15 Best Ukulele Lessons for Beginners Review 2021 - CMUSE

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Learning ukulele as a guitar player! Some questions...

First of all, ukes are fun! Just bought a tenor ukulele to mess around. Here's a couple of questions i have:
I know nylon strings stretches more compared to steel string, but I didn't expect it to still stretching after 2 days! Do ukulele strings really last 1-2 years? As a guitar player, that's mindblowing (guitar string only last 3 months if you're lucky).
Learning from YouTube:
In the guitar world, JustinGuitar, Marty and Andy Guitars are the most popular online teachers. And interestingly all 3 of them actually have ukulele lessons. I know Justin and Marty admitted they were only playing ukulele for only months before they recorded their lessons. So who are the best resource to learn ukulele online?
submitted by JoshL3253 to ukulele [link] [comments]

Please help me choose my first Uke

I've narrowed my choices down to the following three tenor models.. I'd be interested in hearing some perspectives from users in this group.
  1. Martin Smith Sapele Wood Tenor Ukulele Starter Kit with Aqulia Strings – Includes online lessons, tuner, bag, strap and spare strings. https://www.amazon.ca/Martin-Sapele-Ukulele-Starter-Strings/dp/B07FVRNKTC $64.04 CDN
  2. Ukulele Tenor Size Bundle From Lohanu (LU-T) 2 Strap Pins Installed FREE Uke Strap Case Tuner 3 Picks Hanger Aquila Strings Installed Free Video Lessons https://www.amazon.ca/Bundle-Lohanu-LU-T-Installed-Purchase/dp/B01CQ01YSS $134.99 CDN -$7 coupon =$127.99
  3. Luna Vintage Tenor Ukulele - Natural $166.99 CDN https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/luna-vintage-tenor-ukulele-natural/12907637

I'm not sure that #1 comes with a strap or strap pins or if I even need to worry about that.
As for #2 I like the unconditional warranty but costs almost double #1. I also have read lots of great reviews about this company and I think I may have a better chance of receiving an instrument that has been inspected for flaws before shipping. I am wondering if there is a noticeable difference in quality between these first 2.
I'm also considering #3 because I have a $100 Best Buy gift card with nothing else that I've found that I want to spend it on for a year now. This comes with no accessories which a somewhat of a concern. Also being shipped out by a big box store I don't know if it will arrive in "playable" condition or if it will need adjustments. Finally I'm wondering if this uke would have an appreciably better sound quality that would justify the extra expense.
Your input would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by subjectivemind to ukulele [link] [comments]

