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October Artist Confirmations: Master List

comment here with the artist and proof and i’ll add them to the list.

🔺 = added within the last day or so

Lineup poster with confirmations

Yes to October No to October Total reported
82/177 artists 3/177 artists 85/177 artists
46% 2% 47%





submitted by trickrubin to Coachella [link] [comments]

Completed Commander Ironman: Thoughts and Details (this turned into a mini LP)(it got longer, don't read) [SPOILERS]

I just completed my first vanilla Commander Ironman.
I love this game.
This was a great experience and I'm energised enough by it that I find myself wanting to share my thoughts, feelings and details about my run. A lot of this stuff may seem obvious to experienced players or incomplete to the Chosen or Long Warriors
This game is INCREDIBLY well balanced, I'm in awe of that fact alone. There are many viable units/skill builds/loadouts, Build order for the Avengeresearch order is somewhat flexible and even how you prioritise missions/scanning sites and communications has some give. Check out Adam Millard's video on this on YouTube if you haven't already.
I'll give a quick shout out to the story, it's a fantastic premise that's very easy to get on board with. It serves very well as a vehicle to experience the tension laid on by the game design. I even like the red herring of Tygan, and Shen's suspicion of him. It's basic but in great service of the gameplay.
My campaign went a little like this:
I skipped the tutorial and lost one rookie on the first mission, fine. I opted for early plated armour over magnetic weapons thinking it would help if I wanted to tackle the black site a bit earlier and otherwise keep my squad alive more consistently. I didn't go for early black site but neither did I regret the choice. My first facility was GTS for squad size plus & rookie training, followed by AWC for the bonus skills. I focused on getting a really solid squad early on and worried about avenger power and communications later, though I had been scouting for as many engineers as I could find and had them clearing towards a power coil so I wouldn't get stuck in this regard.
I generally like to build two of each unit to see what synergies present themselves but I also find there are better early game or late game choices respectively for the way I play.
CRASH the ranger was a full scout build with the exception of untouchable. I used her for the entire play-through. Every mission apart from the final two. She would scout ahead with her speed PCS to allow me to engage pods on my terms. She carried scanners and a mimic beacon to give her utility without breaking concealment and occasionally struck hard with shadowstrike plus chain shot from the AWC, acting as an early rapid fire. She sometimes swapped in a proximity mine for an explosive way to open encounters. Laser sight and expanded mag for weapon upgrades
FLATLINE the sharpshooter was the MVP of the run, hands down. This was a full sniper build and very strong for it. Many will know the synergy of squadsight with a scout, enabling you to hit targets that don't know you're there, providing a great preemptive option that hard-counters turrets. She rolled rapid fire as her out-of-class skill which was as good as it sounds; this gave a more reliable alternative to deadeye and obliterated machines when paired with bluescreen rounds. For those wondering: rapid fire doesn't work with squadsight, which is pretty balanced IMO. She rocked the spider suit for easier access to high ground and a movement option that didn't prevent her from firing her rifle. Later she swapped to AP rounds giving a better array of one-shots on enemies with full health for greater results with serial. I think it's awesome that serial also allows you to move and reload if you killed all your targerts. Killzone was monstrous mid-game, always fun to use and often ended encounters as soon as they began. Perception PCS helped a lot with shot reliability and when combined with a scope gave me many 100% shots despite cover in the second half of the campaign. Autoloader for the other slot and later expanded mag for more shots with killzone.
I'll talk about my two specialists here together. BLACK WIDOW the battle medic and SHRINK the combat hacker. The exceptions here were that both picked up threat assessment which I believe to be superior to covering fire always and they swapped trees for the final skill so I could cover for more situations; capacitor discharge meant that my medic wasn't stuck for an option against robotic enemies and restoration gave my hacker an emergency support option if things got hairy. I never used restoration but if the final battle had have lasted one more turn I would have, though it also could not have been considered an emergency. They somewhat operated as expected but where they really shined was the powerful combination of guardian and threat assessment, which offers a minimum of two overwatch shots up to four with some luck. Add to this their exclusive perk from the GTS and you have very reliable overwatch especially since I'd also opted for a perception PCS and scopes for both. I finished them off with hair triggers for a small bonus chance when taking their very reliable shots and had them carrying venom or dragon rounds to get the best odds of there being no activated enemies left on the alien's turn. My medic inherited the blue screen rounds later from my sniper and had also rolled rapid fire from the AWC; great versus robotics despite opting out of most of the hacker tree.
ALL IN the grenadier was a demolitions expert build. I think shredder is a possibly a better way to go on all builds but I figured I never really wanted him to fire his cannon with its awful base aim. I think this is a good example of a unit that is really strong early and mid-game when all units struggle with good ranged options, reliable ways to hit enemies behind cover, have limited access to AoE for maximising damage & opening up pods.. not to mention destroying armour and breaking cover. My favourite way to use the grenadier is making my own entrances and exits to facilities since crossing the threshold of buildings are, for me, the times you are most vulnerable to a surprise encounter. Saving a grenade to put a hole in the base to give you the shortest dash between the objective and the evac works so well and allows you to circumvent the blind-spot issues that come with tackling the more complicated structures. An autoloader allowed for freer use of saturation fire which is great for offsetting low aim and taking out cover whilst saving on grenades.
I had struggled get a second grenadier going and this is where most of my bad luck was concentrated in the run. My first heavy gunner missed an evac due to having been poisoned by a viper on the last turn. He lost enough movement range that he just couldn't make it. I managed to save him later in the campaign only to encounter a bug where a rescued unit cannot move or take actions. Like with many bugs in XCOM 2 I explained it away into the ludonarrative, suggesting to myself that he must have developed PTSD after being captured and just couldn't face the aliens again. His replacement got crit-sniped out of cover on his first mission, dying instantly from full health. I went on without a gunner for a while until a grenadier popped up at HQ, it's really great being able to spec a unit from scratch and I was late enough in the campaign that I picked her up as a major.
HURRICANE was a beast! If a demolitions expert is an example of a great unit in the first half then heavy gunner is THE example of a great unit later on. Shredder doesn't care about your armour, holo targeting doesn't care about your cover or dodge and chain shot does not care about your health. I learned this campaign that you can achieve exceptional aim on a grenadier with a perception PCS and a good scope, even against closed Gatekeepers. I can see the appeal of hail of bullets but I did go for salvo because I've always found it so useful to have potential for multiple actions per turn. Autoloader to help with the ammo hungry abilities.
VIKING the assault ranger was a solid unit. I've always enjoyed using the blade but overall I felt there were just too many impotent turns waiting for the right situation. The main weaknesses here are not being able to run in through fear of pulling a second pod and their damage falling off late-game. I did get one good reaper sweep off and he did see some use after I built the shadow chamber and could identify maps with many organic units or Chrissalids. Bladestorm was useful in a couple of situations and can be setup in a couple of ways, too, such as standing the unit in the middle of a reinforcement spawn. He rolled rupture as a bonus skill giving him a niche in the absence of a good gunner and as such he used an autoloader to help with ammo plus the obligatory laser sight. He came on the last mission in place of my scout because concealment wasn't going to be reliable for long and high enemy numbers called for more offense anyway. He switched between carrying an extra grenade for the squad, an armour piece or the talon rounds. Only one slot because he used the wraith suit, though I don't think it ever came into play except the odd grapple for positioning. PCS speed.
I had tried to get a gunslinger going but it just didn't find its place on the team, probably because it was a later addition, though I do think they are good.
ECTO was the only psi operative of the run. I love psi operatives and how versatile they are. Inspire, stasis and domination are the kind of abilities that can turn the tide of a battle by taking options away from your enemy or expanding your own. Add to this, various options for guaranteed damage. She would normally try to position for an effective null lance while looking for a good domination target. Void rift to open up a pod could lead to some instant kills as damage ticks twice if rupture takes effect, allowing other units to spend actions moving or reloading instead. Domination is excellent on the final two maps when you're so outnumbered and the expendable alien makes for a great scout and decoy. A great strategy for the last map is combining stasis with mind control; you can stasis them on the last turn of mind control and re-establish it on the following turn, essentially making it infinite if you keep track of it and take the turn to do it between pods. Speed PCS for better positioning for null lance. Scope and repeater for weapon mods
The Commander Avatar is an interesting case; I didn't like it on my first ever playthrough. I hadn't used the similar psi operatives and didn't appreciate being handed a premade unit that I hadn't built myself. I was convinced I hated the final mission.. but I really don't. He is a fantastic unit if you're open to using him to his potential. Mind control is one of the most powerful abilities in the game because it can be used multiple times to take a unit out of action and give you a scout/decoy for your squad for a few turns, which can be refreshed with the aforementioned stasis combo. This time around I was better at looking for null lance set ups and the range and area of affect on dimensional rift is unparalleled.
I'll just mention that I never relied on repeaters, hair triggers or other other low chance effects but pressed my advantage when they would proc.
Back to the bridge. I learned through numerous playthroughs not to be overly scared of the Avatar Project progress meter. Actually in testing the limits I let it get down to about a day when I finished the scan for a facility. I was worried that I wouldn't get on top of it but, after a bit of a scramble to fill out the network, I got it down to two and it pretty much stayed there. Facility missions went smoothly partly due to having a strong, full squad and early GTS investment. I used the black market more than ever because I didn't see the use in sitting on Intel when they could be put to use and managed to get the upgrades and PCS I wanted much more reliably this way. I built the proving ground a little late, also. I didn't account for getting such bad luck with the experimental ammo and had three venom rounds before getting anything else. In the end I ran out of elerium cores before I had all the items I wanted. I ended the run with fewer heavy weapons, AP rounds and one less wraith suit than I would have liked.
Region bonuses were really nothing special. Hidden reserves in my starting region was decent and quid pro quo saw some use on the black market, though it came a little late. I got fortunate with engineers and scientists, they were never a problem.
Regarding mission types: I love the variety of them and the tension of the time-based ones. Retaliations were some of my favourites. Having a kind of timer built into the fact that you were losing a resistance member per turn, giving an extra reason to use scanning protocol & battle scanners and forcing you out of position to rescue people. All the missions with a timed evac have you looking at the entire map, thinking about how you'll move across it and where you need to end up, culminating in some clutch sprints at the end. My attitude towards supply raids was always relative to how much I needed the supplies. I lost one guerilla op due to a Sectopod walking through the objective, absolutely nothing I could have done to avoid that (I didn't know if it was even possible that it could happen) but again I spun it into the narrative "well it makes sense that you would walk over it and destroy it if you could" I told myself.
On the topic of the timed missions: being forced to advance makes the missions much more tense and makes for some excellent stories emerging from the gameplay. I've seen people complain online about this but I think it's one of the strongest mechanics in the game. I also enjoy not having the timer, I do understand why people would say they don't like the timer but I wouldn't change it. The game would simply not be as good without it. Even more, I could have used a late game timer on the bridge to drive the suspense even more. Once I was over the curve the Avatar timer was a non-issue and I racked up about 3000 in supplies using up the last of my cores and waiting for the results. I also wanted to see if there was a trophy for getting all region bonuses, so I did that, too.
I was prepared for the final mission this time. The tower is a cool spin, small squad with the Intel bonuses. I picked squadsight for the whole team and vision range plus two. The team was FLATLINE since she has the best potential for taking down multiple enemies, ECTO for the great variety plus domination for adding a friend along the way. And BLACK WIDOW for healing scrapes and other good options like rapid fire and capacitor discharge. We recruited an Archon and made use of squadsight as he scouted ahead for us. Everything went pretty smoothly. On the the main operation.The first section went well with a friendly Andromedon and Beserker along the way, using everything I had learned until now. I managed to pull what must have been two pods in the same spot: two Gatekeepers and four Mutons. Things looked a little rough until void rift killed one Muton outright and mind controlled another. Rapid fire plus BS rounds and shredder chainshot destroyed the two Gatekeepers and my sniper picked off another Muton while our pet Andromedon went forward to bait the last one. Picking off the last Muton, I was warped into the final room. I didn't want to spread my units thin so I took them all right around partition. I struggled to get into position quickly, not knowing which gates would activate when. VIKING helped finish one of the Archons from the first group and got mind controlled for his trouble. After seeing the hit-rates on the Avatar I was pleased that I'd focused so much on boosting aim. I took out the first Avatar turn two with HURRICANE's chain shot as FLATLINE and the Commander's Avatar took out a couple of Sectoids that had come in from the left side. A third Sectoid mind controlled HURRICANE, the only one who had eyes on it. I couldn't see the Sectoid and I didn't want to end the turn with the threat from my own unit. VIKING ran forward to an open spot to see the Sectoid as FLATLINE grappled to the closest right tower to get the squadsight shot, freeing my heavy gunner and activating death from above. She chose to reload rather than take cover as she really needed to keep up offensive pressure the following turns so I had ECTO stasis her to protect her on the enemy's turn. My other units took out the second Avatar who had run right in and stood near my squad as our Commander mind controlled an Andromedon that had spawned with it. The third Avatar was already around with two Codices in tow. At the beginning of the next turn a group of Vipers came in the closest gate. FLATLINE opened up with possibly the single most satisfying serial sweep of the run, picking off the vipers one by one before using deadeye to one-shot a Codex and even reaching 100% hit with it. She then ran off of the open spot on the tower for cover and to reload with her refunded actions. The next turn the final Avatar teleported in and took a shot at BLACK WIDOW, dealing five damage with a critical hit, and two Heavy MECs came in the second right gate and went into overwatch. SHRINK tickled the last Avatar with combat protocol to get him to teleport to a better spot; he teleported right in the thick of my squad! Here I could feel the end of the run, finally, with no units lost on the finale. I got excited and forgot the MECs on overwatch and ran toward the avatar with ECTO who was also the wrong unit. I had an Andromedon still to soak up those shots and I forgot. She took eight from the first shot and I thought she would go down but the second shot missed. I moved in HURRICANE, the correct unit, to pin holo targeting on the last Avatar and shred his armour. Chain shot had good hit and would leave him in range of something reliable like soulfire so she went for it. Then something fitting for the final action took place: she landed two crits with the chain shot and finished the campaign on behalf of the team. Phew.
The last thing I want to acknowledge is that this game can be pretty janky, but I think it's part of the learning curve. This playthrough I was able to mitigate most of the things that frustrated me the first times I played the game or maybe I improved in accepting and working around them. Call me an apologist if you like, but I honestly don't mind this aspect anymore.
TLDR I love this game. It has fantastic balance, fun to use classes and multiple routes to success, allowing for player expression. Story is unobtrusive and gives the perfect premise to tie the gameplay systems together in a great sci-fi action movie setting. Time-limit mechanics in individual battles and throughout the campaign add tension and reward strategy & decision making. Incredible variability in gameplay makes for memorable and unique moments. All of this offers superior scope for replayability.
Thank you Firaxis for this masterpiece of a game Thank you XCOM2 and Xcom redditors for all the helpful posts, questions and answers.
I don't know why I stayed up all night and spent all my phone battery writing this. I think it's because I wish I had someone to experience this game with. You probably shouldn't read it but I hope you liked it if you did.
Lots of love, J
submitted by conquestisbest to XCOM2 [link] [comments]

