bet you will soon. Hopefully that’s not just witchful thinking.

Contacting Us

Remember to subscribe to ModNews for updates specific to you.
Thanks for reading, Happy Halloween, and if you were still wondering, the answer to the joke is Pumpkin Pi!*
*Yep: we did the math...
(That is to say, the monster math...)
A quick reminder: If you’d prefer not to get these Snoosletters in your inbox, just hit the “Block User” button under this message on desktop.
submitted by TheCrowsNestTV to Reddarchy [link] [comments]

Say Bible Podcast Discussion July 14, 2020 “Chance the Enabler”

Start-3:35: “...Podcast for the Kardashian mmm mmm mmmm I’m Natles” followed by Kathleen chiming in ..“Kardashian ......Koncerned”.
Nat mentions that someone said Kardashian Kodependancy and it reminds her of Co-Parenting (and their never ending hatred for such a thing). Kathleen says that someone wants her to discuss a certain Kardashian conspiracy but she has a “reddit hate thread” and doesn’t want to open herself up to the conspiracy business because she’s “nervous” of such a thing (I don’t really believe this- like at all).
Nat talks about how many kim perfumes she has and that their merch mugs are on sale. Their interview with Nneya will be posted up only for their highest paid Patreon levels; their longest interview, and she seemed the most interested in talking to them. Kathleen waxes about her media training and gives Nneya props for her interview skills (because Kathleen must interject herself and cant compliment Nneya outright but let me stop being negative).
3:35- 15:40: California is shutting down and Khloe wants everyone to take it seriously. Kathleen describes a gif someone used in their paid Facebook group that describes Khloe as toxic and Kathleen says she’s an “agent of chaos” and believes Khloe is trolling.
Natalie mentions that this past weekend Twitter was crazy with so many things like Naya Rivera’s body being found among other things (RIP to a brave brown woman who had probably the most impactful storyline on Glee playing a queer girl finding herself after figuring out her anger stemmed from denying her sexuality. This role was on national TV, in every home. This was a brave role for me and I always commended her for it) so she doesn’t understand why Khloe is coming on Twitter berating everyone about Covid when she was having parties the whole time and even had one this past weekend.
Kathleen claims that Khloe was paid by the governor to make this post and this isn’t an uncommon thing, especially proved by her tagging the governor and goes on to explain how attractive he is and what he’s like. Nat says Khloe should have just turned the offer down while Kathleen offers examples of better worded tweets. She goes on to say that what pisses her off the most is Khloe’s parties have lots of party favors and food and that requires staff (ok keep this energy when you get upset that Kimye and fam didn’t hoist the entire entourage out for a protest).
Nat says the trolling Khloe did of the baby shower was unnecessary and it ended up being a baby shower for an employee. Essentially she pretended that it was a baby shower for her and Nat says it was just dumb (honestly Khloe just let us know, you can’t do a secret pregnancy twice lmao)
15:40-25:35: Black twitter calls out Kylie for wearing a dress by black designer and not tagging the designer. After a day, she made a post addressing it. Nat feels that it was fake af for many reasons, Including not addressing the real reason for limiting comments, which is to reduce spam about Bangladesh factory (we’ve discussed this ad nauseum on the sub so I won’t address that) and Nat says that this sparked a debate about whether black owned brands must be tagged and therefore receive free advertising.
She points out that Aneya stated that we should “treat that black brand like you would treat Prada”. Clearly Prada would be tagged no problem, so why not tag these black designers? Kathleen says she’s not some online troll and didn’t need to make the whole stupid post and seemed to just tag her to shut everyone the fuck up already. Basically she says this was so easy, to just tag a brand and stand behind her previous words of support for the black Community. Discuss history of kardashians doing this and then gaslighting, like Khloe copying from a black designer and selling the design under Good American. Kathleen makes her point but can’t seem to let it go, so this segment runs longer than needed. Talks about the kardashians not passing the mic or acknowledging their financial privilege.
Nat points out that they also post and tag top designers who don’t even ask or pay them to do it so not being paid for such advertising isn’t an excuse. Kathleen says if a black designer can’t be tagged due to not paying a fee, that just exposes the broken system since black businesses are more prone to hardship and don’t always have a big advertising budget.
25:35-30:45: Meg Thee Stallian and Tory Lane pop up on Instagram live at Kylie’s house with no distancing. Couple days later an altercation happened nearby and Tory Lane got arrested for illegal gun possession and Meg had an injury on her foot which was bleeding and sent her to the hospital. Nat says she talks about this to say it looks like the famous kardashian curse was resurrected and it was ironic that they hung out with Kylie recently.
They discuss how TMZ handled it and shade Kylie for continuing to live her life. Nat says this is because she and Travis arent together anymore and that anyone who thought that this was a sign she and Jordyn are hanging out are mistaken because Meg was part of Jordyn’s “back to black” plan and nothing beyond that (Meg and Jordyn started hanging out at some point after the fiasco last year). Kathleen claims that she’ll lose her mind if Kim hangs out with Meg and was relieved when it was Kylie (I don’t see why...?) Nat also mentions that celebrities seem to be trapezeing around the world without masks like Drake.
30:45- 32:40: Kourtney on the cover of Vogue Arabia talks about leaving the show, they laugh and say they don’t believe it. Kathleen says Kourtney’s fed up but also She doesn’t know cause she doesn’t trust this family. (How many years she been telling us this? girl go! Get the fuck ASAP already we don’t care🗣)
32:40-1:09:49: Nat says that they’ve said what they needed to say about Kanye already, so they want to discuss his enablers. Hes bi-polar and having manic episodes and treating everyone like they’re crazy. Names off Kim, Chance The Rapper, Elon Musk, and the whole family. Talks tweets Chance posted about how kanye should be president and racism is to blame that people want to vote for Biden over Kanye and didn’t stop until Terry Crews called him out(Even though I seriously don’t think anyone took his bid literally. I never took it literally? That’s why I wasn’t getting worked up about it and he already “left” the race. And if you feel like you can be swayed to vote away from anyone who can beat trump then that’s on you tbh. This was never a real bid. Never.)
Kathleen likens Chance to a freshman in a philosophy class and for the next 30+ minutes they have a back and forth which seems a little ...irrational, because they pretend that of all people Chance The Rapper has some sort of political pull and they react like the entire 2020 election rests on him. Says that Chance “made it about him” because Kanye is his idol and he wanted to get a feature so he did this (he’s been had a feature since way back in 2016? And yeah Kanye is his idol, just like Jay Z is Kanye’s idol. Idols are a normal concept.) and that Kanye “doesn’t talk about this stuff deeply” claiming that Kanye said that slavery was a choice (which was not the direct quote so stop misquoting him, he never said that).
Kathleen goes on to judge Kanye’s actions in relation to racism (as if she has some sort of insider knowledge of what he says, feels, and does day to day. I mean she feels that she can control and berate a black man for everything he does so Im not surprised that he isn’t reacting to racism in a way that she would approve, as if black people’s entire lives aren’t a whole reaction to racism as it is. You don’t speak on how black people cope and that’s that on that.)
Kathleen gains control of the conversation and starts ranting, talking more about trump and the right (because we come to the podcast to hear about all that) and claims that no one is being racist against Kanye it’s just that it’s a cult (Literally no one is taking this serious but these two).
Then she starts making this about Kim, discussing how Kim should deal with her husband during a mental health crisis and says that she didn’t talk about him when he was in Wyoming but only started posting about him when he had good press (remember that social media is a direct measure of love to Kathleen and this isn’t the first time she’s said this) and that Kanye is controlling and forces Kim to dress a certain way (i don’t think he forces her to dress a certain way; I view it as him telling her what’s going to be in style very soon and creating fresh fits for her. I know he threw out her clothes in the past though so of course that’s a bad look.) she generally rants that they’re enabling him and gives examples such as the dictionary game and points to that as solid evidence of enablement. That they like him as a brand and Kim as the muse, but at what cost (aT wHaT cOsT).
Nat says Kim should leave because he’s not trying to get better and just makes zero effort towards better mental health and make excuses. She understands marriage vows but doesn’t think they should stay together at this point. Asks if the bi-polar makes him this way or if he’s just a terrible person. Kathleen says she knows bi-polar people who don’t act this way so she thinks it’s exasperating his issues but not causing them. Then says that hes similar to trump and has inner demons that inclined him towards that as well as the death of his mother, failed relationships, and fame may have played a part. Doubles back and says she wants to listen to the people in their comments and doesn’t want to assume the family isn’t doing anything but that the public behavior makes it seems as such (because publicly shaming your loved one for bad mental health is certainly a tried and true method of curing them). Says she doesn’t know what they’re doing behind closed doors and she’s still mad at Kanye and even more sad after the Forbes article (which I don’t wanna talk about. Im not going to suddenly hate him but I’m not defending what he said nor will I accept that the article is completely unedited so I’d rather not take a side. I will say that the comments, whether edited, that made it into the article were trash.).
Kathleen says she’s sad, there’s nothing else to do in the situation. You need to call out triggering behavior that sends him into manic episodes and it’s hard to be that person but it has to be done. Says celebrities have enablers and fall off and die and insinuates that’s Kanye right now (Huh? This segment is taking long now can we move on lmao we get it, he’s a bad person and isn’t perfect)