Stupid-Chan is Stupid

I see a lot of the tales here are based in the US, so I'll give a little context on the education in the Uk, feel free to ask any questions! We have Primary School from when we are 4-5 up until we're 11 (2 Years of Nursery, 1 of reception and years 1-6). We don't have a middle school, we go straight to highschool up until Year 11. In Year 11 you generally do a certificate called GCSE's in around 10+ subjects. After this you can go to college or a more popular alternative is 6th Form, which you spend a few years doing A-levels in 3-4 subjects (Or 5 if you’re insane like me!). My story is set in my first year of my 6th Form.
Most people don’t actually go to dorms for 6th Form, but I had to; due to a lack of parents and the fact my 6th Form was on the other side of London. It wasn’t so much a dorm, but a residence. I thought it was a bargain, a certain amount was paid by funding, and college is Nationally free here anyways! The place was pretty basic, but it had all the necessities. It also had Wi-Fi, which I thought was great for a cheap dwelling like this. I had to share a common bathroom, but i didn’t really mind. Now I was pretty Stupid and decided to take 5 A-levels (oh god why?!) so I was always busy, and most people stayed in their rooms due to the heavy workload. I took Biology, Chemistry, Spanish, ½ of a Maths course since I did the first ½ a year earlier, due to being in the top set. I also took Asia Studies, with a focus on Chinese Social Problems and Economical Issues.
In my little hallway we had around 8 people. 2 of the girls there I already knew, and we’d constantly be mocking each other for something (English humour’s like that, we’re really good friends.) Other than that there were only 3 other people I knew that were nearby, 2 of my Highschool Best friends lived on the floor below, but they’d be out in the weekends, usually back at home, or they’d just study in their room.
Now I’m pretty studious, if I do say so myself, I have never failed a subject, and got all A’s and A*’s in my GCSE’s. So other than visiting the people I knew I kept myself to myself.
Around 6 weeks into my school year we got set an assignment on how the daily lives of Asian people can be challenging etc. It was supposed to be in Thesis-Abstract form, so no more than around 700 words with sources cited. We had 10 days to hand it in, which we could do online or in person. I gave mine in on the lesson, as did about half of our class. But there was this one girl who called me stupid for not handing it in online because “She had videos of common struggles of the average person” which you can’t print out. I thought it was a smart idea to link a video, and regretted not considering it at the time. This girl, let’s call her Sarah was basically, by no stretch of the imagination, a bitch. She was notorious for making sly remarks, being rude to teachers, and starting rumours. But most of all the whole school knew her as a weeb.
Now, it was just a joke, I had one friend who we’d jokingly call a weeb and he’d go along with it and say stupid shit like “neko-neko san desoo, ” and we’d all laugh together, and it would be funny. But I didn’t know she was actually a weeb.
If I were to give her credit for anything, she was pretty witty in arguments, and she could definitely hold her own when getting lippy with a teacher.
Fast Forward around u days and we all get emails on our grades, and our assessment sheet which basically have a success criteria,, which you get marked against, and your grade. I got 45/50 Points on the Success Criteria, just about scraping an A*, my two friends, we’ll call them John and Alan got 42 and 44, respectively. We all basically sat at the top of the class, and we went out to the cinema to see The Martian as a celebration.
The next day we went in to class, and our teacher greeted us and said ‘Well Done’ for our good grades, and made a joke that if we didn’t maintain that, that she’d try out some torture methods on us. (Yet again British Humour) She was pretty strict, let’s call her Miss. Hall, but she was really funny and friendly, and as long as you behaved she wasn’t hard to get along with.
Then, enter Sarah, looking absolutely irate, she sits at her desk, making a scene out of taking her stuff out. She slammed her books onto the table, annoying Miss. Hall.
“Is anything wrong Sarah?” Miss Hall asked rhetorically, expecting Sarah to stop disrupting the lesson and get on with her life.
Instead Sarah shoves a printed out paper in front of Miss Hall, the first thing everyone looked at was the Green Times New Roman writing (Green is for Teacher Marking), saying:
“14/50 - Fail, please redo for next Thursday’s lesson.”
Miss Hall just looked at her and said “ Better get started then.”
Miss Hall was a fucking legend
Obviously, being the idiot she was, she made a remark:
“Your marking is as good as your teaching.” She said rudely, flicking her nose up at the skinny, tall old lady who stood before her.
The whole class went silent, not in shock, but in preparation. Miss Hall was renowned for roasting bad pupils, and basically turning them into a good student by returning all their negativity back towards them.
“Why thank you Sarah, but you don’t need to remind me how great I am at teaching.”
Sarah looked pissed, but stayed silent for the rest of the class, not answering a single question.
It was the least Period of the day, so I was getting ready to go home and play some LoL, but I saw Sarah approaching Miss Hall, probably to dispute the marking. ME and my friends gathered at the side of the room, trying to see what was happening without looking too intrusive.
Sarah started off by saying her evidence was sufficient, as it was a legitimate Japanese show.
Miss Hall responded saying that an entertainment show about the comical life of students wasn’t good enough.
So she cited an anime. What a dumbass.
Fast forward a few days, I’m in my room with my bf (I’m gay btw), the two girls who we’ll call Emily and Jane. We invited John and Alan, since we ordered enough pizza to feed Birmingham, and we opened the door before we began, so none of us had to get up mid-meal and then they would close the door on their way in. But obviously that plan backfired.
Sarah walked past and snooped in, we all said hey and offered her a slice. (We’re not completely evil now)
She looked disgusted and said, and I’d like to go on record and say this is basically exactly what she said:
“Why would I want to eat this Western shit when I could have sushi?”
My bf, let’s call him Ian said:
“Because it tastes nice.”
Everyone laughed and Sarah looked pissed, as usual.
“At least I have a culture, unlike you uncultured pigs, I bet you haven’t even watched obscure and long ass anime title before!”
Emily piped in saying:
“Aren’t you from Bristol?”
I could hear Jane cracking up in the background, she found this funny as fuck.
“How dare you, I’m actually from Okinawa (I call Bullshit on that btw) but we had to move here because of the Chinese before I was born” Sarah said, nearly spitting the word ‘Chinese’.
“You’re still from Bristol.” I said, trying to hold back a smile.
At that moment John and Alan walked through the door, saw what was happening, and not wanting to get into the Mean Girls style drama, took some pizza and sat in the corner while looking at their phones.
Jane was basically pissing herself now, she could barely control herself. I think it was the combination of Sarah’s utter bullcrap and John and Alan's’ bewildered faces upon entrance.
“Says you, the fake gay guy who doesn’t even respect his uke.”
Jane and Emily were just laughing their heads off behind us.
I thought it was ridiculous that she thought some stupid labels defined a relationship. But Ian was not amused.
“Fuck off you twat, you don’t know anything, Japanese people didn’t invent homosexuality.”
“Yes they did you moron, that's why we have terms for each role.”
“What about the Spartans, Sodom and Gomorrah, they weren’t Japanese.”
“They didn’t Exist, Spartans are just myths”
This bullshit was matched with Emily showing her phone, with a Google search of “Evidence of Spartan existence.”
Sarah looked mad and then got her own phone out showing some random manga, saying how it all proves that she was right and we were all idiots, and how Japanese anime and manga are the reasons why Japan is doing so well.
After that she stormed out, slamming the door as loud as possible.
Fucking bitch, I’m gonna get told of for that.
We then discussed how stupid she was, and Jane tried to catch her breath after nearly laughing to death.
Next up on Riri the Weeaboo Hunter:
Sarah confront her Rival Ian-Desu-Rival-Chan Sarah introduces her new accomplice Neko-Neko-Fucktard-Bitch-Senpai Sarah talks about her ‘boyfriend’ Fuccboi-Sama
Excuse how rude British people are, we swear a lot, we don’t mean half the shit we say.
I’ll update when I get the time to!
submitted by UnoHama to weeabootales [link] [comments]