2016 Hyundai Genesis Coupe R-Spec

- Up for sale is my 2016 Hyundai Genesis Coupe R-Spec Casablanca Pearl White. The car currently has 47,000 original miles, mileage will go up slightly as the car is my current daily driver. The car is still covered under the 5 yea60,000 mile basic warranty and 10 yea100,000 mile full power-train warranty. Overall, my Genesis is in pristine condition, both interior and exterior are nearly flawless. I am the original owner of the car and have always used Pennzoil Ultra platinum full synthetic Oil with a K&N Oil Filter. I have meticulously maintained the car and changed the oil every 3,000 miles. All fluids, including brake fluid, Transmission fluid and Differential fluid have been upgraded for more longevity and durably. I have never abused or tracked the car, as I have accumulated most of the miles on the highway from driving from Houston to Dallas for work purposes. The car runs and drives great, no smoking or overheating whatsoever. Also, I will provide receipts for all the parts that I have added and will even include all the remaining stock OEM parts. Registration has also recently been renewed and is good until 4/2020. The Genesis has been garage-kept 90% of the time of my ownership. I had also just changed the oil and it is good till 50,000 miles. I am asking for $19,999 for the Genesis. I'm not interested in trades or doing payments. I will only accept cash or a cashier’s check from a certified bank.