Nat says Forbes is using him for clicks (which makes me think the article was edited a certain way☕️) and that Kanye, being a black man, is being treated like a circus freak Versus Demi lovato who is able to relapse every so often and people just write beautiful come-back stories about her and that’s it (ok so let’s keep this energy about Kanye cause this is tea). Nat says interviewers should acknowledge that he seems to not be sound mind if they’re going to interview him and make him look a certain way. Kathleen says don’t publish these pieces if they don’t want bi-polar people to look awful. That the media only treats him like a side show or a genius but nothing in between (ok sooo why y’all can’t say this any other time).
She goes on to say that journalists are doing their job and writing pieces to blow air up his ass or make him look crazy are not journalistic. Says John Legend explained better how to deal and when to say something. Nat says she wants nothing to do with him but she thinks Forbes is making it worse while Kathleen says he sacrificed so much of who he was in order to go down this path, mentioning trump again (can we squash that he already explained why he did what he did oh my GOD can we move on??) rants a bit more about Kanye until Nat cuts her off and moves on (thanks bae).
1:09:49-1:26:38: TRIGGER WARNING this tyra Mail discusses and describes ED, I suggest skipping this section if you have ever or currently are suffering from this and if you are, please know that you deserve better ❤️
Tyra mail writes in talking about her difficult experience with ED and inpatient treatment for it, and that it led to infertility and further ED. She has had days of eating less than half of what Adele ate to lose weight, and that was already starvation levels at 1000 calories per day. She has moved from starving herself and suffering from physical health issues because of it, to starving all week just to eat over the weekend without guilt. She’s 23 now and only now is allowing herself to make healthy changes and taking treatment seriously, although she sometimes relapses. She says all this to say that Jameela Jamil may not seem necessary for those not suffering from ED, but it helped her realize that the kardashian body is not attainable without plastic surgery. She recalls an episode where Khloe told Kim that she appeared anorexic and that Kim thanked her. It still haunts her to this day that Kim thanked her.
Nat explains that Jameela is all performative and no substance, just like Steph Shep. She seems to only go after the kardashians and that’s cause everyone hates them. She calls Kim anorexic, yet refuses to acknowledge that if Kim is anorexic, she didn’t just become that way out of nowhere. There are things, people, actions, and feelings that lead up to that. She’s accusing Kim of having an ED, yet refuses to go after the bigger picture. For example, she’s mad that Kim promoted suppressant lollipops while refusing to go after the actual company. Nat also points out that Jameela claims to be a fighter for inclusiveness yet the show that she had a role in, The Good Place, is not inclusive in any way or shape. Why not go after them before attacking the kardashians? Nat says that she just hates them and that’s why she only attacks them (please God lee Kathleen be listening)
Kathleen gives her two cents, saying that Jameela or someone like her is still necessary but that she goes about it the wrong way. She brings up for example the ballroom competition and how the press made it seem like she was a bigger part of the show; she could have told the press not to do that and food for thought, maybe she’s not the best for that show. She just derailed the point by claiming to be part of the community so that behavior put her off a bit from Jameela. but it’s not for her to say because she’s not part of that community (am I hearing this right? So Jameela can be an ass and insert herself into shit but she’s not going about it right, but Kim doing prison reform is literally the end of days. 🧐🧐🧐)
Kathleen says the source of the issue is that the kardashian talk about their bodies and they’re getting paid to promote dieting but they’re part of a system that finds those types of bodies more important. Nat says we can blame kris too. Kathleen says kris can talk about it with Jameela on her podcast alá red table talk and get to the root of it, because they have definitely contributed to it by making money off their bodies and being part of it.
1:26:38- 1:40:44: Tyra mail wants a deep dive in the Free Britney movement.
Nat does the run down, starting by explaining that if you look at Britney’s social media, she acts bizarre. (I had to unfollow her because I agree that her posts make me uncomfortable in the sense that she appears trapped and losing her sense of self, doing things that appear to be a cry for help, etc. I truly feel awful for her she doesn’t deserve this)
Nat goes on explaining that Britney is still under her father’s conservatorship and control since way back when she had a breakdown and may have needed professional help (I say may because they were entirely too invasive by shoving her on a 72 hour hold and taking her autonomy away forever) Nat mentions she has a boyfriend, who she also doesn’t trust. Her dad doesn’t allow her to see her kids and keeps her highly medicated. At one point Britney attempted to gain control and stop taking her medicine, to which they put her in a facility for several months as punishment. Britney fans started this movement to get her out of this conservatorship.
Nat draws parallels to Kanye and Britney; one having too much control, one having zero control. She talks about his boyfriend and says there’s something off about it. How can you date someone when you have zero freedom. Kathleen discusses people who have attempted to talk publicly about her freedom, such as a close friend/videographer who Britney snuck a letter to and was published. People comment on her Instagram saying they’re in fear for Britney’s safety, and they also protest at her court hearings. She says that it’s similar to the situation with Naya Rivera, with all the people talking conspiracy theories about her, which doesn’t help one bit; and all the commenters on Britney’s post and protesting her hearings aren’t helping (huh? Ok so have this energy for the kardashians then cause you do the exact same thing lmao I do think commenting and protesting is helping.)
Kathleens says she’s happier than she gets credits for, she just doesn’t care how she looks so she’ll post whatever. But one good thing came from this, that a podcast was able to obtain a voicemail that broke open the fact that Britney was stuck in that facility against her will, which helped push up her court case which was to reduce the conservatorship. Nothing has happened yet due to covid19.
Nat talks about Britney Spears documentary “For The Record” which shows how much control people have over her life. Talks about her Blackout album which was amazing (that album got me through some shit). They talk about how much they force her to work without taking time for herself, just work work work. Kathleen says stans are making conspiracy series and we don’t know what exactly is happening and people are too worried about her. Kathleen gets wishy washy here and keeps fighting herself by arguing both sides so its difficult to know exactly how she feels about it.
1:40:44 Tyra mail wants to know when one of the kardashians friends split up with her husband Because she doesn’t see her with her husband anymore and she’s dating a Laker (I have zero clue who the friend is). Nat boils it down to once you hang out with the kardashians you start banging NBA players; points out Jordyn and Malika as proof. Jokes that the NBA player could be leapfrogging from the friend to the get to the kardashians. They talk about reading another tyra mail while wondering why Khloe isn’t getting roasted on Twitter for her tweet.
1:45:30-End: Kathleen chooses and reads Tyra mail, who writes in stanning Nat and her friendship with Kathleen (which I think is toxic but ok) and that Kathleen is always here for a rant. Says she works prep at Chipotle while playing the podcast and commends them for handling so well the Tyra mail that asked if Malika is in love with khloe, because it’s hard to distinguish between romantic female love and codependency in this family. Writer is a lesbian and discusses this dynamic with her fiancé. The fam is so matriarchal and they always pull women into their bubble. Says she has never doubted Kim’s heterosexuality and thinks Kendall is gay. Wishes Jordyn and Kylie would just be together, they raised a baby together (lol) Khloe rides too hard for the men in her life (pun intended?) and Kourtney made out with that one girl (ehhhh I think she was hired I mean she’s an actress and what are the odds she would just so happen to be on the show organically). Says they’re all calculating about the men that carry their family further (I would hope they’d be? Wtf).
Kathleen says shoutout to gay women (thanks!🏳️‍🌈) and Nat says she’s sick of straight people right now. Kathleen says she thinks with the men there’s too much value placed on their relationship with men. If she’s going with Kendall being gay, coming out would be great for her career so she doesn’t understand and that Kourtney would be down to experiment. Khloe and Kylie are just codependent. Discuss how bad restaurant workers are being treated.
Nat talks about the above mentioned friend from previous Tyra mail saying the NBA player and how quickly it happened since they were just at the Christmas party so they’re thinking it’s set up for publicity perhaps.
Discuss where to follow on social media and snapchat shows, Khloe going to be on The View, and Kathleen reading off a tweet about a lesbian coming out having a hard time with friendships because a lot of friendships between women on based on their interest with men (ehhhh) and Nat and Kathleen say they can discuss astrology and other things while Kathleen says she and her friends always talked about online dating and it’s better with married people. They say RIP to Naya Rivera and point out that it was the same day that Corey passed.
Personal thoughts: I’m glad that they got it at just under 2 hours, and that’s a direct result of Kathleen ranting less often, and not as long. Nat’s version of a rant is clear and concise with direction and a clear ending. Kathleen is still repeating things and talking aimlessly while bringing up unrelated people but I see that this is happening way less often. I would like to see her leaving black people alone and not scold them anymore when they dare to approach their feelings differently then her or simply being human and learning along the way.
submitted by PinkFurLookinLikeCam to KUWTK [link] [comments]