A Guide to Buying an Ukulele

Every day, there is a post on this subreddit asking which ukulele they should buy. I'd thought I'd post this to help. Note: my credentials are pretty good...I own an ukulele company!
  1. Don't listen to anyone on this subreddit. I'm mostly kidding. Of course you can listen to recommendations. Just remember that everyone has their own favorite uke that is guaranteed to be the absolute best uke you can buy. And it is...for them. Purchasing a musical instrument is a very personal choice. It's yours and yours alone.
  2. Set a budget range. First, always spend as much as you can without spending more than you have. You'll always get a higher quality instrument. Next, never say $50 or some rigid number. There are a number of ukes that, frankly, are almost exactly alike in construction and quality but will range in price from one another. Remember that the goal is to...
  3. Play as many ukes as you possibly can before you buy. Within a price range, for example $85 to $125, you will find dozens of options. You need to decide what size you want to play, which one or two sound the best to you, feel the best in your hands and look the best. If you're just beginning, take someone with you who can play a song or two and let you hear it (or ask someone in a store to demo).
  4. Have a minimum setup done on it. If you're a beginner and didn't pay very much for your uke, don't spend too much on this. Make sure, though, that the string height on the first fret isn't too high or uncomfortable (if it is, you won't play) and that none of the strings are buzzing when played. The shop you bought it from should do a minimum setup for $25-$40. If you've found the uke you want but you don't have a good shop where you live, then check the manufacturer's website for dealers. Check around for the best price of the model you want and then, have them do a setup. WARNING: Remember that these are wooden instruments. If you were to do a setup remotely, it may still buzz or have something else wrong when it gets to you solely because it went up and down in a plane and the climate where you are is different from where it was shipped from.
  5. Strings, strings, strings. Be prepared to try a bunch of strings in the next year. Every string out there plays and sounds different to another string and to each player. In your experimentation, even if you play a lot, don't change more often, however, than every three months. Give each set a chance to settle in. Also, while we're on strings, try a low g string on one of your string changes. Some people like the sound of their uke better when this is done.
  6. Miscellaneous. (a) If you have a ukulele group where you live, go! They can be very helpful in letting you play their ukes before you buy and they'll be there when you're learning; (b) there are a ton of great sites online to learn the uke. My favorite is ukuleleunderground.com. But there are others too (easyukulele.com, ukeschool.com, etc). and (c) you can also take online/Skype/Facetime/Hangouts lessons from some really great players like Jason Arimoto ([email protected]), Matt Dahlberg ([email protected]), Mitch Chang ([email protected], or Sarah Maisel (http://www.sarahmaisel.com/lessons).
That's all for now. Have fun looking and always check back to let us know what you bought and why.
[spelling/grammar edits made]
submitted by ukeguy to ukulele [link] [comments]

First guitar for 9 year old girl?

My friends daughter wants to learn guitar, having learned a bit of Uke. Her mom is planning on a nylon string classical, but I don't think that learning 'classical' is the best way forward. What is the best sort of guitar for a kid to learn on, and what sort of (online) lessons tend to sustain interest longest?
submitted by Beanb0y to Guitar [link] [comments]

Best Internet Lessons around?