Modification List: *************** -KS-Style Front Lip (Urethane) -Genesis Couple Emblems All Around (Front, Rear, Wheel Caps, Steering Wheel) -Front Bumper Facia Painted Casablanca Pearl White -DEWHEL JDM Folding Screw on Racing T2 Red Tow Hook -Revline QUIK-LATCH (Quick Release) BLACK ANODIZED -Diode Dynamics Low Beam HID Conversion Kit -Diode Dynamics Interior LED Conversion Kit -Diode Dynamics License Plate LED Lights & Backup LED Lights -K&N Typhoon Cold Air Intake -3point8 Performance Engine Leash -EBC Redstuff Front Brake Pads -StopTech High Performance Racing Brake/Clutch Fluid -Stoptech Slotted Front Rotors -Stoptech Stainless Steel Front Brake Lines -SRP Racing Aluminum Pedals -ATQ Short Throw Shifter + ROUND SHIFTER BUSHINGS + REAR SHIFTER BUSHING -ATQ Italian Leather Shift Boot -Raceseng Rondure Gloss Shift Knob (With signature CNC machined shift gate engravin) -Megan Racing Transmission Mount -Megan Racing Street Series Coilovers (Front Fenders rolled on both sides) -Whiteline Front (30MM) and Rear (27MM) Adjustable Sway Bars w/Endlinks -ENTHUSPEC PERFORMANCE RIGID SUBFRAME COLLAR KIT -Garageline Spacers 15MM Front / 20MM Rear -ARK GRiP Exhaust w/Burnt Tips & ARK Downpipes and Testpipes -REDLINE MT-85 SYNTHETIC MANUAL TRANSMISSION OIL FLUID -REDLINE FULL SYNTHETIC 75W90 HIGH PREFORMANCE DIFFERENTIAL GEAR OIL FLUID
submitted by mikenah23 to genesiscoupe [link] [comments]

MAME 0.187

MAME 0.187

And now for something completely different: our midyear MAME release. The most notable new working machines are beloved Game & Watch titles Donkey Kong Jr. (new wide screen) and Mario Bros., and the ultra-rare Kaneko prototype Jump Kun (thanks ShouTime). There are also some newly supported clones of existing systems, like additional versions of DECO Cassette games (including the more Puck-Man-like Japanese version of Lock’n’Chase), Spanish bootlegs of Rally X and Scramble, a Korean release of Macross II with Japanese text removed (to meet “cultural import” restrictions), and a simplified version of Operation Thunderbolt for smaller cabinets in shopping centres aimed at younger children.
Another very exciting development in this release is support for running original protection programs for a number of games using MC68705P5 microcontrollers. A technique to exploit glitches and read the programs out of a protected MC68705P5 with reasonable success rate was discovered, and brizzo built a device implementing it. Games now using real protection programs include Get Star, Chack’n Pop, Rumba Lumber, Onna Sanshirou (Typhoon Gal), Field Day, Prebillian and others. Some of these games were known to be using poor simulation, so improvements to gameplay can be expected.
Other improvements include support for a MIDI output card on the Sharp X68000 (allows game sountracks to be played through an external synthesiser), English BIOS support for the Sega VMU, fixes for several xBR shaders with bgfx, working Dragon 64 Plus and Goupil G1/G2 support, Tandy CoCo Speech/Sound Cartridge support, and a big update to the Interpro driver.
Of course there’s more, which you can experience when you get the source/Windows binaries from the download page. Thanks for being part of the MAME community.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

New NOT_WORKING softwre list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

Zoro Box for Portland

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

Pokémon - 24

Trainer Cards - 32

Energy - 4

Total Cards - 60
****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online ******
I've been playing with this a lot at league and online and I feel like I either want to play this or BuzzRoc at Portland. Here are some thoughts, concerns and considerations I have made regarding shaping the deck up before the event.
I haven't done much testing with 2 Exeggcute instead of 3, but I feel like 2 is fine to deal with even if one of them gets prized.
Oricorio GRI56 may be a niche tech for Night March. You can bait them into playing down their Dimension Valley by abusing your own Sky Field and making them want to replace it. I'm unsure of Night March's use of Field Blower or Delinquent.
Seismitoad-EX + Karen will shut down Night March. I'm not sure how much of a threat it will be at Portland but I want to come prepared.
Regarding coming prepared, I would like to find space for a Giratina XY184. I know Zoroark already has a relatively easy time against Trevenant BREAK, but my most hated deck of all time, Greninja BREAK may show up and I want to make sure I give them the harshest time possible.
Sometimes I feel like I need more than 1 gusting supporter, whether it be a 2nd copy of Guzma or adding in a Lysandre.
Professor Kukui sometimes sounds like it could come in handy. It will allow Mewtwo-EX with a Choice Band to 1-shot a Buzzwole-GX that only has 1 energy attached to it, where it would normally require a 2nd energy on the Buzzwole or a 2nd DCE to itself, which would be sub-optimal. It also allows Zoroark to 1-shot a Sylveon-GX provided you have a full bench and a Choice Band attached.
Regarding Buzzwole, would I need more things to sway the matchup in my favor? Perhaps Mewtwo EVO51 or the aforementioned Oricorio GRI56? Maybe even Weakness Policy? Foul Play Zoroark with a Choice Band can copy Knuckle Impact for knockout, and even Absorption GX and Dangerous Rogue GX. Using either of these as your GX attack is fine, considering the deck has no primary GX attack of it's own to use.
More Zoroark? I have seen lists that play 2 Foul Play or 1 Foul Play and 1 Mind Jack. Would it be this beneficial to run this much Zoroark?
2/1 Alolan Muk line - I feel that a lot of the time, a piece of this line gets prized, making it significantly more difficult to recover from Sudowoodo GRI66, so I decided that 2 Grimer would be enough initial setup while keeping only 1 Muk.
I have just now made the change from Computer Search to Dowsing Machine as my ACE SPEC. I feel like with having access to Magcargo every turn (maybe even 2), Computer Search doesn't seem as good as it is for decks that don't already have free deck search. Now with the absence of Puzzle of Time from the format, it is now much more difficult, if not impossible to get non-Pokemon/energy cards out of the discard pile. Useful targets to retrieve with this card are Sky Field, Choice Band, Float Stone, VS Seeker, Rescue Stretcher and Special Charge (in case of Wailord-EX who will force you to go through 8 DCE).
Regarding Wailord-EX, what's the strategy here? Choice Band Quaking Punch and hope they don't have Acerola then swoop in with a big enough Riotous Beating? That's really the only strategy I can think of. I am not sure of it's potential popularity at Portland. I have been hearing talk of using Rough Seas over Tropical Beach in favor of Steven's Decision.
A hot tech in my local scene is Iris. What's the take on the viability of this slot? Can it really sway the game for you that hard later on?
Thanks in advance for any advice, tips and suggestions you may have. As changes are made, I will be updating the list in this original post and will try my best to reply to your comments as soon as possible.
submitted by RoboSensei to pkmntcg [link] [comments]