McWRECK Contest - The Minecraft Windscribe Rival Emblem Combustion King Contest

It's the end of the day and you're wondering what to do now. You've read all your books, learned to juggle hamsters and created your own lemonade recipe using oranges. But there's still not enough excitement, you need more action to get your heart racing.
Well that's where we come in. We're here to announce one of the 3 contests we're having in May, the Minecraft Windscribe Rival Emblem Combustion King Contest - shortened to The McWRECK Contest. It's a working title, we're open to better ideas for an acronym.
The idea is quite simple, help us blow up our competition! Follow the steps below to participate.
  1. Join our creative Minecraft server by adding this domain to your server list
  2. Pick out an empty plot and claim it for yourself by typing /claim in the Minecraft chat. The plot you're standing in is now yours. You can claim more for a bigger canvas and merge them together. Run the /help command in the chat for more info.
  3. Pick any VPN company and build the biggest and fanciest version of their logo that you can. You can build the Windscribe logo too!
  4. Place TNT in strategic points on your build and enable explosions on your plot using this command: /plot flag set explosion true
  5. Record a video of the most epic demolition of the logo.
  6. Post a GIF or video of your explosion in this thread and you're done! Wait for the contest to end on May 31st, or build another one and blow it up again.
The submissions will be judged by a team of highly skilled Hamadryas baboons on a wide variety of criteria, which are only known to the baboons. All we can tell you is that the baboons like big booms.
The deadline to submit is end of day on May 31st. There will be 5 winners at the end, all getting a 1 Year Pro voucher code.
Have fun, make friends and stop by the Minecraft channel in our Discord server as well. Good luck!