What are some of the best (free) lessons to be found on the internet?
For anything from how-do-I-tune-my-guitar absolute beginners to advanced freaky-deaky spizz wizards.
I've noticed there are a lot of individual threads on different sites, but no comprehensive thread.
EDIT: Ladies and gentlemen, you make up one of the most helpful music subs on reddit!
Here's a Summary of the Sites put forward so far:
Justin Guitar Easy to navigate Absolute Beginner to Highly Advanced, recording and other lessons.
Andrew Wasson Beginner lessons Very comprehensive theory section.
GuitarJamz Youtube Channel Beginner to Advanced lessons Blues & Country lessons
WarrenMusic Acoustic cover tutorials (mostly radiohead) acoustic videos of other songs with a clear view of both hands (good for copycats!)
Deft Digits Articles and exercises. Online flash cards and a capo calculator, too!
Matt Warnock Jazz guitar exercises and articles.
True Fire Beginner to Advanced lessons. All Styles.
Free Guitar Videos Beginner to Intermediate lessons. Good selection of styles.
MLR-Guitar Cover lessons.
Your Guitar Sage Theory lessons, uke lessons, beginner lessons, cover lessons
Riff of the Week Name says it all! Also adds lots of useful stuff into his videos.
These two channels aren't working for me, so I can't summarise their lessons right now:
Pebber Brown Privet Tricker
submitted by himit to guitarlessons [link] [comments]

best online uke lessons video

Baritone ukulele tuning (D G B E) - Top Online Ukulele ... The Ukulele Teacher - YouTube Beginner Ukulele Lessons - Intro to Your Uke Sage Ukulele Lessons Beginner Ukulele Lesson - Your Very First Ukulele Lesson ... The Ukulele Teacher - YouTube

Like many other sites offering online ukulele instruction, Uke School offers free lessons for brand new players, plus a library of audio and visual media for players of every level. Basics like how to strum, how to tune, and how to hold a ukulele are covered here, plus Ukeschool.com features an entire section for those who are learning how to ... These online uke lessons are produced in HD. They come with a discussion area, printable worksheets that feature chords, charts, and more. Once you’ve purchased a lesson pack, you can access it anytime, for life – there’s no expiration date. The outline for this online ukulele course for beginners includes lessons that can help the participants master the best hand techniques without knowing how to read music. Students enjoy daily warm-up sessions to refresh their memory of past lessons before proceeding during the course. Following structured lessons laid out in the best online ukulele lessons for beginners can make one’s transition from a novice to a capable student a lot smoother and gratifying. It explains the phenomenon of more and more waves of interesting musicians coming out as if out of nowhere. The 8 Best Online Ukulele Lessons in 2021. After reading our in-depth review of the best online ukulele lessons, you won’t have to look any further to find the one that suits you best. Keep reading to find out how they all compare to each other and gain a solid understanding of what you need to consider when making your decision. 1. Uke Like ... Uke Hunt. The website’s been online since 2007, which means a generous database of ukulele lessons. Besides text resources, they also have eBooks for different playing levels. ... If you’re one of them, we have the best online ukulele lessons for you. They’re easy and a lot of fun. No matter if you’re a beginner or an intermediate user ... Uke Like the Pros is best known for its interactive lesson format and its huge library of content, which is updated regularly. Like most other ukulele lessons sites out there, this one offers most of its content on a paid subscription basis. The 9 best online guitar lessons sites and apps 2021: improve with Fender Play, Truefire, JustinGuitar, JamPlay and more By Jonathan Horsley 21 December 2020 From beginner guitarists to seasoned pros, and everything in between, improve at home with these remote guitar lesson services The Uke school learning program also accommodates intermediate students who would like to refresh their knowledge by practicing how to read music. The learning approach offered by the instructors on this site is a combination of music theory and practical learning. ... Choosing the Best Ukulele Lesson Online. The best ukulele lessons online are ... The Best Ukulele Lessons Online, Tutorial Sites, and Finding Local Teachers! If you are anything like us it seems like every time we turn around we find a new Ukulele Tutorial, teacher, or lesson. The increased popularity of the instrument has created a huge need for quality teachers, and a lot of bad tutorials and lessons floating around.

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Baritone ukulele tuning (D G B E) - Top Online Ukulele ...

50+ videos Play all Mix - Beginner Ukulele Lessons - Intro to Your Uke Sage Ukulele Lessons YouTube Ukulele strumming lesson - techniques tutorial beginner uke lessons ukulele yourukesage ... Baritone uke lesson The best FREE ukulele lessons anywhere on the web - you WILL be able to play a song after your first lesson! Requests for future lesson and video ideas are a... Check out Orangewood's Ukulele's here: http://bit.ly/MartyUkeYou just got a ukulele and you have no clue how to play it? Check out this video to get familiar... The best FREE ukulele lessons anywhere on the web - you WILL be able to play a song after your first lesson! Requests for future lesson and video ideas are always welcome. Check out https://www ... Baritone ukulele tuning - (D G B E) tuning. Online Ukulele Tuner from http://ukesong.com/BARITONE tuning (D G B E)The open strings of the ukulele from low... DOWNLOAD a chord chart and lesson sheet here: http://bit.ly/1M6K218Learn the basics of how to: hold the uke, strum, play 3 chords, and you'll be able to play...

best online uke lessons

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