2016 Hyundai Genesis Coupe R-Spec

Up for sale is my 2016 Hyundai Genesis Coupe R-Spec Casablanca Pearl White. The car currently has 47,000 original miles, mileage will go up slightly as the car is my current daily driver. The car is still covered under the 5 yea60,000 mile basic warranty and 10 yea100,000 mile full power-train warranty. Overall, my Genesis is in pristine condition, both interior and exterior are nearly flawless. I am the original owner of the car and have always used Pennzoil Ultra platinum full synthetic Oil with a K&N Oil Filter. I have meticulously maintained the car and changed the oil every 3,000 miles. All fluids, including brake fluid, Transmission fluid and Differential fluid have been upgraded for more longevity and durably. I have never abused or tracked the car, as I have accumulated most of the miles on the highway from driving from Houston to Dallas for work purposes. The car runs and drives great, no smoking or overheating whatsoever. Also, I will provide receipts for all the parts that I have added and will even include all the remaining stock OEM parts. Registration has also recently been renewed and is good until 4/2020. The Genesis has been garage-kept 90% of the time of my ownership. I had also just changed the oil and it is good till 50,000 miles. I am asking for $19,999 for the Genesis. I'm not interested in trades or doing payments. I will only accept cash or a cashier’s check from a certified bank.
Modification List: *************** -KS-Style Front Lip (Urethane) -Genesis Couple Emblems All Around (Front, Rear, Wheel Caps, Steering Wheel) -Front Bumper Facia Painted Casablanca Pearl White -DEWHEL JDM Folding Screw on Racing T2 Red Tow Hook -Revline QUIK-LATCH (Quick Release) BLACK ANODIZED -Diode Dynamics Low Beam HID Conversion Kit -Diode Dynamics Interior LED Conversion Kit -Diode Dynamics License Plate LED Lights & Backup LED Lights -K&N Typhoon Cold Air Intake -3point8 Performance Engine Leash -EBC Redstuff Front Brake Pads -StopTech High Performance Racing Brake/Clutch Fluid -Stoptech Slotted Front Rotors -Stoptech Stainless Steel Front Brake Lines -SRP Racing Aluminum Pedals -ATQ Short Throw Shifter + ROUND SHIFTER BUSHINGS + REAR SHIFTER BUSHING -ATQ Italian Leather Shift Boot -Raceseng Rondure Gloss Shift Knob (With signature CNC machined shift gate engravin) -Megan Racing Transmission Mount -Megan Racing Street Series Coilovers (Front Fenders rolled on both sides) -Whiteline Front (30MM) and Rear (27MM) Adjustable Sway Bars w/Endlinks -ENTHUSPEC PERFORMANCE RIGID SUBFRAME COLLAR KIT -Garageline Spacers 15MM Front / 20MM Rear -ARK GRiP Exhaust w/Burnt Tips & ARK Downpipes and Testpipes -REDLINE MT-85 SYNTHETIC MANUAL TRANSMISSION OIL FLUID -REDLINE FULL SYNTHETIC 75W90 HIGH PREFORMANCE DIFFERENTIAL GEAR OIL FLUID
submitted by mikenah23 to u/mikenah23 [link] [comments]

/r/Bonnaroo Wishlist - Part III - Artist Placement

I have broken down each artist by slot available. Next to the slot title, you'll see noted the number of artists available in that slot (ex: x3 = 3 slots).
Keep in mind that we will vote on each genre and then all remaining artists will be entered into the Catch-All poll for that tier of artist.
Ex: We will vote first on Sunday Night Headliner, Then Rock, Then all Headliner-worthy artists not already selected will be re-entered into the catch-all poll. In other words, genre-specific artists have two shots to be selected.
The purpose of the thread is to make sure every artist is in the right category. I only have listened to ~50% of the artists on the list, so please don't take it personally if they are lowehigher than they should be. Make a recommendation and I'll gladly move it if others agree.
Final Note: Subheadliners only have 6 collective slots.... and currently 56 artists. My guess is some should move down to middle-tier...
Sunday Night Headliners (x1)
Rock Headliner (x1)
Catch-All Headliners (x2)
Pop/Rock Subheadliners (x3)
Hip-Hop Subheadliners (x1)
Catch-All Subheadliners (x2)
** EDM Subheadliners (x2) **
Middle-Tier AND Late Night Acts
EDM/Electronic (x6 - best 2 go to Late Night)
Hip-Hop (x5 - best 1 goes to Late Night)
Hard-Rock (x2 - best goes to Late Night)
Legacy/Throwback (x2, best 1 goes to Late-Night)
Ska/Punk (x1)
Singer-Songwriter (x4)
Folk/Bluegrass (x2)
Pop/Rock (x15)
Catch-All (x10, best 2 go to late night)
Comedy Headliners (x2)
Comedians (x12)
Catch-All Only (x39)
submitted by Heroic_Stevorino to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

Armored Core 1 Guide: Armor and Internal Part Statistics and Secrets (Minor Spoilers for the Secrets)

Hey everyone. Time to start the third part of my guide. I intend on making this four parts as the next part will cover missions, but I can't guarantee I'll fit all missions into one self post. For now, let's cover Armor and Hidden Parts.
Current Parts of the Guide:
  1. Armored Core 1 Guide: The Basics (NO SPOILERS)
  2. Armored Core 1 Guide: Advanced Movement and Weapon Statistics (NO SPOILERS)

Head Parts

With all of this being said, I'm only going to make minor notes when possible. I'm going to avoid giving too many recommendations because any armor piece can fit well in a build. As for inner pieces, like FCS, Generators, and Boosters, I'll give some recommendations for those.
Name: HD-01-SRVT
Type: Head Unit
Price: 26500 (You start with this)
Weight: 122
Energy Drain: 350
Armor Point: 816
Shell Defense: 154
Energy Defense: 149
Computer Type: Detailed
Map Type: Area Memory
Noise Canceller: None
Bio Sensor: Provided
Radar Function: None
Flavor Text: Head unit with built-in bio sensor.
Name: HD-2002
Type: Head Unit
Price: 29000
Weight: 156
Energy Drain: 457
Armor Points: 787
Shell Defense: 140
Energy Defense: 154
Computer Type: Standard
Map Type: Area Memory
Noise Canceller: None
Bio Sensor: None
Radar Function: Provided
Radar Range: 6000
Radar Type: Standard
Flavor Text: Head unit equipped with radar function.
Type: Head Unit
Price: 41100
Weight: 146
Energy Drain: 538
Armor Points: 840
Shell Defense: 148
Energy Defense: 151
Computer Type: Detailed
Map Type: Area and Place Name
Noise Canceller: None
Bio Sensor: None
Radar Function: Provided
Radar Range: 5980
Radar Type: Standard
Flavor Text: Equipped with radar and an enhanced auto-map function.
Name: HD-D-9066
Type: Head Unit
Price: 43200
Weight: 138
Energy Drain: 657
Armor Point: 885
Shell Defense: 165
Energy Defense: 232
Computer Type: Standard
Map Type: Area Memory
Noise Canceller: None
Bio Sensor: Provided
Radar Function: Provided
Radar Range: 6120
Radar Type: Standard
Flavor Text: Full range of options and good EG shields.
Type: Head Unit
Price: 14700
Weight: 232
Energy Drain: 218
Armor Points: 1004
Shell Defense: 194
Energy Defense: 134
Computer Type: Rough
Map Type: No Memory
Noise Canceller: None
Bio Sensor: None
Radar Function None
Flavor Text: Economy unit with good shields but no optional equipment.
Name: HD-06-RADAR
Type: Head Unit
Price: 51800
Weight: 145
Energy Drain: 875
Armor Points: 741
Shell Defense: 109
Energy Defense: 194
Computer Type: Standard
Map Type: Area and Place Name
Noise Canceller: Provided
Bio Sensor: None
Radar Function: Provided
Radar Range: 8120
Radar Type: Standard
Flavor Text: Equipped with wide-area radar and various options.
Name: HD-ONE
Type: Head Unit
Price: 68100
Weight: 161
Energy Drain: 304
Armor Points: 800
Shell Defense: 132
Energy Defense: 129
Computer Type: Detailed
Map Type: Area Memory
Noise Canceller: Provided
Bio Sensor: Provided
Radar Function: Provided
Radar Range: 7980
Radar Type: Standard
Flavor Text: Fully equipped with wide-area radar and all options.
Note: This is the only head with all features.
Name: HD-08-DISH
Type: Head Unit
Price: 33200
Weight: 133
Energy Drain: 716
Armor Points: 870
Shell Defense: 205
Energy Defense: 162
Computer Type: Standard
Map Type: Area and Place Name
Noise Canceller: None
Bio Sensor: None
Radar Function: None
Flavor Text: Equipped with an enhanced auto-map function.
Type: Head Unit
Price: 22500
Weight: 185
Energy Drain: 185
Armor Points: 985
Shell Defense: 221
Energy Defense: 149
Computer Type: Rough
Map Type: No Memory
Noise Canceller: None
Bio Sensor: None
Radar Function: Provided
Radar Range: 6300
Radar Type: Standard
Flavor Text: Equipped with radar functions and enhanced shock protection.