All these submissions are incredible! You guys just had to go and make it difficult for us to pick the winners. Nevertheless, only 5 people will get the 1 Year Pro plan. After a lot of contemplation, here are all 5 winners in no particular order:
As I mentioned earlier, it was real hard to pick out just these 5 winners. All the entries were great in one way or another so...if you participated in the contest and aren't one of the above 5 winners, we will still send you a 1 Month Pro voucher code. It's a smaller prize, but we couldn't walk away without giving you all something for your hard work. If you submitted an entry for this contest, you should now see an inbox message from me containing your upgrade code.
Thank you again to everyone for participating. This was such a fun contest, hopping in the Minecraft world and seeing all the creations. We will definitely have more Minecraft competitions and giveaways like this in the future but for now, the server is staying open so feel free to join and build whatever you want. Maybe if your build impresses us enough, we'll give you some extra Pro credit...wink wink nudge nudge.
submitted by WindscribeSupport to Windscribe [link] [comments]

What's the scoop on Ikeda? Is he still alive? or senile?

What's the scoop on Ikeda? Is he still alive? or senile? I don't talk with members anymore so I can't ask to see what lie they are being fed.
Fascinating question.
And time, I guess, to pull THIS related set of articles together for the archive site!!
Here's what we know:
KellyOkuni2 is simply sharing what she heard from someone she knows.
I thought that it was April 2010 when Ikeda was last seen in public; I found a source stating that it was decided in MAY 2010 that Ikeda would not attend any more meetings. I think it is VERY likely that SGI simply chose whichever Japanese "commemorative" date was closest and decided THAT would be the "anniversary" where this was decided, because reasons.
Since May 3rd 2010, the 50th anniversary of his inauguration as the 3rd Soka Gakkai President, President Ikeda has stopped attending all meetings. Source
How conweenient. But there are no reports of Ikeda in public after APRIL 2010. He certainly wasn't seen in May 2010; I wonder what happened at his last public appearance in April, 2010... Source
The biggest giveaway was at the grand opening of the Seriously Asshole Center in Tokyo, which is supposed to be something something "Ground Zero" for Kosen-Rufu or whatever (a lame substitute for the Sho-Hondo), and Ikeda was missing in action. Oh, there was a picture circulated in the publications showing a frail and decrepit Ikeda doing gongyo with a handful of top leaders in an empty Grand Asshole Auditorium. I found another picture from the same day (Nov. 5, 2013) - identifiable because of wifey Kaneko's oddly dowdy long skirt. Notice she's wearing Byakuren lavender - how I hated those polyester lavender uniforms we were required to buy!
But anyhow, if there had been any way Ikeda could have attended the Grand Opening ceremony, he would have been there. There must be something seriously wrong that he was not there. Notice in the pic of him with Kaneko he looks pretty vacant.
I suspect dementia - notice in these pictures, how Ikeda is putting his hands on other men.
Impulsive behavior is another common complaint from caregivers who may find the changes in social and personal conduct embarrassing or frustrating. These behaviors are often associated with a lack of inhibition, resulting in impulsive or inappropriate behavior, such as ...outbursts of frustration, touching strangers, ... or diminished social tact. Restlessness, irritability, aggressiveness, violent outbursts or excessive sentimentality are not unusual either. Source
Japanese people are notoriously reserved and have a very strict concept of personal space - the way Ikeda is touching these men strikes me as incredibly odd:
From 1993 - notice this is just three or so years after that infamous Conference or whatever in LA, where Fred Zaitsu was trying to give his inaugural address after Mr. Wirriams had been unceremoniously kicked to the curb, and Ikeda was randomly whacking the table like a baboon (no offense to baboons) and making disparaging comments about then-President Clinton, who had sensibly refused an audience with such a penny-ante cult leader.
Orlando Bloom, 2006 - from Source
at FNCC a few years ago (possibly like 4 years ago [now ~8 years ago]) I was personally asked by Richard Yoshimachi, President and Executive Director of the Ikeda Center (formerly Boston Research Center) what "I" have personally thought about Sensei's health, and he personally said to me that he wanted to hear my opinion as "a physician." He further stated that there was "a rumor" that Sensei had a stroke. Quite honestly, I was puzzled and did not know what to say because I did not think much of it at the time. I wouldn't have even noticed anything wrong with Sensei's health had RY not discussed that kind of question with me... So I went over to Ikeda Hall (commemorative-type museum) to take a closer at Sensei's more recent pictures at that point in time. Then I noticed for the first time that the right side of his face (I believe it was the right side...) was drooping and his nasolabial fold (smile line) was flat! That finding in the world of internal medicine strongly indicated that he had some significant neurological sign/finding. That could have meant he might have had a stroke or he might have had a facial palsy (Bell's palsy). I went back and reported my finding in an excited way to Richard Yoshimachi. I told him that he probably had a facial palsy (Bell's palsy). Richard Yoshimachi then looked at me with a very stern and angry face, and said to me, "Why then he should have this trouble with his speech?" He told me that his mouth movement did not look okay to him, which I did not notice. I said to him something along the line of "That could be due to some dental problem." He did not look happy at all, which I did not understand why. He really looked at me in a condescending manner as if to say I was not qualified to say anything about his health (when in actuality he was the one who asked me my opinion about Sensei's health). He started to sort of ignore me from that moment onward (I have seen him and been in his proximity a number of other times later at FNCC).
Then I later thought about some more definitive comments I have personally been told by some other higher-up leaders (pretty close to the top Japanese leadership and pretty reliable) in the past that Sensei has "heart problem." I didn't think about that at all when I was at FNCC talking to RY. But come to think of it, it would medically make sense to think that he had atrial fibrillation (a type of irregullar heart rhythms) which could throw blood clots to the brain causing a type of stroke called embolic stroke as a result of atrial fibrillation...
My question was how could any doctor be expected to make a diagnosis without personally examining the patient and reviewing his medical history. Source
Notice how the SGI's World Tribune cult newspaper published an interview purportedly involving Ikeda? Where Ikeda supposedly is pontificating on Trump and Putin?
Dr. Daisaku Ikeda: When Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald J. Trump spoke by phone in January soon after the latter’s inauguration, they agreed that there were signs of improvement in US-Russian relations, which had been chilly following their disagreement over the Ukraine situation that arose three years earlier.
On April 12, five days after the U.S. bombing of Syrian targets, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visited Moscow. There he met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, followed by a meeting with President Putin. Further efforts will be required to ensure that avenues for dialogue between the two countries remain open in order to prevent a further escalation of tensions.
Even when a process of dialogue produces intense exchanges of strongly held and expressed views, it can serve as a step toward improved relations by enabling both sides to understand the concerns of the other. President Trump and President Putin spoke by phone this past May 2. It is important to all such means toward sustaining a process of dialogue.
Yeah, match up that commentary with THIS image. SURE those are his thoughts. Yup. Yep. Mmm hmmm... Source
  • Top national leaders are perpetuating the mythology that Ikeda is sensate:
Top SGI Women's Leaders Deliberately Creating The Illusion That Ikeda Is Still AWARE:
On the morning of March 25 [apparently 2017] at the Josei Toda International Center in Tokyo, SGI President and Mrs. Ikeda met with several “mothers of American kosen-rufu”—Kazue Elliot, the first SGI-USA women’s leader, and successive women’s leaders Wendy Clark, Matilda Buck and Linda Johnson, as well as former women’s chief secretary Kazue Zaitsu. They discuss their significant encounter, and their thoughts on the oneness of mentor and disciple and American kosen-rufu.
SUUUUURE they did...yuh huh...
Wendy Clark: We visited Japan to express our appreciation and determination to SGI President and Mrs. Ikeda, who have given us immeasurable encouragement. Never in our wildest dreams did we think that we would be able to have this encounter. The second I saw him, I said from the bottom of my heart, “Sensei, thank you so much!”
Kazue Elliot: I get choked up and emotional every time I recall our meeting. President Ikeda said: “I’m so happy to see you!” “This is wonderful!” “I missed you all so much!” He then shook hands with each of us. After the meeting, we embraced one another with tears flowing down our faces.
Buncha crybabies...
Linda Johnson: “I’m so happy to see you again! This is the greatest treasure!” I told President Ikeda. “Thank you!” he said. I was filled with the vow to live eternally with Sensei.
Matilda Buck: For me, I was able to sense eternity through the encounter. President Ikeda’s gaze made me think of the aspect of “eternity, happiness, true self and purity.” I expressed to him, “America will achieve a great victory!” It was a beautiful moment.
Kazue Zaitsu: I was so excited to see President and Mrs. Ikeda, who are in good health and high spirits. I think he fully understood that all five of us had come to Japan to seek our mentor. Being able to meet Sensei was a treasure of a lifetime. From here - it's profoundly yerg-worthy!
And that's IT! From there, the article is all about their recollections of Ikeda from decades past, before he turned into a barely sentient husk of a human.
You've heard "Pics or it didn't happen", right? Yep, no pics. That's because THIS is the best they can get Ikeda to look like now, and if they showed that surrounded by these manic WD leaders, it would be way too discouraging for the members!
And, if they'd INDEED met with a conscious and lucid "Sensei", wouldn't you expect something a little more profound to have been exchanged than a "Sank shoo", some vague platitudes, and eye-gazes?? WHERE'S THE SUBSTANCE??
It simply shows how these women's integrity and sense of responsibility to the members have been stripped away, all in service to glorifying/worshiping Ikeda and presenting him as he is NOT. Which is no doubt what's been going on all along, though it was a little easier to camouflage when Ikeda was still making the rounds...
Also here.
  • SGI publications are continuing to publish content that indicates that Ikeda is cognitively present:
Notice how the SGI's World Tribune cult newspaper published an interview purportedly involving Ikeda? Where Ikeda supposedly is pontificating on Trump and Putin?
Dr. Daisaku Ikeda: When Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald J. Trump spoke by phone in January soon after the latter’s inauguration, they agreed that there were signs of improvement in US-Russian relations, which had been chilly following their disagreement over the Ukraine situation that arose three years earlier.
On April 12, five days after the U.S. bombing of Syrian targets, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visited Moscow. There he met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, followed by a meeting with President Putin. Further efforts will be required to ensure that avenues for dialogue between the two countries remain open in order to prevent a further escalation of tensions.
Even when a process of dialogue produces intense exchanges of strongly held and expressed views, it can serve as a step toward improved relations by enabling both sides to understand the concerns of the other. President Trump and President Putin spoke by phone this past May 2. It is important to all such means toward sustaining a process of dialogue.
Yeah, match up that commentary with THIS image. SURE those are his thoughts. Yup. Yep. Mmm hmmm... Source
  • Top national leaders are perpetuating the mythology that Ikeda is sensate:
Top SGI Women's Leaders Deliberately Creating The Illusion That Ikeda Is Still AWARE:
On the morning of March 25 [apparently 2017] at the Josei Toda International Center in Tokyo, SGI President and Mrs. Ikeda met with several “mothers of American kosen-rufu”—Kazue Elliot, the first SGI-USA women’s leader, and successive women’s leaders Wendy Clark, Matilda Buck and Linda Johnson, as well as former women’s chief secretary Kazue Zaitsu. They discuss their significant encounter, and their thoughts on the oneness of mentor and disciple and American kosen-rufu.
SUUUUURE they did...yuh huh...
Wendy Clark: We visited Japan to express our appreciation and determination to SGI President and Mrs. Ikeda, who have given us immeasurable encouragement. Never in our wildest dreams did we think that we would be able to have this encounter. The second I saw him, I said from the bottom of my heart, “Sensei, thank you so much!”
Kazue Elliot: I get choked up and emotional every time I recall our meeting. President Ikeda said: “I’m so happy to see you!” “This is wonderful!” “I missed you all so much!” He then shook hands with each of us. After the meeting, we embraced one another with tears flowing down our faces.
Buncha crybabies...
Linda Johnson: “I’m so happy to see you again! This is the greatest treasure!” I told President Ikeda. “Thank you!” he said. I was filled with the vow to live eternally with Sensei.
Matilda Buck: For me, I was able to sense eternity through the encounter. President Ikeda’s gaze made me think of the aspect of “eternity, happiness, true self and purity.” I expressed to him, “America will achieve a great victory!” It was a beautiful moment.
Kazue Zaitsu: I was so excited to see President and Mrs. Ikeda, who are in good health and high spirits. I think he fully understood that all five of us had come to Japan to seek our mentor. Being able to meet Sensei was a treasure of a lifetime. From here - it's profoundly yerg-worthy!
And that's IT! From there, the article is all about their recollections of Ikeda from decades past, before he turned into a barely sentient husk of a human.
You've heard "Pics or it didn't happen", right? Yep, no pics. That's because THIS is the best they can get Ikeda to look like now, and if they showed that surrounded by these manic WD leaders, it would be way too discouraging for the members!
And, if they'd INDEED met with a conscious and lucid "Sensei", wouldn't you expect something a little more profound to have been exchanged than a "Sank shoo", some vague platitudes, and eye-gazes?? WHERE'S THE SUBSTANCE??
It simply shows how these women's integrity and sense of responsibility to the members have been stripped away, all in service to glorifying/worshiping Ikeda and presenting him as he is NOT. Which is no doubt what's been going on all along, though it was a little easier to camouflage when Ikeda was still making the rounds...
Also here.
This is very sad, actually. I knew Mrs. Zaitsu and it's so strange to think that she is now 88. I had genuine regard for her. But this scenario seems to indicate that these 5 women, who were top USA WD leaders, were there to pay their final respects. Their comments are the things we'd hear at the bedside of someone who is critically ill and failing - just a phrase, a moment to say goodbye, express a final wish. Last words. What he said in response could have been just as much a manifestation of what they wanted to hear - or what Mrs. Ikeda said he meant - as words he may have spoken. The visitors all expressed surprise that they were able to see him, even though this was obviously a formal state visit of SGI dignitaries, so to speak. Everyone seemed to know he hasn’t been seeing visitors. There was no sense of a "next time".
This was goodbye.
You know how everyone says "A picture is worth a thousand words"?
Take a look:
Obvious Photoshop is obvious:
They like to do the Photoshopping in front of giant flower arrangements:
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C - they're not even trying here!
Exhibit D
Exhibit E - this one's actually better than the others.
Exhibit F - Oh, to be able to read Japanese! Lookin' pretty plastic there, "Sensei"!
I don't even know what's going on with this one - cardboard cutout, maybe??
Is Ikeda really alive?
Is Ikeda dead?
From July, 2013: Japanese people think Daisaku Ikeda died this year and that SGI is covering it up
The leader hasn't actually been seen since 2010.
Proof pweziTAINT ikeda is even Alive?
Japanese sources are noticing the same alarming details of the latest Ikeda photos that we are
More on Ikeda's head being "broken in 7 pieces"
So what's Ikeda been doing in hiding, since he was last seen in April 2010?
The leader hasn't actually been seen since 2010.
Is the Soka Gakkai storing their vegetative "Sensei" in Nagano, Japan?
More evidence that "study" has no real place within SGI
What's wrong with Ikeda's sad melting face: upper motor neuron palsy or Hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis
Ikeda Out and About After All This Time?
New photo from Ikeda couple (allegedly August 2018)
Ikeda's careless contempt for the SGI membership
Looks like the Soka Gakkai took away Ikeda's allowance
So . . . Where Do You Think Ikeda Is, And What Is He Doing?
When was the last time anyone saw Ikeda in public?
Today's weird Ikeda pic!
Little could anyone have ever imagined that [when Ikeda was born] he would be a mentor, leader, peace activist, and truly one of the greatest humans that has ever lived. Really?
Japanese people think Daisaku Ikeda died this year and that SGI is covering it up
Bypassing critical thinking with "They"
The SGI changes gongyo again
Where's Waldo?
I have an experience to share (and I made it all up by myself!)
Although numerous pictures have been released of Ikeda since he was removed from public view in April 2010, NONE of them picture him smiling. Ikeda is no longer capable of SMILING.
And NOW, the moment you've all been waiting for! The Ikeda Clown Car Extravaganza!!
As you can see, it's been a lively topic of discussion. Source
Do YOU think that person is offering analysis on the state of world political leaders, or drafting "peace proposals", or making lucid comments on the state of life and reality? Please.
submitted by BlancheFromage to ExSGISurviveThrive [link] [comments]

texting abbreviations

Text Messaging & Chat Abbreviations: Numbers & Characters

I have a question
I don't understand what you mean
I have a question for you
Gentle warning, like "Hmm? What did you say?"
Meaning "read line" or "read message" above
Meaning "sideways heart" (love, friendship)
Meaning "broken heart"
Meaning "heart or love" (more 3s is a bigger heart)
At the end of the day
My (or your) two cents worth
1TG, 2TG
Meaning number of items needed for win (online gaming)
Meaning extra life (online gaming)
One-to-one (private chat initiation)
Leet, meaning 'elite'
I love you
I love you too
One for all, and all for one
I hate you
Zero hand (online gaming)
Ten man (online gaming)
Thank you
I wonder
One in a million
Meaning "to" in SMS
Meaning "location"
To be
Too easy
Too good to be true
Too much too handle
Too much information
Too much to handle
Short for "for" in SMS
Meaning "information"
I don't know
Meaning 'information'
Lets get high
Meaning "Marijuana"
Means I love you (ILY is 459 using keypad numbers)
For adults only
For crying out loud
Forever and ever
For sale
Too much information (more than 411)
Sobbing, crying. (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
Crying your eyes out (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
Meaning Laughing (In Thai language the number 5 is pronounced 'ha'.)
Meaning Hells Angels (H=8th letter of alphabet, A=1st letter of alphabet)
I love you (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning)
Bye-bye (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
Hugs and kisses
Parent is watching
Meaning "smile"
Meaning "wink"