Core Units

There are only three cores. Why? I don't know. But you can only pick between these three.
Name: XCA-00
Type: Core Unit
Price: 61500 (You start with this)
Weight: 1103
Energy Drain: 1046
Armor Points: 2710
Shell Defense: 530
Energy Defense: 505
Max Weight: 2770
Anti-Missile Response: 48
Anti-Missile Angle: 48
Extension (Option) Slots: 8
Flavor Text: Standard core unit with average performance overall.
Name: XCL-01
Type: Core Unit
Price: 88000
Weight: 885
Energy Drain: 1380
Armor Points: 2380
Shell Defense: 492
Energy Defense: 610
Max Weight: 2450
Anti-Missile Response: 48
Anti-Missile Angle: 64
Extension (Option) Slots: 16
Flavor Text: Electronic warfare core with many slots for special equipment.
Name: XCH-01
Type: Core Unit
Price: 72000
Weight: 1384
Energy Drain: 873
Armor Points: 3015
Shell Defense: 615
Energy Defense: 543
Max Weight: 3600
Anti-Missile Response: 48
Anti-Missile Angle: 32
Extension (Option) Slots: 12
Flavor Text: Heavyweight core with an excellent shoulder load and heavy armor.

Arm Parts (not including Weapon Arms)

Name: AN-101
Type: Arm Unit
Price: 19000 (You start out with this)
Weight: 1228
Energy Drain: 1006
Armor Points: 1670
Shell Defense: 384
Energy Defense: 374
Flavor Text: Normal arm units with average performance.
Name: AN-201
Type: Arm Unit
Price: 15300
Weight: 1054
Armor Points: 1635
Shell Defense: 352
Energy Defense: 334
Flavor Text: Low energy consumption version of the AN-101.
Name: AN-K1
Type: Arm Unit
Price: 49000
Weight: 905
Energy Drain: 930
Armor Points: 1790
Shell Defense: 339
Energy Defense: 402
Flavor Text: Reduced-weight arm units with full AP and shields.
Name: AN-D-7001
Type: Arm Unit
Price: 23000
Weight: 1445
Energy Drain: 1512
Armor Points: 1743
Shell Defense: 306
Energy Defense: 453
Flavor Text: Average arm units with enhanced performance.
Name: AN-3001
Type: Arm Unit
Price: 39500
Weight: 1612
Energy Drain: 1258
Armor Points: 1935
Shell Defense: 487
Energy Defense: 353
Flavor Text: Middleweight arms with maximum energy shielding.
Name: ANKS-1A46J
Type: Arm Unit
Price: 42100
Weight: 2120
Energy Drain: 1415
Armor Points: 1990
Shell Defense: 679
Energy Defense: 496
Flavor Text: Offers the maximum AP but interferes with some parts.
Note: Don't use this part. It severely limits what you can equip.
Name: AN-853-B
Type: Arm Unit
Price: 34000
Weight: 1726
Energy Drain: 1394
Armor Points: 1880
Shell Defense: 517
Energy Defense: 406
Flavor Text: Weight is increased for added durability.
Name: AN-25
Type: Arm Unit
Price: 28400
Weight: 853
Energy Drain: 682
Armor Points: 1826
Shell Defense: 344
Energy Defense: 284
Flavor Text: Lightweight arm units with better performance.

Leg Parts

Name: LN-1001
Type: Humanoid Legs (Middleweight)
Price: 28500 (You start with these)
Weight: 1956 (Weight is a useless stat for legs; pay attention to Max Weight)
Energy Drain: 1725
Armor Points: 3235
Shell Defense: 556
Energy Defense: 531
Max Weight: 4470
Speed: 277 (how fast you go without boosting)
Stability: 1018 (knock-back when hit)
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Balanced, standard humanoid legs.
Name: LN-3001
Type: Humanoid Legs (Heavyweight)
Price: 52200
Weight: 3137
Energy Drain: 2206
Armor Points: 3703
Shell Defense: 870
Energy Defense: 594
Max Weight: 6600
Speed: 153
Stability: 2518
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Heavily armored humanoid with a high load capacity. Poor speed.
Name: LN-1001-PX-0
Type: Humanoid Legs (Middleweight)
Price: 25000
Weight: 1892
Energy Drain: 1844
Armor Points: 3035
Shell Defense: 528
Energy Defense: 508
Max Weight: 4100
Speed: 280
Stability: 904
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Balanced humanoid legs for combat on all terrain.
Name: LN-501
Type: Humanoid Legs (Lightweight)
Price: 71800
Weight: 1675
Energy Drain: 2910
Armor Points: 2947
Shell Defense: 508
Energy Defense: 535
Max Weight: 3990
Speed: 451
Stability: 854
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Has the shield performance and load capacity of a middleweight.
Type: Humanoid Legs (Heavyweight)
Price: 32400
Weight: 2750
Energy Drain: 2013
Armor Points: 3606
Shell Defense: 805
Energy Defense: 532
Max Weight: 5400
Speed: 148
Stability: 2150
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Lightest of the heavily armored humanoid legs.
Name: LN-1001B
Type: Humanoid Legs (Middleweight)
Price: 45200
Weight: 2305
Energy Drain: 1889
Armor Points: 3383
Shell Defense: 585
Energy Defense: 543
Max Weight: 4630
Speed: 272
Stability: 1320
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Enhanced variation of the LN-1001.
Name: LN-3001C
Type: Humanoid Legs (Heavyweight)
Price: 64100
Weight: 3528
Energy Drain: 2418
Armor Points: 3977
Shell Defense: 889
Energy Defense: 602
Max Weight: 7100
Speed: 151
Stability: 2977
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Best AP and shields among the humanoid legs.
Name: LN-502
Type: Humanoid Legs (Lightweight, don't let the flavor text fool you)
Price: 35800
Weight: 1790
Energy Drain: 2466
Armor Points: 3343
Shell Defense: 538
Energy Defense: 592
Max Weight: 3800
Speed: 275
Stability: 843
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: This middleweight has reduced weight without sacrificing performance.
Name: LN-D-8000R
Type: Humanoid Legs (Middleweight)
Price: 49000
Weight: 2426
Energy Drain: 2350
Armor Points: 3532
Shell Defense: 510
Energy Defense: 656
Max Weight: 4720
Speed: 269
Stability: 1200
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Humanoid legs with special anti-energy weapon armor.
Name: LNKS-1B46J
Type: Humanoid Legs (Heavyweight)
Price: 48000
Weight: 3065
Energy Drain: 2304
Armor Points: 3788
Shell Defense: 822
Energy Defense: 618
Max Weight: 6100
Speed: 146
Stability: 3802
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Shock absorbing structure reduces recoil from shell hits.
Name: LB-4400
Type: Reverse Joint (Middleweight)
Price: 17300
Weight: 2520
Energy Drain: 1400
Armor Points: 3560
Shell Defense: 617
Energy Defense: 451
Max Weight: 4020
Speed: 294
Stability: 2084
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Standard reverse joint type. Good maneuverability and inexpensive.
Name: LB-4401
Type: Reverse Joint (Middleweight)
Price: 31800
Weight: 2910
Energy Drain: 1456
Armor Points: 3810
Shell Defense: 672
Energy Defense: 468
Max Weight: 4510
Speed: 287
Stability: 2713
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Best overall performance of the reverse joint types.
Name: LB-4303
Type: Reverse Joint (Middleweight)
Price: 24000
Weight: 2647
Energy Drain: 1585
Armor Points: 3575
Shell Defense: 643
Energy Defense: 488
Max Weight: 4180
Speed: 291
Stability: 2505
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Increased ground contact area for enhanced shock absorbing capacity.
Name: LB-1000-P
Type: Reverse Joint (Lightweight)
Price: 20500
Weight: 2095
Energy Drain: 1228
Armor Points: 3514
Shell Defense: 609
Energy Defense: 444
Max Weight: 3775
Speed: 286
Stability: 2310
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Phenomenal maneuverability but low load carrying capacity.
Name: LBKS-2B45A
Type: Reverse Joint (Lightweight)
Price: 27000
Weight: 2480
Energy Drain: 1703
Armor Points: 3731
Shell Defense: 584
Energy Defense: 515
Max Weight: 3990
Speed: 299
Stability: 1985
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Deluxe type with enhanced shielding against energy weapons.
Name: LF-205-SF
Type: Four Legs Type (Lightweight)
Price: 42600
Weight: 2137
Energy Drain: 2810
Armor Points: 2841
Shell Defense: 446
Energy Defense: 654
Max Weight: 3450
Speed: 483
Stability: 580
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Standard four-leg type. Top-class maneuverability.
Name: LFH-X3
Type: Four Legs Type (Lightweight)
Price: 56000
Weight: 2400
Energy Drain: 2988
Armor Points: 3100
Shell Defense: 468
Energy Defense: 610
Max Weight: 3810
Speed: 421
Stability: 710
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Energy gage (nice typo) recovers quickly when halted.
Name: LF-DEX-1
Type: Four Legs Type (Middleweight)
Price: 69000
Weight: 2650
Energy Drain: 4016
Armor Points: 3179
Shell Defense: 557
Energy Defense: 553
Max Weight: 4450
Speed: 360
Stability: 820
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Increased load carrying capacity requires vast amounts of power.
Name: LFH-X5X
Type: Four Legs Type (Middleweight)
Price: 82000
Weight: 2880
Energy Drain: 3584
Armor Points: 3328
Shell Defense: 497
Energy Defense: 700
Max Weight: 5000
Speed: 442
Stability: 1110
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: New four-leg type pushes the specs to the limit.
Name: LC-MOS18
Type: Caterpillar (Heavyweight)
Price: 16000
Weight: 4182
Energy Drain: 978
Armor Points: 3928
Shell Defense: 858
Energy Defense: 572
Max Weight: 8000
Speed: 105
Stability: 4245
Jump Function: None
Flavor Text: Maximum load carrying capacity but poor speed and weight.
Name: LC-UKI60
Type: Caterpillar (Heavyweight)
Price: 35500
Weight: 3860
Energy Drain: 1104
Armor Points: 3822
Shell Defense: 812
Energy Defense: 589
Max Weight: 6950
Speed: 138
Stability: 3710
Jump Function: None
Flavor Text: Economy wheeled truck type with finely adjusted performance.
Type: Caterpillar (Lightweight)
Price: 38500
Weight: 2915
Energy Drain: 2877
Armor Points: 3688
Shell Defense: 728
Energy Defense: 694
Max Weight: 4130
Speed: 250
Stability: 630
Jump Function: None
Flavor Text: Has performance near that of a four-legged type.
Name: LC-MOS4545
Type: Caterpiullar (Heavyweight)
Price: 59000
Weight: 3610
Energy Drain: 2609
Armor Points: 3990
Shell Defense: 905
Energy Defense: 753
Max Weight: 7400
Speed: 211
Stability: 5101
Jump Function: None
Flavor Text: A dreadfully durable monster machine.