"A" Text Message & Chat Abbreviations

Anytime, anywhere, anyplace
Alcoholics Anonymous
As above
Ask about
As a matter of fact
As a friend
Asleep at keyboard
Alive and kicking
As a matter of fact
As a matter of interest
Always a pleasure
At any rate
Alive and smiling
As always, Sheldon has the answer (Bike mechanic Sheldon Brown)
Always at the keyboard
As always, your friend
Meaning abbreviation
Already been chewed
Already been done
Meaning 'About to'
Meaning Good-bye (signoff)
All bugged up
Acceptable content
Anyone can come
Accident (e-mail, Government)
Meaning marijuana cigarette
Accept (e-mail, Government)
Acquisition (e-mail, Government)
Another day, another dollar
All done, bye-bye
Another day in hell
Another day in paradise
Administrator (Government)
Any day now
Area effect (online gaming)
As early as possible
April Fools
As *Freak*
Aggression factor (online gaming)
Away from computer
As far as I am aware
As far as I am concerned
As far as I know
As far as I understand it
As far as possible
Angels Forever, Forever Angels
April Fool's joke
Away from keyboard
Acronym Free Zone
A fresh pair of eyes
Meaning "agility" (online gaming)
At home
And I am a money's uncle
As I remember
As it should be
As I said before
As I see it
Adult in the room
Also known as
All concerned
Actually laughing out loud
Ask me anything (Reddit)
As much as possible
All my best wishes
All my love
As a matter of fact
Author's note
Anarchy Online (online gaming)
Available on cell
Area of effect (online game)
Age of majority
Age of Mythology (online gaming)
All of the above
Angel on your pillow
All praise and credit
As quick (or quiet) as possible
Archive (compressed files)
Acronym rich environment
And so it goes
As soon as possible
At your terminal
All the best
At the end of the day
At the moment
All the stars in the sky
Along the same line (or lines)
After awhile crocodile
Away without leaving
Absent without leave
Are you done yet?
All your base are belong to us (online gaming)
At your earliest convenience
At your own risk
Are you stupid or something?
Are you serious?
Are you there?
And you're telling me this because
Are you vertical?
As you were
As you want / As you wish

"B" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations

Back to work
Bait (person teased or joked with, or under-aged person/teen)
Boss is watching
Background (personal information request)
Bye for now
Busting a gut
Bad *a*
Before anyone else
Meaning Babe or baby
Best and final offer
Back at keyboard
Below average mentality
Bad *a* mother *f*
Be aware of
Big 'butt' smile
Meaning anything mainstream
Breathing a sigh of relief
Business as usual
Back at ya
Be back
Big brother
Bebi / Baby (Spanish SMS)
Big bad challenge
Be back in a bit
Be back in a few
Be back in a minute
Be back in a sec
Be back later
Bye, bye now
Barbeque, "Ownage", shooting score/frag (online gaming)
Be back soon
Be back tomorrow
Be cool
Be seeing you
Big crush on
Big crush on you
Big deal
Big darn number
Big evil grin
Meaning "Blood Elf" (online gaming)
Brain fart
Best friend at work
Battlefield 2 (online gaming)
Best friend
Best friends forever
Best friends for life
Best friends for life, no matter what
Big freaking deal
Big freaking grin
Best friend for now
Bye for now
Big grin
Be gentle with me
Be home late
Boss is back
Beer in, beer out
Butt in chair
Before I forget
Burn in hell
Brother in law
Meaning "I'm going to the bathroom" (or) "Bathroom break"
Believe it or not
Blow it out your *a*
Blow it out your nose
Best in slot (online gaming)
Boy, I sure feel like a turquoise monkey! (unverified)
But in the meantime
Belly laugh
Better luck next time
Meaning Man (Discord)
Bite me
Based on my experience
Between me and you
Back off *buddy*
Bad news
Meaning "bind on equip" (online gaming)
Bend over here it comes again
Best of luck
*b* of mine
Be on the look out
Bored out of my skull
Meaning "bind on pickup" (online gaming)
Bending over smacking my knee laughing
Back on topic
Be on that
Broke my scale, used when rating someone
Big person little mind
Be right back
Best regards
Be right back *b*
Be right back, nature calls
Be right here
Be right there
But seriously folks
Blue screen of death
Better safe than sorry
Bite this
Between technologies
But then again
Been there, done that
By the way
Meaning 'Bootycall'
Slang term for the most beautiful of women
Used to reference an insult
Meaning "changed and is now stronger" (online gaming)
Bursting with laughter
Bring your own beer
Bring your own computer
Bring your own device
Bat you on (the) head
Bring your own paint (paintball)
Better you than me

"C" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations

Chuckle & grin
Ciao for now
Control + Alt + Delete
Short for Canada/Canadian
Meaning Birthday (Reddit)
Camera (SMS)
Coffee break
Chat break
Crazy *b*
Code 9, Meaning "parents are around"
Care for secret?
Calling for you
Good-bye (Italian word)
Coffee in, coffee out
Crying in disgrace
Consider it done
Crying like a baby
Call me
Cover my *a* partner (online gaming)
Call me back
Meaning "Community manager"
Correct me if I'm wrong
Come on
Continued (in) next post
Close of business
City of Heroes (online gaming)
Cross post
Chat post (or continue in IM)
Meaning crazy
Slang term meaning "crazy"
Can't remember a *freaking* thing
Come right back
Crying really big tears
Meaning "critical hit" (online gaming)
Can't remember *stuff*
Chuckle, snicker, grin
Can't stop laughing
Counter-Strike Source (online gaming)
Can't talk
Care to chat?
Cracking the *heck* up
Can't talk now
Check this out
See you too
See you
See you
See you around
See you later
See you later alligator
See you later
See you in my dreams
See you around like a donut
Comment when done
Complete waste of time
Chat with you later
Meaning "Correction"
See you
See you later
Check your e-mail
Close your eyes partner (online gaming)
See you online

"D" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations

Dedos / fingers (Spanish SMS)
Down for sex?
Meaning "The"
Does anyone else?
(What) the *Freak*?
Don't annoy me
Dark Age of Camelot (online gaming)
Doing business as usual
Don't believe everything you read
Dear (or Darling) daughter
Due diligence
Drop dead gorgeous
A phrase used in online chat to annoy or frustrate those involved in the conversation.
Dear (or Darling) daughter
Meaning stupid or silly
Don't even go there
Dead *freaking* last (online gaming)
Don't go anywhere
Don't give a *freak*
Don't go there
Don't go there, girlfriend
Dang, girl you fine
Dear (or Darling) husband
Dinosaur hugs (used to show support)
Darned if I know
Do I know you?
Do I look like I give a *freak*?
Do I look like I give a sugar?
Did I say?
Did I tell you I'm distressed?
Do it yourself
Don't know, don't care
Dragon kill points (online gaming)
Down low
Dead link
Don't let (the) bed bugs bite
Don't let the bed bugs bite
Doesn't matter
Direct message (Twitter slang)
Do me
Dungeon Master (online gaming)
Dude Man No Offense
Don't mess yourself
Do not compute (meaning I do not understand)
Dinner (SMS)
Daughter of Eve
Meaning "Adorable"
Damage over time (online gaming)
Voting negatively on a thread using Reddit’s voting system (Reddit)
Damage per second (online gaming)
Don't quote me on this
Didn't read
Dear (or Darling) son
Define the relationship
Do the right thing
Don't think so
Don't touch that dial
Do you remember?
Dear (or Darling) wife
Divorced white female
Divorced white male
Do you know what you are talking about?
Did you find it?
Dude, you fascinate me
Don't you just hate it when...?
Do your own research (common stock market chat slang)

"E" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations

Enemy (online gaming)
Easy as one, two, three
Ear to ear grin
Eating at keyboard
Error between keyboard and chair
Erase display
Evil grin
Eat it
Editing in progress
Explain like I'm 5
E-mail (Twitter slang)
E-mail address (Twitter slang)
Meaning "Embarassing"
Excuse me for butting in
Excuse me for jumping in
E-mail message
End of day
End of discussion
End of lecture
End of life
End of message
End of show
End of transmission
EverQuest (online gaming)
Meaning "Erotic Role-Play" (online gaming)
Eres tz / are you (Spanish SMS)
Erase screen
Eat *S* and die!
Estimated time (of) arrival
Edited to add
Evil wicked grin (in fun, teasing)
Emailing while intoxicated
Meaning over the top
Excitable, yet calm