Type: Pulse Generator
Price: 19500 (You start with this)
Weight: 308
Energy Output: 4728
Maximum Charge: 28000
Redzone Charge: 7800
Flavor Text: Low in both power and capacity. Wide red zone.
Name: GPS-V6
Type: Pulse Generator
Price: 32000
Weight: 363
Energy Output: 4728
Maximum Charge: 43000
Redzone Charge: 5000
Flavor Text: Load increased to nearly twice that of the GPS-VVA.
Name: GRD-RX5
Type: Pulse Generator
Price: 23300
Weight: 225
Energy Output: 5300
Maximum Charge: 38000
Redzone Charge: 4000
Flavor Text: Balanced-performance generator.
Name: GRD-RX6
Type: Pulse Generator
Price: 27800
Weight: 286
Energy Output: 6000
Maximum Charge: 33000
Redzone Charge: 4000
Flavor Text: Performance not bad, but the equipment is so-so.
Name: GRD-RX7
Type: Pulse Generator
Price: 38700
Weight: 348
Energy Output: 6810
Maximum Charge: 31500
Redzone Charge: 5000
Flavor Text: Very good power but poor stamina.
Name: GBG-10000
Type: Pulse Generator
Price: 43500
Weight: 398
Energy Output: 9988
Maximum Charge: 34000
Redzone Charge: 2980
Flavor Text: High power provides a wide selection of equipment.

FCS (Fire Control Systems)

Type: FCS
Price: 11100 (You start with this)
Weight: 14
Energy Drain: 24
Maximum Lock: 4
Lock Type: Standard
Flavor Text: Maximum of 4 lock-ons, average performance.
Type: FCS
Price: 22500
Weight: 14
Energy Drain: 24
Maximum Lock: 4
Lock Type: Standard
Flavor Text: Maximum of 4 lock-ons, fast lock-on.
Type: FCS
Price: 16400
Weight: 14
Energy Drain: 24
Maximum Lock: 6
Lock Type: Standard
Flavor Text: Maximum of 6 lock-ons, long-distance lock-on.
Name: QX-21
Type: FCS
Price: 20300
Weight: 8
Energy Drain: 12
Maximum Lock: 1
Lock Type: Wide and Shallow
Flavor Text: Maximum of 1 lock-on, short lock over a wide area.
Type: FCS
Price: 48100
Weight: 10
Energy Drain: 19
Maximum Lock: 3
Lock Type: Tall (Lengthway)
Flavor Text: Maximum of 3 lock-ons, vertical sight.
Type: FCS
Price: 63000
Weight: 18
Energy Drain: 38
Maximum Lock: 6
Lock Type: Wide (Horizontal)
Flavor Text: Maximum of 6 lock-ons, horizontal sight.
Note: I recommend this FCS.
Name: WX-9009
Type: FCS
Price: 96000
Weight: 24
Energy Drain: 55
Maximum Lock: 6
Lock Type: Narrow and Deep
Flavor Text: Maximum of 6 lock-ons, longest lock distance.


Name: B-P320
Type: Boost Unit
Price: 10800 (You start with this)
Weight: 208
Energy Drain: 28
Boost Power: 9800
Charge Drain: 4360
Flavor Text: Low priced but seems a bit underpowered.
Name: B-P350
Type: Boost Unit
Price: 13700
Weight: 162
Enegy Drain: 33
Boost Power: 12800
Charge Drain: 4410
Flavor Text: Economy type with high power but high energy consumption.
Name: B-T2
Type: Boost Unit
Price: 31500
Weight: 235
Energy Drain: 38
Boost Power: 14800
Charge Drain: 3850
Flavor Text: Power itself is low but offers the highest efficiency.
Note: I recommend this booster.
Name: B-P351
Type: Boost Unit
Price: 25500
Weight: 288
Energy Drain: 41
Boost Power: 21000
Charge Drain: 6980
Flavor Text: High-performance model with both high power and energy consumption.
Name: B-VR-33
Type: Boost Unit
Price: 48500
Weight: 255
Energy Drain: 35
Boost Power: 19000
Charge Drain: 5070