"F" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations

Meaning female
Face to face
Free to play (online gaming)
Follow for follow (Instagram)
Falling asleep at keyboard
Used to represent the gesture of "smacking your forehead with your palm" to express embarrassment or frustration
Funny as *freak*
FFamily, but not limited to actual family members. Could mean friends.
Frequently asked questions
*Freak* all you
Meaning "Facebook buddy"
Facebook chat
Flashback Friday
Meaning "Facebook friend"
Fat boy food (e.g. pizza, burgers, fries)
FaceBook friend
Fine by me
Facebook official (An official update from Facebook)
For better or worse
Fingers crossed
Full card (online gaming)
For crying out loud
For crying out loud
A social meme that means to feel negative.
A social meme taking "feelsbadman" to the extreme. This references the DC super hero Batmanbecause he witnessed the murder of his parents.
A social meme that means to feel positive.
*Freak* 'em if they can't take a joke
Follow Friday (Twitter slang)
Free for all (online gaming)
For *freak'*sakes
Frankly I couldn't care a less
*Freak* I'm funny
*Freaked* if I know
Forget it, I'm out of here
Father in law
Forever in my heart
Means "Going to"
A second Instagram account where someone can post things that they're too afraid to post on their main account.
First in, still here
Fill in the blank
*Freak* My Life
Falling off my chair
Fear of missing out (definition)
*Freak* off and die
Friend of a friend
Falling off my chair laughing
For real though
From the bottom of my heart
Fixed that for you
For the loss
For the win
*Freak* you
Fouled up beyond all recognition
Fouled up beyond belief
Face up deal (online gaming)
Feet up, take a break
Friend with benefits
For what it's worth
Fine with me
First world problems
Fire, something that is cool
For your eyes only
For your amusement
For your information

"G" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations

Good to see you
Got to go
Got to go I'll see you later
Got to run
Got to tell u (you)
Going for coffee
Go ahead
Get a clue
Get a *freaking* clue
Get a life
Meaning a player ambush or unfair player kill (online gaming)
Got a second?
Greetings and salutations
Get back to work
God bless you
Grinning, ducking, and running
Grinning, ducking, and running
Go for it
Girl friend
Gone for now
Gotta Go
Good Game (online gaming)
Brother (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
Good game, all (online gaming)
Good game, everyone (online gaming)
Good game, you too
Gotta get me some of that
Gotta Get Outa Here
Got to go pee
Good hand (online gaming)
Give it a rest
Gift in crib (online gaming)
Garbage in, garbage out
Guy in real life
Good job
Good luck
Good luck to you (online gaming)
Good luck all (online gaming)
Good luck, have fun (online gaming)
Good luck everyone (online gaming)
Good luck everyone (online gaming)
Good luck next game (online gaming)
Giggling my butt off
Great minds think alike
Got my vote
Good night
Good night all
Good night everyone
Good night
Good night
Good night, sweet dreams
Greatest of all Time(s)
Get over it
Giggling out loud
Get off my back
Gratuitous picture of yourself
Get right with God
Grinning, running and ducking
Good shot
Good split (online gaming)
Good try
Get the *freak* out
Get the *freak* outta here
Got to go
Giggling to myself
Going to read mail
Great (or good) to see you
Glad we had this little chat

"H" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations

Hate to be you
Have a good one
Hug and kiss
Help (Discord)
How about you?
Hugs & kisses
Hope to see you soon
Have a good night
Have a good one
Have a nice day
Have a wonderful day (out-dated, see next in list)
Meaning "sexy" or "attractive"
Hurry back
Hug back
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday
How about you?
Have fun
Holy flipping animal crackers
Happy Father's Day
Head hanging in shame
How I felt when... (Used with photo or gif)
Half Life (online gaming)
Hola / hello (Spanish SMS)
Happy Mother's Day
Hit me up
(w)Hole 'nother level
Hold on a second
Hit points / Health points (online gaming)
How are you?
Hope this helps
Head up butt
Head up your *butt*
Heroic Violet Hold (online gaming)
Hell yeah, *Freaking* right!

"I" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations

I too (me too)
I already ate
I am an accountant
I am a doctor
I am a lawyer
In any case
In any event
I am not a crook
I am not a lawyer
I am out (of here)
I'm back
I'm back
I see
I couldn't agree more
It could be worse
I can't even discuss it
I could fall in love with you
In case you missed it (Twitter slang)
I don't believe it
I don't care
I don't give a *freak*
I don't know
I don't think so
I don't know
I feel your pain
I got to run
I got high tonight
I (I've) got nothing
I got to (go) pee
I have no idea
If I remember correctly
Intel inside, idiot outside
I know
I know, right?
I'll be late
I love you
I love you man
I love you so much
I love you
Instant message
In my arrogant opinion
In my humble opinion
(in Arial font) Means I love you (a way of using the American sign language in text)
In my not so humble opinion
In my opinion
I am sorry
I am so bored
I am the man
I miss u (you)
I'm not a lawyer
Meaning "incoming" (online gaming)
Meaning "Invite"
In over my head
In other words
In real life
I rest my case
I still love you
In search of
It's The Accounting, Man (financial blogs)
In This Thread
I thought you knew
If you say so
I will always love you
I want a way out
Idiot wrapped in a moron
I want sex now
If you know what I mean
In your opinion
Meaning "I like you"
If you say so

"J" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations

Just a second
Just a minute
Just a second
JC (J/C)
Just checking
Just do it
Meaning "jealous"
Just for fun
Just *freaking* Google it
Just in case
JJ (J/J)
Just joking
Just joking around
JK (J/K)
Just kidding
Just let me know
Just my opinion
Just playing
Jackpot (online gaming, bingo games)
JT (J/T)
Just teasing
Just to let you know
Joint venture
Just wondering

"K" Text Messages / Chat Abbreviations

Knock, knock
Okay, Okay!
Kick butt (online gaming)
Means Cracking (K) the (D as in Da) *freak* up
I will key you later
Key me when you get in
Kiss for you
Know it all
Keep it real
Keep it simple, stupid
Keep in touch
Kiss my *a*
Kiss my keister
Killing myself
Kiss my tushie
Kiss on cheek
Key opinion leader
Someone obsessed with Korean culture
Kid over shoulder
Kill on sight (online gaming)
Knock on wood
Kiss on the cheek
Kicks of the day (Instagram)
Kiss on the lips
Know what I mean?
Meaning "knowledge"
Keeping parents clueless
Kill then steal (online gaming)
Kind (of) sort (of) chuckle
Keep up the good work
Kill yourself

"L" Text Message & Chat Abbreviations

Like to go?
(would) Love to go
Like to come
Learn to play
Leet, meaning 'elite'
Like for like (Instagram)
Later, gator
Life's a *b*
Laughing back at you
Laughing, but serious
Laughing, but very serious
Later, dude
Long distance
Like, duh obviously
Let me know
Leaving easy reach of keyboard
Left for day
Looking for group (online gaming)
Looking for guard (online gaming)
Looking for more (online gaming)
Lets get high
Lets have sex
Lets have sex
Lord help me
Laughing head off
Like I care
Meaning liquor
Laugh in my tummy
Meaning really good or something fun and exciting
Extremely intoxicated
Love, later, God bless
Laughing like *silly*
Laughing my *a* off
Laughing my butt off
Laughing my freaking *a* off
Lets meet in real life
Let me know
Laughing my mother freaking a** off
Leave my name out
Like my status (Facebook)
Meaning lost in translation
List of acronyms
Laughing out loud
Laugh out loud
Lots of love
Laughing out loud hysterically
Lots of love
Laughing out loud (saying) "What the *freak*?"
Laughing on the inside
Lord of The Rings (online gaming)
Laughing quietly to myself
Laugh so hard my belly hurts
Language, sex and violence
Living the dream
Let's twist like we did last summer
Long time no see
Laptop of death
Laughing to self
Love you long time
Meaning joke, or for laughs
Left voice mail
Laughing without smiling
Love ya
Love you like a sis
Love you like crazy
Love you so much

"M" Text Messages & Chat Abbreviations

Mamma's boy
Mom behind shoulder
Merry Christmas
My Dad is a cop
My eyes glaze over
Meaning a "shrug" or shrugging shoulders
Meaning a "so-so" or "just okay"
Meaning a "sigh" or sighing
Meaning "mesmerize" (online gaming)
Mad for it
My face when... (Used with photo or gif)
May God bless
My hat (is) off to you
Me in real life
Meet in real life
Meaning "child and her age". Miss.3 would be a 3-year old daughter
Meaning "Mmm, okay"
Meaning give the middle finger
Sister (Mandarin Chinese txt msg)
Meaning okay? (as a question)
Mother nature calls
Mensaje (message in Spanish)
Modification (online gaming)
Male or female?
Mamma's boy
My own opinion
Member of the opposite sex
Mother over shoulder
Member of same sex
Mana points (online gaming)
Meaning "child and his age". Mr.3 would be a 3-year old son
Modified ReTweet (Twitter slang)
My reaction when... (Used with photo or gif)
More to follow
May the force be with you
Miss U (you)
Multiple unsuccessful attempts (at/to) humor
Miss you so much
Meaning "kiss" (it is is the sound made when kissing through the air)
Mind your own (business)
Mind your own business

"N" Text Message & Chat Abbreviations

Nice one
Nothing too much
Not a darn thing
Not a lot of people know that
Not now, no need
No big deal
No bad for a beginner (online gaming)
Nice crib (online gaming)
Nice double (online gaming)
Meaning "Changed and is now weaker" (online gaming)
submitted by CherryJello312 to WhatsTheRule [link] [comments]