Armored Core as a series isn't without it's secrets. I'm going to highlight two things in this post, Human Plus and Hidden Parts.
Human Plus
Human Plus is an easter egg which involves you getting -50000 in debt. As you might know, you can go below 0 credits, and after failing so many missions you can lose a lot of credits. As you reach -50000 in debt, after a mission you will enter a cutscene showing experiments on your body ingame and afterwards your game restarts from scratch (unless you overwrite the save, it's still intact) and you are called a Rebel. Your credits are also set to 0.
This serves as a punishment for being reckless with your credits, but also unlocks hidden abilities in case you were having trouble with some missions. However, some people just like to use Human Plus to feel more powerful, which is perfectly fine.
One of the more strange things about Human Plus is that the cutscene can show more than once. In fact, it shows each time you get -50000 credits in debt. But you should only do it 6 times if you want the abilites. In this order, you'll unlock abilities each time you get -50000 credits in debt.
  1. A special radar that is unlike any other radar. This is a grid-radar and doesn't require a head with a radar or a back-mounted radar. Those radars cannot override this radar either.
  2. A blade wave. When you press X immediately after using your laser blade, you'll send out a laser blade wave which can hit enemies at distance. The blade wave does less damage than the blade itself, however. It also consumes double the energy (one drain for the blade, another for the wave) to fire an energy wave. It can still be handy at times.
  3. Nothing. You get nothing in the 3rd H+ run. Not sure why.
  4. You can now fire back mounted cannons in Bipedal and Reverse Jointed legs without having to kneel. Unfortunately, Quad legs cannot fire in air even with this due to a bug. That bug was fixed in either Project Phantasma or Armored Core 2, I'm not exactly sure which game it was. Regardless, this is an extremely powerful ability which should not be taken lightly.
  5. ...also nothing. You get nothing again for the 5th H+ run. Still not sure why.
  6. All energy consumption, be it by weapons, laser blades, or by boosters is halved. This makes for ACs that can fly indefinitely and for much more spammable energy attacks. With a high output generator and some Optional Parts, you'll never run out of energy unless you actually try to.
Note: You can do more than six Human Plus runs, but they won't give you anything more. Don't waste your time.
Overweight ACs
There are claims on the internet that Human Plus can allow you to go on missions with an Overweight AC. This claim is FALSE. Human Plus does not grant you the ability to do missions while Overweight.
You can do missions while Overweight if you complete every mission, and it doesn't require Human Plus.
Hidden Parts
Note: These parts are in no particular order.
Name: HD-X1487
Type: Head Unit
Price: 19000
Weight: 166
Energy Drain: 420
Armor Points: 975
Shell Defense: 160
Energy Defense: 185
Computer Type: Rough
Map Type: No Memory
Noise Canceller: Provided
Bio Sensor: Provided
Radar Function: None
This part is pretty bad, but for some reason they chose this part to hide in a mission. Anyways, it's in one of the crates in the middle of the map on Guard Freight Train. Bring a rapid fire weapon and look towards the south end of the crates. You should find the head part relatively quickly, but be quick as you could fail the mission if you don't protect the freight train.
Type: Humanoid Legs (Lightweight)
Price: 44000
Weight: 1528
Energy Drain: 2338
Armor Points: 2795
Shell Defense: 482
Energy Defense: 507
Max Weight: 3560
Speed: 445
Stability: 596
Jump Function: Provided
Flavor Text: Light, fast humanoid legs with low load capacity and AP.
Yet another bad part. It's too bad From Soft chose some mediocre parts to give you. It's load capacity is so low that you'll realistically never get the chance to use these unless you're intentionally going in missions Overweight.
This part is offered as a reward for completing Remove Gun Emplacement.
Name: CBG-XR
Type: Pulse Generator
Price: 56000
Weight: 452
Energy Output: 8207
Maximum Charge: 48000
Redzone Charge: 3250
Flavor Text: Custom-made unit having both power and capacity.
I like this Generator and recommend you use it if you get this. This same Generator was mentioned and teased in Destroy Plus Escapee's mission briefing. In that mission, below the starting point there is a destroyed part of the building. The generator should be sitting on the beam, near where it was destroyed.
Name: QX-AF
Type: FCS
Price: 35700
Weight: 10
Energy Drain: 16
Maximum Lock: 2
Lock Type: Wide and Shallow.
Flavor Text: Maximum of 2 lock-ons, short lock.
This is a fine FCS, but I still tend to prefer the horizontal FCS over this one. Anyways, there should be a mission called Exterminate Organisms. In that mission, you're tasked with finding the queen of some Bio Weapons. Once you find the Queen, boost behind her and a bit to the left, there should be the FCS sitting on the ground. Nab it quick before the Queen attacks you.
Name: B-T001
Type: Boost Unit
Price: 34000
Weight: 149
Energy Drain: 30
Boost Power: 17300
Charge Drain: 4600
Flavor Text: Achieves both enhanced power and low weight at the same time.
This is a fine booster. It's lightweight, and definitely a good one if you really need the weight. It's efficiency is rather poor but it can still get the job done.
This booster is found in a crate in Guard Factory Entrance. When the mission starts, search the northeast corner of the map, in the out of bounds zone. If there's a box, shoot it and grab the part. If you can't find the part, try searching in the northwest corner. It's definitely at one of those two corners, and you shouldn't have much trouble finding it. Just do it fast so you don't fail the mission.
Name: WM-S60/4
Type: Small Missile
Price: 28800
Weight: 520
Energy Drain: 349
Radar Function: None
Weapon Lock: Standard
Attack Power: 830
Number of Ammo: 60
Ammo Type: Solid
Ammo Price: 130
Range: 9000
Maximum Lock: 4
Reload Time: 10
Flavor Text: Fires up to 4 small missiles at once.
Basically an inferior version of the WM-S60/6 as that can fire up to 6 small missiles at once compared to the 4 this can fire. If you manage to get a hold of it, it can still be good at times. It's at least got 60 missiles.
In Secret Factory Recon, go to the southwest corner of the map, right on the red line, and there should also be a box waiting to be destroyed. Destroy the box, be careful not to go out of bounds, and grab the part before finishing the mission.
Name: WR-L24
Type: Large Rocket
Price: 29460
Weight: 805
Energy Drain: 18
Radar Function: None
Weapon Lock: None
Attack Power: 3980
Number of Ammo: 24
Ammo Type: Solid
Ammo Price: 417
Range: 17700
Maximum Lock: 0
Reload Time: 16
Flavor Text: This rocket has the greatest firepower of any single weapon.
These rockets do insanely high amount of damage and have a fair amount of ammo to boot. The rockets themselves can cost quite a bit due to their high ammo price, though.
In Eliminate Strikers, when the mission starts, turn around and jump the concrete walls. You'll see the part lying there. Easiest part to get in the game.
Name: RZT-333
Type: Radar
Price: 27700
Weight: 343
Energy Drain: 451
Radar Function: Provided
Radar Range: 11700
Radar Type: Octagon
Flavor Text: Combines both missile detection and wide-range search capability.
This radar is the best radar of them all, even if the range is a bit small compared to the higher end ones. One interesting thing to note is that this is the only radar with an Octagon shape. I still recommend a head radar, though.
In Guard Wharf Warehouse, you're tasked with protecting a new AC part. That part is this radar. Just because you're tasked with protecting it doesn't mean you have to. You can, you know, steal it. Just shoot down the warehouse door and grab the part, but you'll fail the mission. It's needed to get 100%, though.
Name: WX-S800-GF
Type: Dual Missile
Price: 90900
Weight: 1110
Energy Drain: 656
Radar Function: None
Weapon Lock: Standard
Attack Power: 1120
Number of Ammo: 60
Ammo Type: Solid
Ammo Price: 515
Range: 11000
Maximum Lock: 1
Reload Time: 10
Flavor Text: Fires 6 missiles with one lock on.
This, like the dual multi-missile launcher, has astronomical DPS, and this tends to be slightly more reliable than that as well in trde for lower DPS. This just has an issue with ammo price, though. Nonetheless it's great for taking down high AP enemies.
In Retake Air Cleaner, you will start in a ventilation shaft and need to go forward. Eventually you'll reach grates that you need to destroy. Destroy the grates and you'll reach a main room with grates all over the place. Look up and destroy the westernmost grate on the ceiling, and fly up into it. You'll need to destroy another grate but you'll find the part in the shaft.
Name: WG-FG99
Type: Flamethrower
Price: 58300
Weight: 352
Energy Drain: 9
Weapon Lock: None
Attack Power: 512
Number of Ammo: 500
Ammo Type: Solid
Range: 900
Maximum Lock: 1
Reload Time: 1
Flavor Text: Close-in combat gun shows off its true worth in hand-to-hand combat.
I know what you're thinking. If you're new to Armored Core, you're looking at this weapon like some sort of holy grail. After all, it has batshit insane DPS that dwarves every other weapon in the game. Well, unfortunately, this weapon is niche, and it's hardly considered good for most veterans. Low range, no lock on, and pricey ammo leave it a niche option at best, especially when DPS isn't important in Armored Core 1 where battles against other Ravens aren't common, let alone close quarters.
With that being said, the weapon is in the mission Destroy Intruders. When you start the mission, look to your left and just under the bridge you're on you should see a small cavity in the wall. There should be a box in that cavity. Destroy the box to claim your flamethrower.
Type: Laser Rifle
Price: 75000
Weight: 1000
Energy Drain: 422
Weapon Lock: Special
Attack Power: 1550
Number of Ammo: 50
Ammo Type: Energy
Ammo Price: 0
Range: 10000
Maximum Lock: 1
Reload Time: 8
Flavor Text: Energy weapon. Powerful but heavy.
This gun is one of three of the series' namesake weapons. This weapon or a reincarnation of it appears in every single game of the franchise. The Karasawa is an extremely high damage laser rifle that has a low reload time, and these traits let it one hit kill most enemies while obliterating high health enemies. It's truly an incredible weapon, but it's drawbacks are it's rather average ammo storage and it's weight. Don't let this fool you; this is easily one of the most powerful weapons in the game and the franchise.
Anyways, in the mission Attack Fuel Depot, you start in a wide and open area. Go down the long hallway (north), until you reach a door. Open the door, and continue down the hallway until you see a wall. If you look up, you'll see a slightly enclosed self of fuel tanks. Boost up to that shelf and destroy the fuel tanks. In the northwest corner of that shelf should lie the Karasawa. Grab it and finish the mission.
Type: Laserblade
Price: 54000
Weight: 336
Energy Drain: 93
Charge Drain: 810
Attack Power: 2801
Flavor Text: Blade weapon with more than twice the power of converntional blades.
This is another flagship weapon of the series. The Moonlight manages to have more damage than any other blade with a fraction of the charge drain. It's downside is also the weight but it's easily the best blade available.
Unfortunately, getting it is rather convoluted. You need to get it on the mission Kill "Struggle" Leader. First, you need to head down the circular hole when you begin the mission. Head forward slowly until you see fireballs from the left. Go left towards the wall launching fireballs at you, careful to avoid them when possible. Then, the first right you can take, take it. You should fall through the floor. Head forward down the path (there are no split pathways, don't worry) until you see another fireball launcher again. This time, go down the shaft until you fall through the floor again. You will now fall down the longest shaft in the entirety of the series, and it will take 5-10 minutes to climb back up, but the Moonlight is on a pedestal at the very bottom. It's worth the climb. To finish the mission, just head back up and go forward (away from the fireball launcher; in the direction it's shooting the fireballs) and you'll eventually find another circular hole you can jump into. There is the Struggle leader and you can kill him there and finish the mission. Annoying, but that's how you get the part and beat the mission...
Name: SP-SAP
Type: Absorber Option (Optional Part)
Price: 31800
Slot Spend: 1
Flavor Text: Reduces the recoil of cannon fire.
Not really a good optional part, but you can get it by completing the mission Prototype MT Test. This is the second test that you'll do. Pretty lame reward but whatever.
Name: SP-AXL
Type: FCS Accelerator
Price: 24000
Slot Spend: 2
Flavor Text: Shortens the lock-on time.
This FCS is pretty good, although I'm not sure if it's limited to missile locks or if it shortens the lock on time for every weapon. Nonetheless it's a reward for completing the mission Stop Gang, "Dark Soul". Not too difficult to obtain.
Alright then, that wraps everything up for today. Tomorrow I'll do the missions and wrap up AC: 1. What do you guys think of this?
submitted by X-the-Komujin to armoredcore [link] [comments]