Bird is the Word

> be me, Celandine, Eladrin Warlock
> be not me, Lena (Human Cleric), Flappo (Sharkfolk Barbarian), Pebbles (Flappo's pet Bulette), DM
> also be not me, NPCs that were being controlled by players: Lyle (Hobgoblin Artificer) [Celandine], Dok (Mindflayer Wizard) [Flappo], Scribbles (???? Barbarian) [DM], Ronan (Tiefling Rogue) [DM], Astra (Warforged Sorcerer) [Lena]
> talking to the BBEG (Omega) of the place we're in
> he says that he needs something from us, and wants to give something in return
> Celandine casts an illusion of herself (through a Deck of Illusions) and walks out to meet Omega
> "Alright, let's make a deal"
> Omega says he wants one of the NPCs in exchange for free passage through the city
> "mmm, better not"
> Omega says that he'll even take us himself
> doesn't sweeten the deal at all
> Lena tries to cast dispel magic on him cause he's this weird being made out of a cloud of lightning
> it doesn't take
> combat starts
> Omega responds by beating Flappo's face in, dealing 70 damage right in the beginning
> Dok turns Flappo into a Giant Ape
> Lena casts Hold Person on Omega, succeeds
> Lyle makes a turret, turret go shoot
> comes back to Dok's turn, who casts Mold Earth
> Flappo smacks Giant Rock on top of Omega, which traps him in the Mold Earth
> Omega tries and fails to get out
> Pebbles digs under Omega and makes the ground under him crumble
> Omega finally succeeds in getting out, triggering like 15 different held actions
> suddenly, part 2 of this fight
> Omega now looks like a warforged-type figure with a staff that looks like a paintbrush
> suddenly, bridge collapses by a Colossal Rock Roc that bursts through and carries everyone away
> Mostly everyone lands on the back of the rock, Pebbles isn't so lucky
> Pebbles spends the next few turns trying not to fall down from the claw that he's now in
> Fl"ape"o climbs onto the Roc's neck
> everyone starts unloading into Omega again cause he's still held
> myturn.gif
> Omega frees himself, moves like 60 ft closer to the party, and starts painting stuff with his staff
> the paint suddenly erupts with lightning, hurting Celandine and Scribble
> ouch
> Flappo starts digging at the neck of the Rock Roc, pulling out boulders and dirt
> Lena still is just spamming Hold Person, while Astra and Lyle are unloading with Fireballs
> suddenly, Dok gets hurt somehow, losing concentration on Polymorph
> Flappo is now regular Sharkman
> Flappo responds by blasting the rest of the way through the neck of the Roc, killing it
> now the party is careening towards the city with a couple of rounds to prepare
> ohno.gif
> Dok places an Immovable Rod behind Omega so that he trips over it and flies off of the careening Roc
> Immovable Rod is now gone, but worth it
> He flies off into the castle of the matriarch of the city
> *shrugs*
> Celandine grabs Ronan's hand and tries to Thunder Step off
> Lena casts a Watery Sphere over her and Astra, stalling them
> Flappo and Scribble grab Dok and Lyle, respectively, and protect them with their sheer muscle density
> The Roc flies through an office building and sends everyone flying off, triggering all of those effects
> Pebbles is just along for the ride as he too just falls
> everyone (minus Omega) manages to somehow survive after that
> we may have just sent a plane through the largest office building in the city
> ohfuck.gif
> overall, one of the best sessions of DnD I've had to date
submitted by iTitan_Extreme to DnDGreentext [link] [comments]

200215 LOONA [#] Release Fansign #2 @ Kobaco Hall Korean Broadcasting Center Roundup

Translations from attendees via @orrey_nim and other various sources as stated below // img
Today's fansign, seating order:
Yeojin, Choerry, Kim Lip, Olivia Hye, Yves, Go Won, Vivi, Jinsoul, Hyunjin, Chuu, Heejin
(Seeing today's fansign seating)
Yves: Bye~ yyxy has disbanded
Chuu: I'm in 1/3! Sonatine
Op told Heejin 🐰 about liking number 1 and the hidden track so much, Heejin said she had the same taste.
Actually the hidden track was supposed to be something else, but they changed it last minute, recording just before or after going to Thailand.
x fan acc via @colorshyejoo
Heejin~ shes so amazing and beautiful and i love her sososososo much shes my happiness and im glad im heres as well
In summary Heejin wrote OPs name starting in Korean and changed it back to English when OP mentioned it could be in English. 🐰 got flustered and wrote sorry
x via @kikistiel
“Let’s learn Korean with Heejin!” 🐰
I asked Heejin to be orbits’ personal Korean tutor and she accepted the challenge 😤
Heejin선생님’s vocab words of the week!
“짱예” (so pretty) and “짱멋” (so cool).
Stay tuned for Heejin Teacher’s lesson next week! :P
Hyunjin later, at the fansign: Yeah I messed up the tic tac toe part today
OP: Hyunjin asked me who my fav was, I said Hyunjin!
Hyunjin said "lies!!" then quizzed me 😭 "What's my color? What kind of bread do I like?" things like that 😂
Hyunjin said thy met Haseul 2 days ago 😭😭😭
Hyunjin kept coughing so OP asked why.
Hyunjin said she has a cold (affecting nose and throat); she has already been to the hospital
OP (twt in pic) told Jinsoul she was basically the prettiest ever. Then OP moved seats and told Hyunjin that actually she was the prettiest...
Hyunjin: You just! You just! To Jinsoul too! Lieeesss (cat aegyo)
OP: You're very [Korean word for prince]-like today
Hyunjin🐱: A [Korean word for prince]?
OP: Yes, so I don't think you need to use "rinse" (KR: conditioner)
🐱: [Korean word for prince].. Rinse?
OP: Because you're like a "prince"~~
🐱: (see video)
x via @kikistiel
I can’t even explain #hyunjin. She’s so weird, and I love her so much. She was eating a yellow ring pop a fan had given her. she held it up to me to taste and even tho she was (probably??) joking a manager ran over and told her stop offering her candy to the orbits..lmfao
hyunjin was supposed to write me a motivational message and she wrote me “i ate bread instead of rice for dinner today” HYUNJIN WTF-
2nd So What Fansign
OP: How is it being 19?
Yeojin: It's whatever... Life's just like that, I guess...
Yeojin, OP said the frog (Keroppi) doll that Yeojin was holding was cute
Yeojin: Isn't it really cute? I didn't like frogs before but maybe it's because I've gotten older ha
OP asked what she's been up to other than her schedule.
Yeojin: "just going to school & back with (Cherry Bullet) Chaerin, also I had chicken... Oh my I've done a lot, huh?"
"I've been with the unnies a lot in waiting rooms recently, so these days it's so tiring, especially beacuse of the unnie next to me^
(Choerry: glares) 😁
OP: The photocards suddenly changed to selfies this time around
Yeojin: Yeah, a change of heart at the company,,,,
OP: Which one do you prefer?
Yeojin: The one where I'm in red!
Yeojin said she got in a lot of trouble when she went to school for the first time in a while :( though it can't be helped during activities... She said she'll just hang on for a year...
When Yeojin goes to school, she and Cherry Bullet Chaerin go to the snack shop and get chicken. It's only 3500KRW (3 USD) so they go there twice a day
Yeojin and Yves were caught by the thermometer at the @loonatheworld fansign (they're checking everyones' body temperatures)
The threshold appears to be 37.5 °C (99.5°F; mild fever)
x via @kikistiel
🐸:we promised to study language together. I studied English hard for you. Did you study Korean for me?
✨: I was so busy I couldn’t studyㅠㅠㅠ I’m sorry my Korean is always poor...
🐸: no, no! I’m so good at English. I’ll be good at Korean for the both of us!!
OP: Vivi seemed excited before I even sat down, I asked a bunch of things and then whether she ate. She ate late, so she wasn't hungry.
I asked what she had - she said a rice bowl. I asked what kind, she giggled then said bulgogi. She seemed very happy
src: Liptight's instagram
Vivi: hi
OP: Vivi things are great... But you need to fix something for me
Vivi: (serious) what is it?
OP: My... heart
Vivi (giggles) what the hahaha
(As Lip said, Vivi's reaction was great. Liptight happy again.)
OP asked Vivi how the activities were so far. Vivi said it's fun, as they're still early into activities.
OP: If I can ask, what hobbies are you into nowadays?
Vivi: Uh these days we're so busy I don't really have any, but hmm, my diary?
OP: diary?
Vivi: Yes-- (OP had to move on)
x via @kikistiel
✨: Vivi~ what do you think the concept for the next comeback should be?
🦌: I think we always want to try something new and show orbits we can do everything~ loona is always growing and learning.
✨: How many comebacks is loona going to have? ❤️
🦌: 100! 1,000!!❤️
OP gave Kim Lip (🦉) chocolate
🦉: It's Choco~Chocolate! ☺
OP then gave her a postcard and keyring
🦉: Owa! Keyring!
Then seeing the postcard,
🦉: You know I wear all the keyrings that my fans give me??
🦉: But my mom? Or grandma? saw them and was like "why do you have so many things attached?? haha"
OP said that last fansign was the day before Lip's birthday, but today's is the day before her 1000th day under LOONA, so congrats
🦉:Ohh 👀 actually, another fan congratulated me too earlier. But that's 1000 days after my solo debut, right?
Neat... Ah.. I'm totally old, already 1000 days...
🦉: Cheers to you being here with me for #1000DaysWithKimLip~ ☺
OP brought Kim Lip a container of Maltesers (USA: "Whoppers"), and she said she loved chocolate so much.
She said if you left her alone at the dorm, she could clear it in an hour
OP asked Kim Lip if it hurt when she ties her hair up. She said yeah 😥 at first it didn't but slowly over time it started to hurt.. She told the hairstylist that she thinks a lot of hair's falling out.
But the hairstylist said: but Jungeun you can lose some hair - no, you "need" to! [that's because she has so much hair]
Lip likes that her hair's called Chikorita hair (like the pokemon)
Kim Lip said she had her temperature checked before the fansign and that her temperature was 36.5°C (97.7°F).
Lip kept boasting about it, "amazing, right? I'm totally healthy, huh?"
src: Liptight's instagram
OP: Hey Jungeun things are great but you need to fix something...
Lip: Yes?
OP: my heart...
[Lip was silent for what felt like a million years]
Lip said that this would've worked better on Yeojin and Choerry.
But OP already passed them. Lip suggested trying it on Vivi
OP (has a band-aid on top of hand)
Kim Lip🦉: What's with the hand?
🗣Ah, my cat scratched me..
🦉A cat? If it was a cat... Can't do much about that then...
🗣 Yeah, cats are pretty...
🦉I do prefer dogs though.
🗣 oh-
OP: Ah I had a line prepared but I forgot it;;
(Lip doesn't really know what to say)
OP: No I didn't forget.. You're really prince-like today (OP: there was a joke here but I failed)
Lip: Uh...Uuhhh (OP: I didn't hear what she said after......)
x via @kikistiel
Kim Lip always tells me she likes my tattoos. Today she said she likes my hand tattoos so I asked her if she wants some too, and she said yes! A lot of them!! I asked her where, She said all over, but mostlay on her collar bone, back, and knuckles like mine!
(But I told her that my knuckle tattoos hurt the most and she laughed and said she can handle it)
OP asked if Jinsoul disliked the nickname Bruni (it's that doll's character).
Jinsoul said she likes it, it's just that people think she's just cute when she's supposed to be tough 😥 So today she didn't show her ear and next week she'll wear colored lenses
Jinsoul 😁 said she/they said more than what was aired on the final cut of so they edited it all out, and thanked the PD for protecting their image
OP asked Jinsoul why she's using wired earbuds these days.
Jinsoul says it's just convenient, but she alternates between those and the Airpods.
Having lost them once before, she now gets nervous that she'll lose the Airpods again
src: Liptight's instagram
OP: Jinsoul🐟, you have to fix something...
🐟: What?
OP: My heart...
[🐟 was silent... felt like pure hell]
OP: This fansign's ruined TT can you just give me an idol reaction TT
🐟: (in a cool, low voice) i'll fix you OP: ;;
🐟: Ah!! Give me a fan reaction!!
OP: I'll rip my heart out for you just like 2PM/Heartbeat
🐟: haha
OP: hahaha;;
(OP went with a friend)
OP grabbed their friend's collar(?) to show that they had a couple look.
Jinsoul: "? Where are you grabbing? What are you two?"
OP: ???
OP's Friend: ???
Hyunjin: ???
x via @bluebettasoul
from my friend at @loonatheworld fansign as to why Jinsoul's IEM is the black iem now and not her gundam (yellow&blue) iem
Jinsoul said she changed to black IEM because So What stage outfits are mostly in dark colors so she don’t want her gundam IEM disturb/distract the stage concept. Not sure if she bought/receive a new one, but it’s not gundam iem covered in black, totally another IEM.
x via @kikistiel
This week I had a really personal note from Jinsoul so I can’t share it again but!! Last week I forgot to ask all I wanted to, so I wrote it all down on my forearm so I wouldn’t forget.. when I rolled up my sleeve to read it Jinsoul laughed out loud at me and said it was cute :P
01-liners on attending the standup comedy show
Choerry: Slightly shocking
Olivia Hye: Fresh
As soon as OP came over to Choerry she said "what were you talking about!!" and interrogated OP
"So what did you say to Yeojin for her to say that, what did you say!!"
OP: I just asked what she's been up to;
Choerry: Im Yeojin...!
(Choerry then said that Yeojin was actually the loudest and most tiring to be around)
x via @kikistiel
✨:Choerry~ I told my friend if you tell Choerry she’s pretty she will fight you to tell you you’re the prettier one.
🦇: No, not true! I would never fight Orbits!😫
✨: Ok. You’re pretty, Choerry~
🦇: No, you are pretty!!
🦇:puts up fists
✨:puts up fists
Yves doesn't like the korean word for "chewy" Jjolgit-jjolgit, she just doesn't like how it sounds
Hearing this, Go Won teases her, saying "it's chewwwy~" and also "stiff jaguar"
(T/N: The stiff jaguar reference came up during their recent Naver NOW radio show iirc)
OP: SinB said she wanted to be friends with you! Because you're so pretty!
Yves: Really?? I didn't know 😭Me?? (repeatedly)
Yves hits Go Won next to her and says "SinB picked me to be friends with😭" Yves said SinB is a sunbae that she wanted to be friends with as well.
Go Won: (grabbing her arm afterwards) nah no way...
OP gave a keyring (pic) to Yves
🦢 What's this? Me Jiwoo and Jungeun?
So it's "Ha-jung-woo!" haha thank you so much! I'll have to use it hehe... But how do you make these? It's so fascinating every time!
OP said she drew it then made the keyring
🦢 You drew it???
(Gestures to OP with both hands)
🦢 From these... hands... These hands of gold... (teases OP as such)
OP: No it's nothing
🦢 (laughs) thank you
Yves left a P.S. on OP's album:
"Unnie's hands are golden"
"Unnie is mine"
Yves: The easy version of #sowhatchallenge is too hard? This part??
(does the robot part)
Yves: This is hard???
OP asked Yves to do the Windows error song dance again, and she did it with such effort... She said Go Won was good at this too (they both did it)
Go Won said Olivia Hye was the best
(T/N: See credits of the MCD MV Behind)
They were checking everyone's body temperature before the fansign.
The detector showed that Yves had high body temperature, and she almost wasn't allowed to enter.
Yves, later to a fan: "Is it even a fansign without me?! That's not a fansign!!"
OP said to Yves that it's so touching whenever they write on the tablets on their way home
Yves: ”since we don't have many chances to meet the fans... We all rush to write messages in the car 😥"
x via @kikistiel
Last year, I gave Yves an “orbit jacket” I had made. It has pins of all 12 animals and has lettering related to Loona. Yves said she sent the jacket to her mom’s house in busan, and her mother has it hung up on display in hER HOUSE IM FINE THIS IS FINE!!! 😭😭❤️
x via @curating_art524
About Yves and Chuu's Colors "gesture change" during Meet & Up stage.
Chuu mentions: It's a special gift because fans had waited so long for them.
Chuu: come here come here come here
🗣️ (doesn't immediately move) Chuu: 😯
x via @skylarvice
I got another fansign slot, this time with Chuu! Typical Chuu 😂😂😂 I'm hoping LOONA comes back to KCON again this year too. I have even more reason to go to Korea now, Chuu said I have to! Please wait for me!
OP told Go Won that their performances were amazing and it was so sad she couldn't see them live TT
Go Won said the members thought it was sad too, they get more energy when the fans are there, but since they can't be there... :/
OP said the outfits had the fans going wild too
Go Won said she liked their outfits too, and that there are many more to come
OP: How's ?
Go Won: Full of charisma~
OP: 😄 No you seemed cute
Go Won: What? Cute? No, I'm like (raises and lowers her eyebrows) making cool expressions and stuff?
OP: still cute though 😄
x via @kikistiel
I wore a shirt today with 🍕 and 🍟 on it that says “fries over guys”.
🦋: Oh, I like your shirt~ it looks delicious.
✨: yes! Fries over guys~
🦋: What does it mean?
✨: It means I’d rather eat French fries than have a boyfriend!
🦋: oh! laughs Me too!! 🤣
OP told Olivia Hye that their performance was great
Olivia Hye said she was disappointed yesterday 🥺: the camera was meh too, and she wanted to do better but a bunch of things didn't work out so she didn't do as well as she thought.
Olivia Hye: While preparing for the comeback Yves and I fought (seriously!!!)
We don't apologize but we get over it... You can hear the details from the person next to me
Yves: We typically fight often, honestly we fight every day... But like sisters we don't apologize and the next day she'd be like "Unnie I'll eat this =ㅅ= and I'm like k~ and we're over it
Olivia Hye: My hair is black with traces of blue, but I think that everyone thinks it's just black
OP takes out a letter, Olivia Hye and Yves watching.
Olivia Hye: Oh I love these types of stickers, don't give to them to this unnie (Yves)
Yves: I like those kinds of stickers a ton too
Olivia Hye: don't give her any 😏
OP was talking with Olivia Hye🐺 about the #SoWhatChallenge
🐺: But why haven't you done it~ Not many people seem to be doing it~
OP: Mmm.. doing that... would be the end of my social life-
🐺: PAHaha🤣
🐺: But I kinda feel the same way... But do iiit anyways~
According to Olivia Hye, for this promo cycle the members won't have the same hair(style?) throughout - they'll change things little by little
x via @kikistiel
🐺: Did you eat today?
✨: Not yet..
🐺: Why?!
✨: I forgot because I was so excited :P
🐺: sees the 🍕 design on my shirt suddenly(?) I want to eat pizza..
✨: tonight I’ll have pizza for Olivia~
🐺: But I don’t want you to eat it, I want to eat it!
Easy version of So What
Members altogether
Olivia, Gowon, Choerry, Heejin
Kim Lip, Yves, Chuu
Olivia Hye and watermelon
Kim Lip laugh
submitted by bluebetaoddeye to LOONA [link] [comments]

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