MAME 0.187

MAME 0.187

And now for something completely different: our midyear MAME release. The most notable new working machines are beloved Game & Watch titles Donkey Kong Jr. (new wide screen) and Mario Bros., and the ultra-rare Kaneko prototype Jump Kun (thanks ShouTime). There are also some newly supported clones of existing systems, like additional versions of DECO Cassette games (including the more Puck-Man-like Japanese version of Lock’n’Chase), Spanish bootlegs of Rally X and Scramble, a Korean release of Macross II with Japanese text removed (to meet “cultural import” restrictions), and a simplified version of Operation Thunderbolt for smaller cabinets in shopping centres aimed at younger children.
Another very exciting development in this release is support for running original protection programs for a number of games using MC68705P5 microcontrollers. A technique to exploit glitches and read the programs out of a protected MC68705P5 with reasonable success rate was discovered, and brizzo built a device implementing it. Games now using real protection programs include Get Star, Chack’n Pop, Rumba Lumber, Onna Sanshirou (Typhoon Gal), Field Day, Prebillian and others. Some of these games were known to be using poor simulation, so improvements to gameplay can be expected.
Other improvements include support for a MIDI output card on the Sharp X68000 (allows game sountracks to be played through an external synthesiser), English BIOS support for the Sega VMU, fixes for several xBR shaders with bgfx, working Dragon 64 Plus and Goupil G1/G2 support, Tandy CoCo Speech/Sound Cartridge support, and a big update to the Interpro driver.
Of course there’s more, which you can experience when you get the source/Windows binaries from the download page. Thanks for being part of the MAME community.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

New NOT_WORKING softwre list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to MAME [link] [comments]

Changelog for July 29, 2017

With the team at Remedy really cracking down on Mal'ganis 3.3.5, we feel it's only appropriate to share with you guys some of the amazing fixes and updates we've added in the past couple of weeks in order to ensure an absolutely amazing launch. Below are updates and fixes that the team at Remedy has worked hard to accomplish. We hope you enjoy them!

New Features


Loot & Loot Systems




Fixed Features




Dungeons, Raids, & Scenarios

Mount Hyjal (solo)
The Slag Mines
Caverns of Time: Corruption of the Hourglass
The Nexus
Utgarde Keep
Utgarde Pinnacle
The Eye


Storm Peaks
submitted by SignaRemedy to RemedyOfficial [link] [comments]

MAME 0.187

MAME 0.187

And now for something completely different: our midyear MAME release. The most notable new working machines are beloved Game & Watch titles Donkey Kong Jr. (new wide screen) and Mario Bros., and the ultra-rare Kaneko prototype Jump Kun (thanks ShouTime). There are also some newly supported clones of existing systems, like additional versions of DECO Cassette games (including the more Puck-Man-like Japanese version of Lock’n’Chase), Spanish bootlegs of Rally X and Scramble, a Korean release of Macross II with Japanese text removed (to meet “cultural import” restrictions), and a simplified version of Operation Thunderbolt for smaller cabinets in shopping centres aimed at younger children.
Another very exciting development in this release is support for running original protection programs for a number of games using MC68705P5 microcontrollers. A technique to exploit glitches and read the programs out of a protected MC68705P5 with reasonable success rate was discovered, and brizzo built a device implementing it. Games now using real protection programs include Get Star, Chack’n Pop, Rumba Lumber, Onna Sanshirou (Typhoon Gal), Field Day, Prebillian and others. Some of these games were known to be using poor simulation, so improvements to gameplay can be expected.
Other improvements include support for a MIDI output card on the Sharp X68000 (allows game sountracks to be played through an external synthesiser), English BIOS support for the Sega VMU, fixes for several xBR shaders with bgfx, working Dragon 64 Plus and Goupil G1/G2 support, Tandy CoCo Speech/Sound Cartridge support, and a big update to the Interpro driver.
Of course there’s more, which you can experience when you get the source/Windows binaries from the download page. Thanks for being part of the MAME community.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

New NOT_WORKING softwre list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to cade [link] [comments]

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